Second Appointment with KDM:
After entering to his room he said me that I'm positive for:
*Tularemia (need to check the IgMs)
*D-lactate. Thats why i have a feeling of constant hangover.
*Intestine inflamation
*Plenty of food intolerances
I asked him what he thinks about it and told me that in his opinion it can be almost completly recovered, and that the treatment will last for 18 months minimum, with a progresion following a U shape, going down at the beginning due to the herx and later increasing slowly to an almost complete recover.
He also asked me for some other tests:
Anaplasma Phagocytophilum
Brucella spp.
Rickettsia ssp.
Tularemia serology IgM only
Before ending the consultation he said that the nurse would bring me a paper with all the info detailed, the protocol of treatment and a letter to present to other doctors explaining whats going on but the nurse told that he didnt finish it yet and that i will receive it by postal mail soon. I dont know why, maybe cause he wanna have the results of the new tests..
I saw him pretty sure about the diagnostic and like if he has seen it so many times that for him is trivial to fix it, lets see
Ps: Counting the new tests + visit i paid something like 550e, quite a lot of money already..
Regards! and i will add more info when i will get his paper