(...) From what I can see from my own google research, my SPECT scan fits in with Alzheimer's Disease. This is very worrisome for me since my Dad is in severe stage of this awful disease and they now say that it shows up in the brain decades before it actually shows symptoms. When I mentioned this to Dr. Hyde he did his usual and shrugged it off. I got the impression he didn't really know. The neurologist he sent me to " didn't believe SPECT scans offer anything" since not enough research has been done yet so even if you get abnormal results, no one knows what it means. He didn't even look at my results!
I think it's always "dangerous" to interpret the results of examinations,
by non-professionals, without all the necessary competence,, alone, with the search engines...!
Anyway ...
Dear Gamboa,
(I'm sorry, I do not know English, I write with automatic translators)
I'm not inclined to throw out all the new hypothesis, I'm not a person who demonizes vaccines ...
But I think that this documentary might interest you.
Unfortunately, the link that I give to you, are in French ... But maybe you, living in Canada, you can understand ..
Documentary ART:
Planète Alu
Documentaire de Bert Ehgartner
(I will not say that you can see it on youtube
I do not know if anyone has translated into English. But if you search by the names of the professors interviewed, are sufficient results in English.
Chris Exley
Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry
Honorary Professor, UHI Millennium Institute
Professor Chris Exley talk about the benefits of silicon - 1
Professor Chris Exley talk about the benefits of silicon - 2
Professor Romain Gherardi:
http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/Directory_Professionals.php?lng=EN&data_id=3515&MISSING CONTENT=GHERARDI&search=Directory_Professionals_Simple&title=Pr-Romain-GHERARDI
Conference presse avec Professeur Romain Gherardi:
(...)J'arrive dans un bâtiment du Parlement Européen devant Michèle Rivasi, députée européenne, André Cicolella, président du Réseau Environnement Santé, et quatre chercheurs, dont le professeur Romain Gherardi, Directeur d'une unité de recherche à l'Inserm et chef de service à l'Hôpital Henri Mondor de Créteil.
Tous sont d'accord : les sels d'aluminium sont présents à dose assez importante dans les vaccins, en tant qu'adjuvant. Rejetés en bonne partie par l'organisme, il en reste quand même de nombreuses particules qui circulent dans l'organisme, et s'accumulent dans le cerveau chez certaines personnes.
Les chercheurs (
http://myofasciite.fr/Contenu/Divers/2008_Exley.pdf ) considèrent que cette accumulation pourrait être responsable de plusieurs troubles, notamment la myofasciite à macrophages (
http://myofasciite.fr/ ) une maladie dégénérative provoquant des douleurs articulaires et musculaires et des troubles cognitifs, et le syndrôme de fatigue chronique(...)
Automatic Translate:
Press Conference with Professor Romain Gherardi:
(...) I'll be in a building of the European Parliament in front Michèle Rivasi MEP André Cicolella, president of Environmental Health Network, and four researchers, including Professor Romain Gherardi, director of a research unit at the Inserm and Chief of Service in the Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil.
Everyone agrees: the aluminum salts are present in large enough dose vaccines as an adjuvant. Largely rejected by the body, there's still many particles that circulate in the body and accumulate in the brain in some people.
Researchers (
http://myofasciite.fr/Contenu/Divers/2008_Exley.pdf) consider that this accumulation could be responsible for several disorders, including myofasciitis macrophages (
http://myofasciite.fr/) a degenerative disease causing joint and muscle pain and cognitive disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome (...)
a warm greeting