-We can conceptualize the reason for any action as going from an undesired to a desired state, or where we currently are to where we want to get to. If we better our understanding of both a) where we currently are and b) what we should be aiming at, then we can act more effectively.
-Reason, empiricism, traditional wisdom, and the scientific approach are very powerful but there is a limit or a cap to these methods, in which the answers we need are beyond their reach.
-In our hearts, we don’t know exactly where we are. We have beliefs and shared cultural ideas that shield us from this unknown, from chaos, but in our hearts, at a deeper level of being, we don’t know where we are. Encountering the unknown/chaos in this way makes us feel isolated and fearful so we avoid it, but not knowing where we are — not acknowledging that we are in the unknown — causes us to not be able to get to where we want to get to (desired state). *Step one is to gradually stop avoiding this truth.*
-The other problem I see is that people don’t aim high enough. This is understandable because when we aim high, then we open ourselves up to heartbreak, which is like a psychological injury that we carry with us. After enough of these injuries, then we become self protective, even cynical, and play it safe. We become less aspirational/idealistic and more practical/empirical.
-There is a middle ground to this problem. We can take on the mindset of saying ‘I am not going to aim high unless the world gives me a strong enough reason that I should do so’. We can insist on an undeniable direct experience before we expose ourselves to that type of vulnerability again. However, to do so, we have to open ourselves up to the possibility by looking for it. It has to be a top priority and we have to engage a little deeper with reality, so that we are able to open ourselves up to feel the experience.
To sum up, familiarize yourself with the unknown in your heart and put reality to the test by insisting on a direct experience to provide an invitation in order to aim high again. Once that transcendent sense of meaning is back in our lives, then it’s up to us to validate it by holding onto and remembering it. If we do that, then we are back in touch with our conscience, which is where we need to be.