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My NutrEval results


Senior Member
Got them today and will have them analysed but greatful for any input. Mostly concerned about mercury, could it be blocking methylation/Kreb's?


  • Report-4.pdf
    836.4 KB · Views: 57


Senior Member
Btw I couldn't stop all my supps so I'd taken zinc (loads), magnesium, B6, melatonin and some other stuff the day before. And I take taurine for constipation/pale stools. So those are probably not interpretable. Could the zinc I took effect the copper level measured here?


Senior Member
Wow so much stuff in the report. Glutathione is fine and homocysteine is even too low so, if anything, methylation is running too fast... :) You may try adding a bit more methionine to the diet, but it sounds like CBS is running too fast.

Zinc is okay but doesn't look excessive. Maybe you just need extra copper. I have the same situation, I tend to run low on both.


Senior Member
Your Kreb's cycle looks pretty good. Yes there is a slight a slow down at Aconitase, which could be blocked by heavy metals, but its still functioning pretty well.

The most notable thing for me was the almost universally low B vitamins. They are cofactors for so many important metabolic processes, including energy metabolism, that I am surprised that glycolysis and Kreb's cycle are as good as they are.

Low B vitamins are probably responsible for most of your abnormal results.

Glycolysis looks ok (decent pyruvate etc) but you are having problems with feed into the cycle.

Your not burning fatty acids well (elevated adipic, highish suberic) which is carnitine related and could in turn be B2 related.

The high beta OH butyric indicates you are going into ketosis - not burning carbohydrates well.

The very low cystathionine means transsulfuration will eventually be compromised (lack of starting material) even though for the moment you are producing enough cysteine and glutathione. This could well be B2/B6 related.

Here is Rich's thoughts on interpreting the test - lots of detail for you to contemplate.