just like the psychobbalers accused ME/CFS folk of being "hyper critical over ahcievers" etc, soem folks are kind of putting cart before horse here
driven, smart folk in deep crap, are more likey to be open about "socially outre' " issues and experiences.
"There are no atheists in a fox hole"
By this I mean, since folk with ME have little left to lose as it were, and suffering losens tongues and promotes mutuality, folk will talk more about these strange experiences tey have had.
this is think is the isuse, NOT that *we* as a group have for some strange reaosn been selected/affected
LOT of oflk out there have had suuch experinces but will not admit it, some I know have become the most extreme skeptics ot hide the fact that their "world view" was badly shaken, and thus they become zealots to hide form the truth.
Exactly the same with the opposite end of the spectrum.
no, you do not
know they are delusional or not, that's jsut as bad as saying "yeah they are absolutely god/ufo/anal butt probing"
UFos are real, absolutely real, picked up on multiple radars, infrared, you name it.
This does NOT mean they
are unequivocally "alien", merely all data shows they are capable of manouvers completely impossible by our known laws of physics (though there is actually way such is possible without violating 'em but that itself is vaslty beyond our current science/tech: basically creating your own localized altered bubble of space time)
Another weird possibility is that they are "bleeds" from parallel dimensions or time, merely seeing, say, the vehicles because the pwoer source is so great you bleed through kind of like how you see a jet engine's exhaust at night (see some of the bizzare experiments with photons)
Who knows?
Secret US spy planes based on a proverbial quantum leap ahead in tech, aliens, time travellers? i really do not know.
One problem I've often pointed out with the idea that" intense magnetic fields" cause delusions/UFOs whatever, is such fields are abotu 10,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, you simply do *NOT* get that anywhere on Earth otuside of of mucking aorund with incredibly powerful electromagnets and not over huge volumes of space required for so many witnesses etc Such events would cause incredible damage, auroral liek disapleys, ionization of the air, magnetize ferrous objects, induce powerful (lethal) currents, who knows what you simply don't get magnetic fields like that that big (ie covering miles) outside of stars! (heck maybe only neutron stars?)
and that sitll couldn't explain radar and infrared imaging.
To unequivocally scoff at such things is foolish. yes extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof, but such things are found throughout history/culture.
Doesn't mean that "supernatural" experiences cannot be some strange delusion,but neither does it mean they *are* delusional. merely as yet, unexplained. And that is exactly what science should be concerned with: quantifying the unquantified
I have a great imagination, but I assure you, you *cannot* imagine that which is "alien" (and I do nto reffer to little green men)
I mean, that which is uttelry different/out of kilter, truly
it is incredibly jarring.
As for the precognitive dreams, I toldfolk many things and they occured as said, not vague "fortune cookie" crap you can spiel to fit anything, things I saw occur, occured exactly as I saw them. hence my pals used to get very jumpy when I said 'em
gives you profound sense of "depth" hell of a lot more ot this Universe than meets the eye.
extremes on both sides are wrong. Psicops is just as bad as David Icke groupies.
just gonna take a long time ot understand and be sure about
anything, our pissant culture is only a few thousand years old, and we are cocksure about anything?!
well that's my 2 cents