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My sleep is much improved


Senior Member
Sth Australia
After a couple of weeks MUCH better sleep (sleep improved 70-80% in past 2 weeks) where Im able to get to sleep easier and waking up much earlier and now suddenly just starting to be able to go to sleep a bit earlier too. I thought I'd post about it and the possible things which have brought this change to me.

I do still still do thou have to use 3mg Melatonin to get to sleep but Im not having to take the other things I take for sleep.. and even with JUST Melatonin, Im now able to move my sleep cycle forward a bit more.

Before I was struggling to move sleep time forward using Temazepam and anti histamine at times as well, thou they did make quite a big difference before too when I was taking them but they werent even doing what is happening now (I still was struggling to get to sleep before 2-2.30am and getting to sleep was very hard).

The things which were changed a couple of weeks back, which could of brought this sleep shift are:

- having the POTS being treated some (with Florienef). Im currently increasing my dose of this drug Ive recently started. POTS can apparently cause insomina

- a more darker room (with nails boarded up a window). Room was previously dim but now its much dimmer

- Doing less may of improved my insomina as it does my other symptoms (I now have a home support person and carer coming in for 5 hrs per week)

- Fifthly I had a weird night where I had waking dreams all night. Since that weird night, my sleep has really improved. Its like whatever state my brain was in that night of waking dreams...has caused a disruption/stop to, of some kind of faulty cycle in my brain may of happened and like it switched my sleep state back to a closer to a normal sleep state.

Anyway ..not sure which thing was certainly involved (thou some brain change does seem to be seeing improvement started from night after that weird night of waking dreams) or maybe it is a combo of those changes.

Im so happy my sleep is 70-80% improved and I think after 2 weeks I can say this dont seem to be a temporary extremely good sleep patch, improvement looks to stay :)

Last night (with melatonin) I actually got to sleep at midnight... and was feeling awake (to about 90-95%) and able to get out of bed at 8am. This is so huge to me :)

(this is coming from a girl/me.. who without Temazepam or other sleep drugs..couldnt previously get to sleep before 6.30-9.20am and couldnt get out of bed till 11am-2pm)
That is huge! Wonderful! If I could sleep and wake when I wanted to, like a healthy person, it would be incredible.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
you are sleepngt on a more normal schedule (normal persons sched) do you feel it is a refreshing sleep you are now getting? Do you feel more energetic? Can you do more activities?


Senior Member
North Carolina
I would give anything to be able to just lay down and sleep. I have been on lunesta for 6 years and have to use it to sleep. I have tried to get off several times and actually succeeded but then had to go back to them. I am so tired and wired when I get into bed at night I don't think there is anyway I would ever fall asleep on my own. It is really horrible to be dependent on a pill in order to be able to sleep. Plus the fact that I still wake up tired even though sleeping... I have tried melantonin and it basically doesn't do a thing for me.

I have been reading up on POTS and am pretty certain I have some sort of dysautonomia which includes disturbed sleep where I wake up totally unrefreshed. I have been checking my heart rate when I have been on my feet and start to get "hot" and it gets to about 90-95. For me that is high because my heart rate is usually around 60.
I will be talking with my doctor about this in the hopes that he can give me something to help. I did try florinef last year but after 3 days it made me really feel bloated....

I am so happy to hear your sleep has improved. It is definately the worse problem for me....


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
sleep or lack of refreshing sleep is one of my major symps also. About 6 yrs now. Not sure I have tried Melotonin yet. Glad you are geting refreshing sleep it has been so long I can only vaguely recall how good it flt. Ear ringing is another major symp, I get irratible when I cant ignore the 24x7 hiss


Senior Member
thats great glad you are sleeping better : )

oh how i miss the nights of going to bed not needing any medications at all and sleeping all night long and waking up refreshed and without pain....

hope you continue to sleep well : )


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australia (brisbane)
Glad your sleeping well Tania.
Dam i cant seem to get more then 4 hrs even with sleep meds, i feel like i need a heap more though.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
you are sleepngt on a more normal schedule (normal persons sched) do you feel it is a refreshing sleep you are now getting? Do you feel more energetic? Can you do more activities?

No.. sleeping better doesnt at all mean for me that I can do more activities.. my postexertional limit before I start to get symptoms remains (sxcept POTS wise Im a little better too but that is due to the POTS being treated not due to the sleep getting better).

I was waking up feeling refreshed much of the time before my sleep righted itself some.. that is as long as I got to sleep as long as I needed (which of cause meant the later I got to sleep.. the later it was before I was fine to wake up)

Poor sleep isnt what seems to cause my ME/POTS etc symptoms. (Ive gone throu ME phases in past where I didnt have any sleep issues going on at all but my ability to physical do things was even lower then it is now).

Its not usually tiredness which stops me from doing things but rather the other ME symptoms.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I would give anything to be able to just lay down and sleep. I have been on lunesta for 6 years and have to use it to sleep. I have tried to get off several times and actually succeeded but then had to go back to them. I am so tired and wired when I get into bed at night I don't think there is anyway I would ever fall asleep on my own.

I hate wired and tired. Think about getting a med to help that "wired", it may also lead to sleeping better if that is what stops you from sleeping.

Ive always found that "wired" is also partly caused by over doing stuff. Try to keep the daily stimuli down, light, sound, movement.. all can keep one in a wired state.

I have tried melantonin and it basically doesn't do a thing for me.

Melatonin only helps those who have the circardian issue of reversed sleep cycle (not something for wired and tired sleep issues) and will only help the reversed sleep people by bringing sleep forward by a couple of hours.