My very bad and strange experience with B12 cyanocobalamin

In May of this year, I took 4 or 5 capsules of Solgar complex b vitamin 50. My urine was very strong yellow, so I stopped after 4 or 5 capsules, but after stopping:

Month of May:
The whole month of May I felt uncomfortable, I started to panic, I was breathing fast for no reason, I didn't know what was wrong with me. Great weakness and lassitude passed through my whole body. Every day weakness, extreme weakness through the whole body. A complete blood count was fine. There are no signs in the blood that I was weak.
My libido and sensation during sex increased 10 times and more until the moment of premature ejaculation.

The weakness stops, sometimes appearing in the arms and legs.
I get pain in my legs when I wake up.
The sleep is terribly bad, when I wake up it's like I didn't sleep at all. I sleep for 6 hours without waking up, but when I wake up it's as if I didn't even sleep, but just kept my eyes closed. TERRIBLE FEELING!
I'm getting forgetful.

July month:
Last Monday my legs hurt less in the morning when I wake up, but I have nightmares, I can't sleep, when I wake up I'm tired. During the day, I can't take a nap at all.
When I try to take a nap, I feel myself drifting off to sleep, and I start to feel weak and relaxed, but it's like I'm still awake. Its like Im monitor me while I am going to sleep , bud I and between sleep and reallity... i canot it explain... terrible feeling.

I didn't have any of this until I took that vitamin B complex! I didn't have any of these symptoms before I took it! NO ONE!

Now my sleep is still bad and because of the when I wake up it's like I didn't sleep at all. Thats why I have lassitude, forgetfulness, fog in my head, fatigue, increased sexual desire and sexual feeling.

Did the b 12 give me too much energy and now the body is trying to get back to normal? Does anyone know how long this will last?
My sleep is bad, when I wake up I am dead tired even though I sleep for 6 hours without waking up. And I can't take a nap during the day. And I only took 4 or 5 capsules! I thought I was losing my mind, until I found this forum and saw that others were having this experience.
Please, can anyone give me some information, how long will this last, how can I fight this?

Im have bad sleep, and because of that i have memory fog, brain fog, still have increased libido and increased sexual feeling to premature ejaculation, legs still hurt, i cant nap during the day... I have 6 hours of sleep but i wake up tired. Its because b12 cyanoc. I didnt have this before I took this b12 !



Senior Member
Yellow urine from B complex is normal. More precisely, it's due to riboflavin (B2). It's a sign your body is excreting it. The water soluble B vitamins like B2 are quickly excreted if you intake an excess amount, so that's no problem really.

Regarding your symptoms, it's difficult to say what's going on for me, but I'm unsure if B vitamins would alone cause such an array of symptoms. Most of those symptoms like waking up tired is something many of us here with ME/CFS experience every day.

It is true many of us here also experience bad side effects with B vitamins. I experienced quite a big worsening in fatigue from B12 and some other B vitamins made me too hyper, but symptoms went back to baseline a couple of days to a week after I stopped all B vitamins. Most of those were symptoms I already had that were just worsened by B12, so my experience wasn't quite as bad as yours.

One thing I found that helped to reduce some symptoms during B12 supplementation was to take B3 in form of niacinamide. Niacinamide for me works in a bit opposite direction, actually reducing nerve pain and hyperarousal.


Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, @JohnMichels086

Are you sure it's the Vitamin B-12 you are reacting to?

I am asking because high levels of Vitamin B6 can be toxic to the nervous system and it takes the nerves a very long time to heal.

Either way, testing your *fasting* blood levels for Vitamin B12 or B6 might be helpful for diagnostic purposes.


Senior Member
In general terms, B vitamins metabolize quite quickly. I don't doubt your observations, but I am curious as to what happened. Again, these vitamins metabolize within hours, these are water soluble, so they do not stick around as opposed to fat soluble such as Vit A, D, E etc. @Zebra brings up an interesting point about B6 toxicity, perhaps some of that could be due to some genetic dispositions.

My thinking (guess) is that the b vits switched some pathway on and it is stuck on. The other possibility is that the b vitamins were able to give "food" to some pathogen. Any changes in the bowel movements such as color, odor, consistency etc? The reason I ask this is that much CFS issues can be traced back to the gut microbiota.

Did you have CFS before this event, or did the CFS appear following the B vits?

Do you take any other supplements?
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I didnt had any of this symptoms before b vitamins. Im still experience high energy because it. My sleep is bad because b12. BEcause of that sleep this all symptoms appear. My stool is okay.
When my sleep return to normal i know that this all will go away.
I have read so many stories here on forum that someone took just one b12 injection and couldnt sleep for 2 montsh. So it is because b12. There are more stories that b12 cause bad sleep and cant nap.
There are so many studies that says that b12 can cause insomnia.

Im wondering is there anyone how recovered his/her sleep and after how much time?
I definitelly had alergic reaction to this type of B12 !
I saw that in side effect of allergic reaction is disturbance of central nervous system... That explains such a wide variety of symptoms including increased sexual desire and sexual feeling. My sexual feeling during sex is more intense that when I was a teenager ! Its unbearable !
Personally, I don't think B-vitamins could do any harm in your case, especially that quickly and that severe. Luckily, our bodies know how to simply flush it out when no more is needed.

I started to exercise, weights and bycicle, and wanted something to take for health. So, I didnt needed that B vitamin in the first place. What can you tell me?

Would you assume that the training (and possible over training) could be the trigger factor? Physical activity is a well-known cause of stress (a good one in most cases) for a body which could become the tipping point in your case.

Was there any specific reason behind your decision to start exercise, weights and cycling?
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Senior Member

your reaction sounds very much like the reaction i had to b12 (except mine only lasted 4 hours) but i was already sick with ME/CFS. However i will also say that the exact same symtpoms you describe is what happened to me after a vaccine trigger - it was the onset of my ME. I was also training hard as a competitive athlete at the time and was very fit.

I am not sure how b12 would cause something so similar to my vaccine reaction, all i can think is that it was a massive stress response to taking the wrong type of b12 (possibly on top of a physically stressed body due to physical traning - and you probably have the COMT met/met gene.) That stress reponse then triggered your immune system to go out of whack too. If this is right at the start of your ME like illness I advise some serious bed rest, anti-inflmatory diet and learning how to breathe through (and accept) that horrific feeling when you wake in the morning. I know acceptance of it is the last thing you feel like doing but you need to reduce your stress (both phsyical and emotional) and accepting how it feels rather than fighting it is a better way to approach it.


Senior Member
I looked up the supplement you mentioned.
You took a B-Complex which had all of the B vitamins, not just B12. It also had some additional herbal ingredients.
1) You took B12 and Folic Acid. You cranked up methylation and have excess methyl groups causing issues. These type of symptoms can last for months.
2) Excess B6 can cause neurological issues like numbness and tingling of extremities
3) You're having a multiple chemical sensitivity type reaction to a filler or some other ingredient besides B vitamins. I have this - most of my reactions are short lived. I've had a few puzzlers that lasted for months.
4) You have cyanide toxicity (from cyanocobalamin)

I don't think you took the supplement long enough or in high enough amounts for 2) or 4) to occur, and the symptoms don't seem to match.

I think 1) is most likely. In that case, some niacin should be helpful. Go to my signature link and read the document called "Start Low And Go Slow". Read the section "Overmethylation".

If that doesn't help, then maybe 3) is occurring, although I would expect that you would be having trouble with other chemicals/meds/foods/supplements. In that case some baking soda solution should be helpful. Follow the instructions on the baking soda box for an antacid solution.

If it's something else, it shouldn't hurt to try the two solutions. You should know pretty quickly if either one of them is going to help.
Im really scared of trying any other suplement. I would radher take nothing, just eat anti inflamatory diet and go regluarly to bed and rest during the day.
Its very strange that I have increased sexual desire and sexual feeling.
Will the body eventually repair it self and get back to normal?


Senior Member

it is certainly scary trying other supplements - the niacin (b3) idea is potentially a good idea cos it can flush out the unwanted B vits but you may react badly - if you do try it be aware a flush (red skin and feeling hot) is not dangerous but start very low like 25mg- sadly everything is a risk with this condition.

my first suggestion to you is take time off work, and bed rest for as long as possible.

i know what you mean about increased sexual dersire. For me my desire is almost non existant but sometimes it suddenly appears and i think this is when my body is in an overly parasympathetic state (read up on sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system) the only thing i can think of here is to try alternate nostril breathing to try and get it more balanced - there is also vagus nerve stimulation (using tens device there is a Facebook group
About it if Interested ) but to me that seems to push me even more parasympathetic.

i'm sorry you are experiencing this, it sucks :(
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Nothing, thank you..
I was trying to take a nap today. I was in bed and I begin to fall a sleep, felt all my body becoming weak and paralised, and I was awake all the time, its like I am monitor this. And I didnt fall a sleep at all... It was just some wierd feeling in the body... Its terrible...

Is it possible that Im b12 deficiont, and I didnt do active b12 test form blood. Is that homocystein test?


Senior Member
Have you read about sleep paralysis? It sounds a bit like that possibly to me and it is not that uncommon.

You don't need a homocysteine test, the regular B12 test is fine and if that comes back borderline, perhaps more tests like the one for homocysteine are necessary. Unless you are 60+, have had gastric bypass surgery, eat a vegan diet or have a rare autoimmune condition, then B12 deficiency is unlikely.

Some still experience benefits from B12, but most people are not strictly speaking deficient.


Senior Member
Nothing, thank you..
I was trying to take a nap today. I was in bed and I begin to fall a sleep, felt all my body becoming weak and paralised, and I was awake all the time, its like I am monitor this. And I didnt fall a sleep at all... It was just some wierd feeling in the body... Its terrible...

Is it possible that Im b12 deficiont, and I didnt do active b12 test form blood. Is that homocystein test?

yes i have this all the time I call it a "sleep coma" except i never actualyl fall asleep- it is when the nervous system is completely overwhelmed - when it passes and you then have a worsening of symptoms that is called Post Exertional Malaise or PEM - if you don't get worsening of symptoms then i think you are having a nervous sysem overload and not an immune spike (PEM).

the best thing you can do for this is cut down (and or pace) your activity both physical and cognitive - depending on how bad it is you may not be able to read or watch TV for a while till your system calms down.

I can't say if you have a b12 deficiency - it's more likely that you have too much and that you have gene mutations affecting how you metabolise b12. For now I really think you should rest - you will waste precious energy trying to figure stuff out. Maybe try the niacin. and hopefully if you start to feel better you can look into COMT gene and MTHFR but to be honestly it's a risky thing to start playing with bvitamins without an experts help - I personally woudl try and see this out with rest and nervous system calming exercises atleast for a few weeks before trying anything else.