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My weird reaction to Glutathione


Senior Member
I have CFS/ME for over 20 years, also have EMF sensitivity, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Main symptoms are fatigue, pain, tremors, brain fog, and digestive problems.

The only supplement that seems to give me energy is CoQ10. Other semi-helpful treatments have been doing a sauna occasionally, and taking Alpha Lipoic Acid.

I am now trying Glutathione, and it instantly gives me a warm and relaxing good feeling, but also makes me drowsy for several hours. Later on I start to cough and feel a bit nauseated as well. It takes about 12 hours for the effect to wear off. It definitely doesn't give me the energy boost that I get with CoQ10.

Its hard for me to say if this supplement will help me or not, I've only taken it a few times so far.

What are the signs that this is helping me, and what are the positive effects I should be seeing with this treatment?



Senior Member
Many people don't tolerate taking glutathione directly. Methylation treatment will raise glutathione indirectly. MCS is one sign of low glutathione. I get substantial improvement in MCS when doing methylation supplements.

Glutathione is the major antioxidant and detoxifier in the body, so it's not likely to provide energy directly or right away. If you detoxed out metals, for example, that would help folate and B12 provide methylation, which should help with energy. It could also help improve signalling to the thyroid and adrenals, if you have problems with those, which could also help with energy. But that could take months. If you didn't see a benefit, there could be other aspects blocking energy, such as missing nutrients.

Methylation treatment will provide many other benefits beyond raising glutathione. Gut testing and treatment is part of a good methylation protocol, so that should help with the digestive problems. EMF sensitivity is caused by deterioration of the myelin sheath. Myelin sheath rebuilding is the last step.

That all being said, it sounds like you may be able to tolerate glutathione if you use smaller amounts and possibly space out the doses, so you're not taking it every day. So, in other words, you get the good feeling, but not the bad feeling (detox symptoms?), and you got some improvement in MCS.

Check out the methylation links in my signature, starting with the Methylation Made Easy videos.


Senior Member
Thanks for the response, I have some follow-up questions:

1. How frequently do I need to take the Glutathione in order for it to be effective? If I take it once every few weeks, would that be pointless?

2. How do I know if this is working or not? What are some indications that this is a good therapy that I should stick with?

3. Is there evidence that EMF sensitivity is caused by weakening of the myelin sheath?

4. If you are right about myelin, how does one rebuild the sheath? Lorenzo's Oil?? :)


Senior Member
I'm seeing my doctor today, it might be cool if I had some answers to these questions so I could present them to him.



Senior Member
Thanks for the response, I have some follow-up questions:

1. How frequently do I need to take the Glutathione in order for it to be effective? If I take it once every few weeks, would that be pointless?

2. How do I know if this is working or not? What are some indications that this is a good therapy that I should stick with?

3. Is there evidence that EMF sensitivity is caused by weakening of the myelin sheath?

4. If you are right about myelin, how does one rebuild the sheath? Lorenzo's Oil?? :)

1) I would take the glutathione as often as you could tolerate it. You body naturally produces it every day.

2) Improvement in MCS would probably be the most obvious indicator, at least it is for me. It might take a month or two to build up levels to where you notice it.

3) Yes, I have heard this hypothesis. I believe it was proposed by Rich Van Konynenberg. I haven't heard of any hard research proving or disproving this. But if you think about it terms of electrical wiring (which is basically what nerves are), it totally makes sense.

4) Yasko has info on myelin rebuilding. It's one of the last steps in her protocol. http://www.dramyyasko.com/resources/autism-pathways-to-recovery/chapter-8/


Senior Member
Thanks! I will need to do more research into this, but sounds promising.

I briefly looked at the link you gave me.

She lists glutathione as a way to support nerve growth, but not as a way to support myelination.

She also doesn't list glutathione as a way to support methylation.

Not sure why that is... doesn't really make sense.


Senior Member
Since the supplement list on that website is so complicated, I just sent the following email to Dr. Yasko:

I have had CFS for over 20 years, and also suffer from acute sensitivity to chemicals and EMF as well. My symptoms include extreme tremors, pain, fatigue, frequent urination, insomnia, and brain fog.

Some people have suggested to me that repairing the myelin sheath will help with my condition, especially the EMF sensitivity.

Unfortunately, I cannot handle large and detailed protocols with heavy doses of supplements, my body cannot take it and goes into extreme overload and toxicity.

Therefore, can you suggest to me what would be the basic and minimal supplements I might take to see results in myelin repair?
