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hi snow. yes...i meant fecal tx for the UC..not the CFSThanks Daffodil. Since getting UC I've researched it somewhat, and there is a lot of evidence that some people's UC is certainly caused by abx, and the obvious conclusion is that is because of the friendly bacteria dying off.
I did take the probiotics that KDM prescribed at the time. Not terribly strong, but better than nothing. I woudl strongly suggest anyone on abx take probiotics alongside. However, you can only get a couple of genera as probiotics or fermented food. The vast majority you cannot get, so your abx might kill off 300 genera of your gut flora, and all you are able to do is add 4 or 5 back in. You're still losing 295 of them. So just be aware of the symptoms of IBD, especially passing blood, and if necesary stop the abx rather than doing more damage. It's a real risk. But I also think it is important to also keep in mind that not everyone who takes abx for Lyme develops IBD.
I think fecal transplant is far more promising for IBD (and more promising for UC than Crohn's) than it is for ME/CFS. I would potentially do it, but I am not there yet.
I had some mild food intollerances before starting abx. While on abx I developed much more severe food intollerances. I was on a very strict diet until recently, but even now I have to be careful. If I ate the wrong thing then it made my UC and my ME/CFS worse. I guess that is either down to a more leaky gut now or not having important bacteria present, or both.
most people with CFS had IBS even before they got CFS, i thought. i certainly did.
i guess i am trading one illness for the risk of another, but what can we do?
i have been taking a probiotic called ALIGN for 2 days so far, and have not developed diarrhea yet. I believe it has no D-Lactate producing bacteria and CFS people have too much D-Lactate usually, so maybe this is why. However, I have a feeling ALIGN might not be all that powerful and I spent most of my time on Abx without any probiotic.
I will ask my doc about this and report what he says in Sept. did KDM say anything about your developing UC??
I hope you continue to feel better.