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My internet hand is malfunctioning


Senior Member
So after a couple weeks of playing a silly game (Bloons Monkey City = awesome) followed by an exercise stress test where I had a death grip on the bike, my right hand is almost constantly twitching/spasming in the muscle between the thumb and forefinger.

Now I can't really use my laptop mouse button, due to my thumb jerking around every couple seconds. Which means I can't play the silly game, have a lot of trouble browsing the forums, and can't even think about moving SNP data around in spread sheets, etc :grumpy:

Hence I'm not going to be SNP/23andMe stuff for a while. At least I can still type rambling posts, though I really should get in the habit of using my left hand for the space bar :rolleyes: I'll probably be ordering a nice ergonomic ambidextrous USB mouse for my laptop this evening, when my tech support/fiance gets home.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Doh, I am right handed but use my computer as a left handed person, with a left handed mouse. I used to work in data entry, and my right arm and hand are permanently stuffed. Rest is very important or if you are like me the damage could become long term.

My advice is to learn to use your other hand for now. Its worth the effort. Rest the affected hand as much as possible. An ambidextrous mouse is definitely the way to go, I never use right handed mice, and I have never seen a left handed ergonomic mouse though I think they might exist.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Doh, I am right handed but use my computer as a left handed person, with a left handed mouse. I used to work in data entry, and my right arm and hand are permanently stuffed. Rest is very important or if you are like me the damage could become long term.

My advice is to learn to use your other hand for now. Its worth the effort. Rest the affected hand as much as possible. An ambidextrous mouse is definitely the way to go, I never use right handed mice, and I have never seen a left handed ergonomic mouse though I think they might exist.

It's weird, but one of the improvements I have had since starting my leaky-gut diet is that I have become much more ambidextrous! Things I used to find hard to coordinate, such as stirring a cup of tea with one hand and doing some cooking activity with the other, are now easy. I can even write moderately well with the 'wrong' hand now, which I used to find really difficult. I think it's got better still as I have practised my new-found abilities as they developed.

So yes, @Valentijn - try using the left hand more, and forget about those silly games - we need you here! :D I expect your right hand will recover with enough rest but not too much.

My fingers often have minds of their own too, clicking on things I didn't want to click on. Stupid digits.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
My mouse can be set for right or left-handed use. There is a mouse properties box in my control panel.
I used to to switch it back and forth. It is so much handier to have the mouse on the left, since the cursor keys and delete/insert/etc. are on the right of the keyboard, that I just leave it on the left now.


Senior Member
I swapped to a trackpad a year or so ago, much more ergonomic for me than a mouse.


Senior Member
The new mouse should arrive today ... it's basic, wireless, and completely symmetrical, so switching between hands shouldn't be a problem. I'm trying to use my laptop touchpad left-handed, but it's still an awkward position. Better to get something which allows for a normal and relaxed hand position, without so much stretching and tensing of my hand.

It occurred to me that my twitchy muscle between the thumb and forefinger might be swollen, so I poked it and compared it to the other one. It did indeed feel quite a bit different. I asked my fiance to give each of my hands a poke to see what he thought ... "Wow, you have a really big muscle there!" :rofl: So no swelling, but he's now scared to thumb-wrestle me :thumbsup:

Snow Leopard

South Australia
I can't use smartphones for very long as I get absolutely terrible RSI type pain as a result.

As far as the PC goes, I find I have to use small mice, and hold my arm in a certain way (mouse close to the edge of the desk, mousepad covering sharp edge of desk) or I get terrible pain after an hour or two...


Senior Member
So yes, @Valentijn - try using the left hand more, and forget about those silly games - we need you here! :D
But ... but ... who will save my monkey city from the hordes of balloons whose native lands they must invade?!? The monkeys of Valentijna are helpless without their beloved general!


iherb code TAK122
But ... but ... who will save my monkey city from the hordes of balloons whose native lands they must invade?!? The monkeys of Valentijna are helpless without their beloved general!

I haven't a clue what you're talking about!!!

I had severe pain in my right wrist about a year ago - couldn't use the computer at all with that hand - I got a really big soft gell mousepad and just built up my tolerance using it only for a few minutes a day to start with - I just put it down to the FM package - I'm very careful now if I get twinges.

So yes as the others have said you need to rest rest rest it. We can't take things like the stress test easily - its a blow to the body alround. We're delicate flowers no matter we can thumb wrestle:D


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
As far as the PC goes, I find I have to use small mice, and hold my arm in a certain way (mouse close to the edge of the desk, mousepad covering sharp edge of desk) or I get terrible pain after an hour or two...

This is my mouse. I love it! Great for small hands.

I have difficulty with laptop touchpads as I have trouble remembering how to do things, and my fine coordination is quite poor. Maybe I just need more practice.


Senior Member
I got a Logitech m525, standard size. I wanted something big enough to support my entire hand. Of course, then my fiance wanted to get one too, so we got different colors of the same model. Now I can swipe his mouse and mess with his laptop without having to get up ... very disability-friendly! :D


Senior Member
I have had this happen to me. I have a wrist brace which totally immobilizes my wrist and restricts the way in which my fingers move. If I put it on for a few days it tends to clear up the nasty twitchy jumpy spasmy stuff. It wasn't expensive or high tech as I got it in the pharmacy section of Walmart.

I am right-handed, I tried the left-handed mouse thing and I just couldn't cope with it. :confused:


Senior Member
I've been using the new mouse for a couple hours, switching between hands, etc. And it's STILL causing my thumb to twitch like mad, even though I'm not using the muscle which is doing the twitching! Maybe the nerve is acting up, and/or another muscle further up my arm.

I was considering better support for the arm (like a sling?), even though it's already resting on my leg, but maybe immobilization will work better.

I can do basic stuff with my left hand, but it makes my brain cramp if I try to use it in the same way I can use my right hand.


Senior Member
No twitching yesterday! I used the new mouse mostly, especially for silly games, and the laptop touchpad for most of my internet browsing. Seems to be working out well, aside from a little soreness in getting used to the new mouse.