My own experiences with the "paranormal"


Senior Member
HI JOC, We need to understand also that not only Chemtrails and HAARP, the flooding of the airways with every conceivable wireless technology is also another factor the increase of CFS, ME, FMS, and MS, including Lyme's Disease, which is in our country, and then all of a sudden it appears, which started from biomanipulation by those who really don't care about you and I, or anyone else. Also, many people I know who suffer the same as me and I suppose you also, have all had encounters with UFOs. My first encounter was in 1947.
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about.

And I know the UFO sightings in my family go back at least as far as my grandparents. And those who I get close enough to to ask who have these illnesses have told me they have also seen them. Although, I have not asked everyone I've ever met with this illness. But I do think there is a link.
I've also had others with these illnesses tell me they know of others (who I don't know) who have had these UFO & military encounters--but they are afraid to tell anyone.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
My entire life has been filled with paranormal experiences (and I have over 100 journals of them, and just started a blog of them). For me the paranormal is normal. I have also read The Book of Enoch--it explains a lot about the fallen angels & what is going on on this planet. And, BTW, studies have shown a link between CFIDS/ME & alien (and military) abduction (google it for yourself).

The paranormal is fairly normal for me too thou not as much now that I dont do any healing, kundalini or energy work.

That's the first time Ive ever heard anyone say there is a link between ME/CFS and alien (and miltary) abduction. Ive read thou before that some think that ME/CFS has a link to healers and starseeds (the theory goes that the lighter energy bodies dont handle the dense environments we are in so chronic illnesses like ME/CFS develop). I can say thou that Ive never knowingly in real life phyiscally met another healer who has ME/CFS thou, thou I've known hundreds. So I dont really believe in that theory.

Very interesting the UFO ME/CFS theory thing .. as I saw my first UFO when I was at college (not at the college) and it was when I was at college that I developed ME/CFS, I actually had two UFO incidences in the same year.. others where also present and saw them too so I know it wasnt some halluncination unless we all halluncinated.

I'd actually undergone some psychic spiritual attacks, one which was a very serious one and which almost took my life.. a couple of people saved me (a cult?? it was a group who worked with energy, actually tried to kill me.. and also by some other things) for a while before that... hahaha.. now people will think Im nuts.

One of my energy teachers (Alton Kamadom he used to go by) .. was watched by one of the American agencies..they actually gate crashed one of his courses he held in Sydney Australia (I think the American gov were still investigating at the time what they called remote viewing, this happened actually after they say they stopped studying it... I cant think of any other reason they showed up except for that so they've told lies about when they ended the government remote veiwing program. We didnt call it remote viewing... we called it bilocation and used to try to go (astrally) into the future in groups..picking up things such as future presidents etc before they were even known about (it came true too). My teacher ended up when in his 50s and Ive always wondered if he was killed in some form of psychic walfare (there had previously been an attempt to run him off the road by a black helicopter).

Now I guess I just have another thing which I can say.. maybe ALIENS was related to me getting ME/CFS LOL. (It can go along with the hep B vaccinations I had redone in college, studying too hard while also being a sole carer of a disabled child, fluroide overdose, previous mono and all the other things my body has gone throu ie sheep dips).

Im still into some psych stuff .. more recently taking photos of spirit balls. Ive posted a couple of my spirit ball photos on this site in the past. umm I just had a thought.. I wonder if I could get a UFO photo the same kind of way if I tried thou I havent seen ufos for probably over 10 years. Would aliens respond and pose a craft for photos as spirits do? Probably not thou I have once had purposeful interaction from one but it would be interesting to try and see.

On the subject of abductions and ME/CFS, I actually have been aducted at least once I know of (astral abduction).. That was done via the reptilians cause I'd done something which they didnt like making them quite mad at me. I cant now remember now what year it was.. if I already had ME/CFS or not (I'd have to work it out). I did have a missing time incident thou when physically walking throu a house block back from taking my children to school, before I got ME/CFS.

correction.. two astral astral abductions.. the very first one I dont know what alien group or who abducted me.. I was on a cold metal table being pushed down a straight coridoor with something pushing the table (it wasnt in m line of vision and I couldnt move from the table). No idea what year that was in either or if i already had ME/CFS at the time or not. Ive no idea what happened next as I blanked out. No one else in my family has had abduction experiences.. thou my sister who now has CFS (who I believe caught it from using my glass)..she once saw a reptilian when I did. I think that's just coincidental.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I found that article that was being refered to.. about someone researching the connection between ME/CFS and abductions If what he is saying is actually true about those people...that would certainly then be WOW.

Like the other on that article.. I used to attend a group who had a big interest in UFOS, aliens... The Adelaide "Cosmic Connection" group. Some of us used to also go out on trips UFO spotting at times (must say thou I never once saw one while out with this group.. some of them thought what I was sure were satalites were UFOS!! Quite imaginative :)

(Im not really believing there is a link between the things or my own experiences..but just are finding all this interesting).

3..."Myalgic Encephalomyelitis" (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is a direct result of the alleged alien implants, which it has been claimed by a large number of abductees to have been placed inside of their heads, and in some way be causing the illness because of the implants interruption by proximity to certain areas of the brain, causing the brain to send out incorrect signals to the body and the cause-effect of this is the human body receiving the incorrect information to function normally causing the multi-faceted symptoms of "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis" (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

I had some "etheric" alien implants (from the greys.. I cant remember now if I had some reptilians ones too) removed, I had them in three different layers (quite infested with them) in some of my chakras (crown, third eye were affected) . I had them properly removed so shouldnt have got those back. As far as I know.. I arent carrying any more and hopefully have stayed clear of these for years now.


Senior Member
When I was a child, I truly believed I saw fairies in Ireland (I can still "see" the image I saw in my memory) and the Loch Ness Monster while driving along the shores of Loch Ness. I can still see that image too - and it's nothing like any of the so-called photos of it either.

There is nothing more weird and wonderful than the brain and what the brain can do. Including convincing you there's "something out there".

There is a part of the brain, known as the "god spot". When stimulated with magnetic power, in religious folk, they get a religious/spiritual experience.
Richard Dawkins tried it, he got a mild "feeling" but didn't attribute it to a god.

The "deja vu" feeling has been explained. It turns out it's just a bit of the brain which recognises "previous" things and flags them up for attention, is misfiring.


Senior Member
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about.

And I know the UFO sightings in my family go back at least as far as my grandparents. And those who I get close enough to to ask who have these illnesses have told me they have also seen them. Although, I have not asked everyone I've ever met with this illness. But I do think there is a link. I've also had others with these illnesses tell me they know of others (who I don't know) who have had these UFO & military encounters--but they are afraid to tell anyone.

There are connections, and it's lot deeper than most would want to believe or accept, and is therefore covered up, and those who believe this are labelled paranoid, delusional, and suffering an extreme mental disorder. Always remember that the truth will set you free.


Senior Member
I found that article that was being refered to.. about someone researching the connection between ME/CFS and abductions If what he is saying is actually true about those people...that would certainly then be WOW.

Like the other on that article.. I used to attend a group who had a big interest in UFOS, aliens... The Adelaide "Cosmic Connection" group. Some of us used to also go out on trips UFO spotting at times (must say thou I never once saw one while out with this group.. some of them thought what I was sure were satalites were UFOS!! Quite imaginative :)

(Im not really believing there is a link between the things or my own experiences..but just are finding all this interesting).

Tania, I believe everything that you say, been there done it, seen them, know the spiritual realm, and walk in the light of truth, and old.


Senior Member
When I was a child, I truly believed I saw fairies in Ireland (I can still "see" the image I saw in my memory) and the Loch Ness Monster while driving along the shores of Loch Ness. I can still see that image too - and it's nothing like any of the so-called photos of it either.

There is nothing more weird and wonderful than the brain and what the brain can do. Including convincing you there's "something out there".

There is a part of the brain, known as the "god spot". When stimulated with magnetic power, in religious folk, they get a religious/spiritual experience.
Richard Dawkins tried it, he got a mild "feeling" but didn't attribute it to a god.

The "deja vu" feeling has been explained. It turns out it's just a bit of the brain which recognises "previous" things and flags them up for attention, is misfiring.

Yep Peggy Sue,

There is much out there in the realms of the natural and supernatural, sadly all so-called logically thinking people believe they are in touch with reality. I don't share my experiences anymore, but I can tell I've experienced the same as you, and I didn't have to go to Ireland to experience that. Just know that those experiences are god experiences showing you something that HE didn't want to show anyone else. You just keep them to yourself, and avoid sharing them with others, because they won't believe you. Take care and blessings.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
When I was a child, I truly believed I saw fairies in Ireland (I can still "see" the image I saw in my memory) and the Loch Ness Monster while driving along the shores of Loch Ness. I can still see that image too - and it's nothing like any of the so-called photos of it either.

There is nothing more weird and wonderful than the brain and what the brain can do. Including convincing you there's "something out there".

There is a part of the brain, known as the "god spot". When stimulated with magnetic power, in religious folk, they get a religious/spiritual experience.
Richard Dawkins tried it, he got a mild "feeling" but didn't attribute it to a god.

The "deja vu" feeling has been explained. It turns out it's just a bit of the brain which recognises "previous" things and flags them up for attention, is misfiring.

Nods to watch out for that too.. The brain can go and imaginatively fill in the gaps when something isnt seen well..thou the psychic sight does see a bit better out of the corner of the eye as well one could say (if looking at things such as auras.. one always does it with a shift of vision for easier seeing) its a catch 22 of was it seeing something or wasnt it when you get a quick glimpse of something.

Its one of the reasons why Ive been glad Ive been lucky enough to have others to have shared the things Ive seen with me as I can be a bit of an unbeliever of things Ive seen otherwise. I always like proof that I didnt imagine something.

Maybe thou u did see things with psychic inner vision... the things you may of heard about and wanted to see.


Senior Member
There is nothing "supernatural"; there are no gods, no ghosts, no devils, no magic, no miracles.
UFO means Unidentified flying object, not aliens being here.
(I'm happy to believe there is life elsewhere in the universe, the odds are good, but I do not believe for a single moment they'd get themselves here and faff around!)
My childhood experiences were just my imagination.

"Spiritual" experiences are just something the brain can do - they're not any sort of evidence of something "out there".
Attributing these experiences to a benign god brings comfort to a lot of folk.
Faith removes the worrying uncertainty from reality.


Senior Member

"Filling in the gaps imaginitively" is exactly what the brain does all the time, Tania!

It doesn't have the time or energy to process everything from new, there is far too much information coming in from our senses - it HAS to cut out everything irrelevant and take short cuts to get to what is going on.

Our puny attention processes cannot handle too much at once - even in "normals".


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
just like the psychobbalers accused ME/CFS folk of being "hyper critical over ahcievers" etc, soem folks are kind of putting cart before horse here

driven, smart folk in deep crap, are more likey to be open about "socially outre' " issues and experiences.
"There are no atheists in a fox hole" ;)

By this I mean, since folk with ME have little left to lose as it were, and suffering losens tongues and promotes mutuality, folk will talk more about these strange experiences tey have had.
this is think is the isuse, NOT that *we* as a group have for some strange reaosn been selected/affected

LOT of oflk out there have had suuch experinces but will not admit it, some I know have become the most extreme skeptics ot hide the fact that their "world view" was badly shaken, and thus they become zealots to hide form the truth.
Exactly the same with the opposite end of the spectrum.

no, you do not know they are delusional or not, that's jsut as bad as saying "yeah they are absolutely god/ufo/anal butt probing" :p

UFos are real, absolutely real, picked up on multiple radars, infrared, you name it.
This does NOT mean they are unequivocally "alien", merely all data shows they are capable of manouvers completely impossible by our known laws of physics (though there is actually way such is possible without violating 'em but that itself is vaslty beyond our current science/tech: basically creating your own localized altered bubble of space time)
Another weird possibility is that they are "bleeds" from parallel dimensions or time, merely seeing, say, the vehicles because the pwoer source is so great you bleed through kind of like how you see a jet engine's exhaust at night (see some of the bizzare experiments with photons)
Who knows?
Secret US spy planes based on a proverbial quantum leap ahead in tech, aliens, time travellers? i really do not know.

One problem I've often pointed out with the idea that" intense magnetic fields" cause delusions/UFOs whatever, is such fields are abotu 10,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, you simply do *NOT* get that anywhere on Earth otuside of of mucking aorund with incredibly powerful electromagnets and not over huge volumes of space required for so many witnesses etc Such events would cause incredible damage, auroral liek disapleys, ionization of the air, magnetize ferrous objects, induce powerful (lethal) currents, who knows what you simply don't get magnetic fields like that that big (ie covering miles) outside of stars! (heck maybe only neutron stars?)
and that sitll couldn't explain radar and infrared imaging.

To unequivocally scoff at such things is foolish. yes extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof, but such things are found throughout history/culture.
Doesn't mean that "supernatural" experiences cannot be some strange delusion,but neither does it mean they *are* delusional. merely as yet, unexplained. And that is exactly what science should be concerned with: quantifying the unquantified ;)

I have a great imagination, but I assure you, you *cannot* imagine that which is "alien" (and I do nto reffer to little green men)
I mean, that which is uttelry different/out of kilter, truly alien
it is incredibly jarring.

As for the precognitive dreams, I toldfolk many things and they occured as said, not vague "fortune cookie" crap you can spiel to fit anything, things I saw occur, occured exactly as I saw them. hence my pals used to get very jumpy when I said 'em ;)
gives you profound sense of "depth" hell of a lot more ot this Universe than meets the eye.
extremes on both sides are wrong. Psicops is just as bad as David Icke groupies.
just gonna take a long time ot understand and be sure about anything, our pissant culture is only a few thousand years old, and we are cocksure about anything?! :p

well that's my 2 cents ;)


Senior Member
I'm well aware UFOs are real :) - I was just pointing out they do not have to be aliens!
I'd still be an aethiest in a fox-hole - and I'm well aware than being an aethiest is simply a.n.other "belief system".
(I do get furious that my belief system is somehow considered to be unimportant and accorded absolutely no respect compared to the belief systems of others who invoke supernatural/paranormal intelligence - without any remote idea of how that intelligence developed or where it came from. :rolleyes: ) .

Have you never heard the story of two dying men in a hospice? One a devout, good catholic priest, the other an aethiest (to the degree I am).

Both were calm and at peace with the notion of the end. The catholic confident of "life-everlasting", the aethiest completely confident of ceasing to exist in any form.

I wish to cease to exist - I do not want life-everlasting.
Pretty, pretty please, do not disturb my comfy world view of knowing this vile existence will cease at some point! :aghhh: :hug:

Nature and reality are far stranger and far more wonderful than anything our pathetic human imagination can come up with (including gods and the paranormal - that's on a par with "and all of a sudden, magically our hero was free" rather than finding out how he did it)

I do not doubt these experiences, Silverblade. Just the attribution to the "paranormal".

I also subscribe to "loop" theory rather than "string" theory in physics. No need for any notions of parallel universes. Theoretical physicists don't seem to bother too much with Occam's razor... and they certainly don't stop at "the sky's the limit"!
Amy Farrah-Fowler makes a lot more sense than Sheldon.:balanced:

I did not say anybody was delusional. :p
I though I was implying everybody is delusional, to some extent - including myself. It's just how the brain copes with working us and letting us know what's going on, and how to make it easy for us.


Senior Member
planet earth

Hi tania,

Thanks for sharing you interesting experience. I've tried to learn a little about aliens and spirits recently. Dr Allen J Hynek believes that Alien abduction may actually be paranormal, and that UFO's are likely a type of "illuminati technology".

Here is an interesting recently experience with UFO's over New York and San francisco recently....It looks to me like they could be aliens or spirits instead of a physical craft. (not that crafts don't exist too)

Just curious if you think it is actually "angels/demons"(spirits) you are dealing with in the spirit world, and not really a flesh and blood "alien". I've read it is hard to tell if one has a demon or angel when they evoke these things. EA Koetting (Has written some books on the topic) believes that Lucifer actually shows up as a little baby when evoked.

These things will lie apparently, and it is hard to know what one actually has when they ask it for help.



Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Peggy Sue
no worries! ;)
Though I'm willing to take Pascal's Wager, and greet you with a big
"GOTCHA!" on the Other Side! :p
(cause like if I'm wrong well, I won't be around to be shown to be a dumbass!! lol)
I can't stand zealots, sigh, any side, always drag everything to hell :/
As said in another thread, really enjoyed the debate with Dawkins and Rowan Williams, that's what we need :)
Not suicide bombers, child molesters and Rapturists trying to trigger a nuclear war, OR blind economic or tehcnology-uber-alles "ends justify the means" atheist zealots working without thought of others (ie, see the laisez faire free market madness), all just as bad as each other, extremes suck, gah!!

the expriences are incredibly strange, so I cna well understand how such probably spawned many religions etc
Whether "real", or strange delusions caused by as yet unknown causes (illness, or certian toxins perhaps?) they are incredibly profound and life changing.
I think one reason our societies are so damn screwed up is we moved away from the ritualized use of hallucinogens, which tend ot evoke empathy and introspection when done correctly
instead we have encouraged sociopathy and other ills, saw recent item today on BBC noting the big problem lead poisoning probably has had in causing much of the violence in society


Senior Member
Sth Australia

Hi tania,

Thanks for sharing you interesting experience. I've tried to learn a little about aliens and spirits recently. Dr Allen J Hynek believes that Alien abduction may actually be paranormal, and that UFO's are likely a type of "illuminati technology".

Here is an interesting recently experience with UFO's over New York and San francisco recently....It looks to me like they could be aliens or spirits instead of a physical craft. (not that crafts don't exist too)

Just curious if you think it is actually "angels/demons"(spirits) you are dealing with in the spirit world, and not really a flesh and blood "alien". I've read it is hard to tell if one has a demon or angel when they evoke these things. EA Koetting (Has written some books on the topic) believes that Lucifer actually shows up as a little baby when evoked.

These things will lie apparently, and it is hard to know what one actually has when they ask it for help.


The illuminati does have access to more technology and "some" of its members are in contact with "aliens". I knew an illuminati recruiter for a couple of months (people in their org have various roles.. the ones I call the recruiters seek out people that interest them for various reasons and will try to get u to join.

I'll share some of what I know from my experience of them.. They have a website set up just for the potential new members which they shift about (if u go to go there at a later date.. its gone). In their potential member website you can meet others who are thinking about joining too and also get very limited info on them.. while their recruitment officer will be contacting u A LOT, teling u some of their history (what I was told as far as Im aware isnt in books on them) answering "some" of your questions and trying to convince u to join and saying various things and making certain offers (eg "join us and we can set u up anywhere in the world" "join us and we can protect you" and other offers (I guess these offers they tailored to me.. others probably get other bribes to join them) to try to convince you. I played along with their recruitment person.. to try to get as much info as I could.. I played along for maybe 6-8 weeks trying to get more and more info). (Im not supposed to share any of this.. but I no longer care).

To my shock, thou i always gave out a false name, they even found out my real name and my home address and I ended up receiving a mail from them in my postal box (that was after I decided i didnt want anything to do with them as I decided I wasnt going to play into duality groups (the "good" and "bad" thing) and I saw them as such a group as the illuminati has two sides. (I believe it was the bad side who tried to recruit me.. it wasnt worth the risk). I was psychically attacked after I knocked them back but dont think it was them as maybe it was coincidental.. all i know is I was attacked by a powerful group and almost killed.

Alien abduction may actually be paranormal can also class them as that.. many of the aliens (depends on the race u are dealing with..but the greys and reptilians) are 4th Dimension (the level their energy vibrates around). Things like OBES one can also call paranormal experiences.. often abductions take place on that astral or etheric level.

Just curious if you think it is actually "angels/demons"(spirits) you are dealing with in the spirit world, and not really a flesh and blood "alien". I've read it is hard to tell if one has a demon or angel when they evoke these things. EA Koetting (Has written some books on the topic) believes that Lucifer actually shows up as a little baby when evoked.

Ive had dealings with both demons and angels but they werent physically manifested (unless one counts the reptilian which was in a human body.. I find it hard to think of the reptilains as being true demons thou I know many think of them as such.. I just think of them as just an alien, another being.. much like a not so nice human). You should NEVER evoke a demon as one doesnt know what one is getting oneself in for and some of them are quite powerful they can actually hurt people in various ways and some times do. Ive twice had a little bit of experience in demonic posession (once of myself and once of another who'd done the wrong thing.. both of these situations I myself wasnt able to deal with).

The most powerful demon (well the one who affected me the most and I wasnt able to fight off myself) was one who'd followed me back from Egypt after I'd astrally projected there. It followed me back to my home and physical body and then attacked my physcial body.. it was terrifiying. That thou wasnt the evilest one Ive experienced, I actually couldnt feel "evil" emitting from that one even thou it tried to kill (or maybe) possess me.. Ive no idea what it was actually trying to do.. it held me down and projected energy from itself into my face..causing me to be unable to breath. When I finally got way from it (with help).. and ran to my mirror.. my lips were sooo blue from not being able to breath.. my whole face was gastly.... hence I believe it certainly did have capicity to have killed me.

Id previously before that lived in a house in which the previous tennant, unknown to me till well after I'd moved in and started experiencing the "evil" demon presence.. previous tennant was a well known actual satanist in my town. .. so I can only suppose that he held satanic rituals in the house and that must of allowed something very very bad to be there. Thou that being didnt ever hurt me (he just tried to terrorise me and scare me but I just did my best to ignore him but over time this being still grew stronger as if feeding on my energy. It started out like a poltigist but as time went on.. it was obvious it was demon).. till I experienced that one.. I had no idea what sheer evil felt like. that's the closest Ive ever come to "evil". I guess some or most may of called this being the devil.. but as I arent christian, I dont even know if I believe in the devil or not... all I know is there is evil beings out there.. devoid of all goodness, this being was pure darkness and maybe there are thousands out there like that one. I stayed in that house as long as I could as I wasnt about to allow "evil" to win and make me leave my home.

Some can tell good beings from bad by their energies.. one cant trust the images they give off thou as these 4th Dimension beings have ability to discise their true forms but there are ways to "test" beings which always should be done if one appears. The the stronger beings can be harder to test and I personally think some are fooled due to that (Ive had one almost fool me with what I thought was fool proof testing.. but most of them are less powerful and can be easily tested). And yes.. you cant test a being by asking them, just like u cant test a bad human by asking him or her if se's bad.. bad beings can tell lots of lies.

Lucifer whether he just exists as a thought from energy created from human thoughts or is a real actual being.. I dont believe he's under any obligation to manifest as a baby when that energy is evoked. It could appear any way it liked.. there isnt any universal or energy law at all on how that energy or one of these beings needs to appear.

I was going to share all this to you by pm as I dont often share my stranger life experiences much beyond UFOS.. but then thought why not here.. maybe if I shared ..some others will tooand Its always interesting to hear others experiences.


Senior Member
I find this exchange of ideas and experience facsinating and I try never to judge an interpretation because I myself have had weird happenings. Just as that little kid in the movie said " I see dead people" for me it's "I see bad people". I don't see any spirits around them but I know they re dangerous and surprisingly enough they complain about my eyes or sometimes don't even see or acknowledge me but some zoom right in on me immediately and become obnoxious while I'm quitely sitting there not saying anything. They seem to be irritaded with my presence and think I'm judging them but I'm just tuning in like a rabbit to a hawk., listening to the bells and whistles.
There is nothing "supernatural"; there are no gods, no ghosts, no devils, no magic, no miracles.
UFO means Unidentified flying object, not aliens being here.
(I'm happy to believe there is life elsewhere in the universe, the odds are good, but I do not believe for a single moment they'd get themselves here and faff around!)
My childhood experiences were just my imagination.

"Spiritual" experiences are just something the brain can do - they're not any sort of evidence of something "out there".
Attributing these experiences to a benign god brings comfort to a lot of folk.
Faith removes the worrying uncertainty from reality.

Didn't John Lennon write a song about this? Yoko was pretty spiritual though, banging on her drums, singing her tribal chants.