My first appointment with KDM


Senior Member
@snowathlete ....yes, maybe. there is also that pesky controversy about people with leaky gut taking bacteria cuz of it leaking into bloodstream.

now i wonder if i should have ordered the same one you take.

anyway, i do hope your UC continues to improve.

I haven't tried the one you've ordered but I think it is a good choice and had I not happened to start on the bifido strain one Then I'd have ordered that one too.

Hope to hear it does you some good.
Second Appointment with KDM:

After entering to his room he said me that I'm positive for:
*Tularemia (need to check the IgMs)
*D-lactate. Thats why i have a feeling of constant hangover.
*Intestine inflamation
*Plenty of food intolerances

I asked him what he thinks about it and told me that in his opinion it can be almost completly recovered, and that the treatment will last for 18 months minimum, with a progresion following a U shape, going down at the beginning due to the herx and later increasing slowly to an almost complete recover.

He also asked me for some other tests:
Anaplasma Phagocytophilum
Brucella spp.
Rickettsia ssp.
Tularemia serology IgM only

Before ending the consultation he said that the nurse would bring me a paper with all the info detailed, the protocol of treatment and a letter to present to other doctors explaining whats going on but the nurse told that he didnt finish it yet and that i will receive it by postal mail soon. I dont know why, maybe cause he wanna have the results of the new tests..

I saw him pretty sure about the diagnostic and like if he has seen it so many times that for him is trivial to fix it, lets see :)

Ps: Counting the new tests + visit i paid something like 550e, quite a lot of money already..

Regards! and i will add more info when i will get his paper :)


Senior Member
Hey @Drass. Sorry I didn't respond/thank you earlier for posting the questionnaires. I wasn't logged in when I read and then I forgot about them (brain fog). It's really helpful to see what's going on before you go.

Congrats on a diagnosis (or 5)! Somewhat bittersweet, I know. But it's great that there is a plan being drawn up and that he's hopeful for recovery! High 5! :thumbsup:

Do you know what the treatment protocol will involve? i.e - oral abx vs iv abx or something else. Are you planning on staying nearby for treatment?

Anyway. Good luck whatever happens next. :D Please keep us updated. :)
I dont know what the treatment will include, but he said that is a treatment that i can do wherever, I don't have to be in Belgium to follow it. In his opinion i can buy all the medicines/stuff in my home country.

So lets see, Im still waiting for the letter with all the information, I dont know how long it will take to receive it :(
Take care with the invoices of Red labs, i just got this one:

Ammonia quantification 70,00
DNA extraction blood 50,00
Anaplasma phagocytophilum PCR 99,00
Brucella spp PCR 99,00
Midichloria mitochondrii PCR 99,00
ELISA Tular IgM 80,00

But previous week i got this one
ELISA Tular IgM 80,00

and i paid already for it..
I will send an email explaining it

I hope also that the doctor will have the results of this analisis into consideration in order to send me the letter with the treatment..

Got the letter with the treatmet + diagnosis:

I just wonder how to buy a couple of things:
Vivomix and Lactoferrin
Did you try them? where to find them? Kalida?

The injections of vitaminB12 are provided by a nurse or u are able to inject it to urselfs?

Are this 2 antibiotics safe:
Clarithromycin and Doxy ?
Any bad experience with them?

Btw, in the farmacy they dont want to give me the abx, and the doctor here said that he is not going to prescribe anything for a sickness that he didnt diagnosed... so i dont know how to buy the abx no..



Senior Member
@Drass - Vivomixx is available in Europe from

I went into my local GP twice, and the nurses showed me how to do the B12 injections into the muscle. Since then I've done it myself.

Clarithromycin didn't give me any problems I think, aside from the typical fevers and hypotension which result from killing off a Lyme infection.

Doxycycline made me motion sick for about 2 hours after taking it if my eyes were open, so I would take it in the middle of the night when I got up to pee and go straight back to bed. Other people get a stomach-based nausea and do better with a little food, though calcium and some other minerals should be avoided at that time.

If you are in the EU, your pharmacy can fill a prescription from a European doctor. They probably don't know that, but they can look it up.
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Hello :) Thanks Valentijn

Wow, this Vivomixx its about 120e per month...

One thing more, this kind of probiotics normaly are stored in the fridge, how they send it from swizzerland to home ?



Senior Member
One thing more, this kind of probiotics normaly are stored in the fridge, how they send it from swizzerland to home ?
They put several frozen ice packs (reusable) into an insulated and reflective box inside of the normal shipping box.

I just take one sachet per night, and do fine with that.
Hi guys, two important questions:

I have the omega3, the vivomixx, the azitromicin and the doxy. For the rest of the stuff i will have to wait a couple of weeks.

Can i start now and add the rest when i will have it, or better i wait to have it all, and start with everything at the same time. I mean is there any risk of messing up the gut with the abx if im just taking the omega3 and the vivomixx to protect it?

Second one: How should i take it? i will have 3 pills, 2 of doxy of 100mg and one of azitro of 500mg. I should take both at the same time? one in the morning one in the night? In the prescription is told that the vivomixx should be 2 sachets at night. I guess the abx should be taken 2h before the probiotics, right? so lets say, dinner at 20, the 2 abx at 21 and vivomix at 23?
I heard about a guy who didnt take the abx in the right way, or with probiotics at the same time, and he developed a ulcerative colitis.. so im afraid and i want to do it good.

Thanks a lot!!
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sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
I have the omega3, the vivomixx, the azitromicin and the doxy. For the rest of the stuff i will have to wait a couple of weeks

Hi Drass. Did you get your UK pharmacist to fill the prescription in the end? I'm in a similar position.

Re the order of taking things: I've been advised to start on the main meds, one at a time, so that if you get side-effects you will know for sure what is causing them. Then add things in, one at a time (although things like omega 3 probably aren't a big deal in that respect).
@sarah darwins I couldnt use the one made by KDM, cause they said that it needs some stamp from the clinic where they are providing it, and in the one from kdm it was printed, not stamped. So i went to the doc here in Poland, that is where i live now, and convinced the doctor to give me a prescription for the same abx. He gave it to me for a month, to do a checking after, and then keep on ;)

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
@Drass — Thanks, Drass. I got confused about where you were. Congratulations on persuading a local doctor to replicate a KDM prescription! I've asked the clinic to resend my prescription in a form more similar to the UK ones, but I didn't get a reply yet. Good luck with the treatment.


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I also have to ask the clinic to wrote the prescription slightly differently for uk, but once done they always fill it - the clinic only adds the extra info in pen ;).
New stuff:

AMMON Ammonia in serum 7,77 0,28 - 3,03 ratio to
ANAP Anaplasma phagocytophilum Negative Negative
Brucella Brucella spp. Negative Negative
Rickettsia Rickettsia Negative Negative
Tular IgM IgM Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) Negative see C15

Anybody has also high ammonia in serum? what does it mean?
Hello, i already have the second round of the treatment. It is completly the same as the previous but changing the abx for Flugyl and Tetralysal

Does anybody try any of those abx? i heard some terrible things about them..



Senior Member
Hi @Drass

I have 19.6 ammonia in serum.. Ammonia can go up when the liver is unfunctional and can't process it or (in our case), as a waste product of excessive harmful bacteria in our system. It's a very harmful substance and a neurotoxin.
Flagyl and Fasigyn (Tinidazole) are very effective abx against Borrelia, at the same time very similar. Generally Tinidazole is better tolareted and Flagyl has more side effects. I've read so many abx protocols, but using them in a rotation is uncommon for me. Kdm suprises again :)

There is a special section in Bryan Rosner's Book "Freedom From Lyme Disease" (which I highly recommend) for Tinidazole. The author says that this drugs new novel effects has been discovered, it's very powerful against cyst forms and should be used as a primary drug in the abx combination.

So please don't prepare yourself for a very terrifying impact. We might experience worsenings, up and downs, but usually this is how people get better.

By the way, I just received my first treatment plan from KDM and it's totally diffferent. Athough he says that I might be suffering from chronic Lyme, his emphasis is on my gut and first he is willing to fix the inflammation and the shift of some strains of harmful bacteria in my gut. So I have different antibiotics.