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my van with an ambulance cot


Senior Member
Invention! How to get around with CFS

Dear Folks:
I wanted to share one of my best inventions for dealing with CFS and orthostatic intolerance. I bought an old Honda Van (1995)it's smaller than the new ones, and I had an ambulance cot installed in the back with a harness seatbelt and so when I go on long trips I can lie in the back with a seatbelt device and be horizontal. This set up has been fantastic and has gotten me to appointments that are far far away, and that I otherwise could never have gone to. It can be hard to find someone to do the installation because of liability. But if you call around you might luck out as I did. The ambulance cot was even free because it was an old one which an ambulance outfitter was replacing. It is bolted right through the floor of my car. It's actually quite cozy. Sometimes I feel like a presidential candidate being driven around while I can sleep! And when I am able to do local errands as well, it lets me lie down in between errands. Sometimes just to be somewhere else I'll drive it a mile to a park and then rest and read in the van. Before this set up I had be across a backseat, with no seat belt, and it was hard on the spine as back seats can be bumpy. ~FernRhizome


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Thanks for sharing the pics and the details. I love this idea, and I'm glad it's going well for you. Getting it free, wow. And you did it right - very safe.


Senior Member
Thanks for responding and checking out the photos! I think more folks might be interested in this and I tried to retitle the thread to that purpose but the new title wouldn't stick! Best, Fern