I had 2 of the series of 3 hepatitis b vaccines in 1994. I ended up in the hospital after the first vaccine, doc said it definitely wasnt from the vaccine, if he would have just called the lab where i had it, or the drug company, smith-kline beecham, or checked the physicians desk reference he would have realized that i was having a bad reaction to the vaccine. my whole left side went numb, lost vision in left eye, slurred speech, i was put in the hospital, they checked for stroke and ms, both negative. I did have a very high anti ana level, vascultis, and guilliane barre syndrome, menstrual cycle stopped. 2nd vaccine, anaphlyaxis, and a host of other problems, doctors in my small town of Lancaster PA, closed ranks because they knew that the first vaccine should have been a malpractice suit, and the 2nd vaccine malpractice with my dr and the nurse who gave me the 2nd shot, since she asked if i had been sick the month since my 1st vaccine, i told her yes, but she gave me the vaccine anyway. Long story short, couldnt find a doctor that would say it was from the vaccine except the doctor whos office i got it at. spent 3 years in bed, had to learn to read, write, speak sentences, etc again, had to have a complete hysterectomy due to the interference of the vaccine with my menstrual cycle, was on prednisone and antibiotics for years, put on 150 lbs, got cushings syndrome from the prednisone and also diabetes. My lawyer finally found doctor hyde through another doctor in boston, in the meantime i had to move to california to live by the ocean and its temperate climate to help my lungs which were greatly affected by the guilliane barre and then the asthma that i got from the vaccine. Doc Hyde was in Australia giving a lecture, when he was flying back to Ottawa, he stopped over in california and came to my house to see me, was there for a few hours, then said i will never be able to work again, had me get a spect scan at UCLA and PET scan at UC Irvine. Had to fly up to Berkeley to be tested by a Neuropsychologist, and my son and i flew to montreal for tests at hotel dieu, then on to ottawa to see dr hyde and another doctor. I found him to be nice at times and other times very impatient, he loved to talk about himself, he was his favorite person. On to court. My lawyer and doctor hyde decided to go for the Vaccine Injury Program started in 1986 by the US government, pushed upon them by the pharmaceutical companies, because they said they wouldnt make anymore vaccines because of lawsuits, so they told the government to set up this supposed unbiased vip (Vaccine Injury Program), to help folks with injuries do to vaccines, that is a bunch of bunk, they were also on the side of the pharmaceutical companies. My lawyer and Dr Hyde could have gone the malpractice route and product liability route, but they knew, unbeknownst to me, that even if we lost the case with the VIP, they would still get paid. So 12 hours of testifying, then listening to Dr Hyde talk about himself, we left Washington DC, i was in tears and had to spend the week in bed, because of being there so long. I get sick all of the time since the vaccine. Turns out I lost the VIP case, but oddly enough a few months later, a check came in the mail from the VIP, for 200,000 made out to me. I called my lawyer and he said that was for him and Dr Hyde, so im disabled for life, the two of them take the guaranteed money road for them, 60.000. US dollars went to Dr Hyde and 140,000. US went to my lawyer, and here i sit on Social Security Disability making less than 1000.00 a month. So fair warning to everyone who thinks that Dr Hyde is a saint, he isnt, he may have started doing research with good intentions, but then turned to the money side of things, at us injured folks cost. Would I recommend him, not on yours or my life! PS sorry about the typing errors, i still have a hard time doing things with the severe brain damage i have from the vaccine. I wish you all that are suffering the best and look for another doctor who isnt in it just for the money!