My experience with KDM and Lyme


Senior Member
I don't see how you could sue a doctor for excessive use of antibiotics. I mean excessive use of antibiotics was pretty much the norm everywhere when I was a kid 20 years ago. I got prescribed dozens of long courses for sinusitis and later for acne. I reckon it's at least a real possibility it contributed to later triggering ME/CFS. Even a couple of years ago, I got prescribed several months of antibiotics for suspected mycoplasma infection from a respectable doctor. Again, it was probably not of much help, but these are difficult cases to judge. If the tests show positive, there is at least a case to be made for prescribing an antibiotic.


Senior Member
Yes, indeed, @JES, same with me. And, in fact, KDM has helped many patients too. It is so truly unfortunate that we don't fully understand these conditions. Things that help one person make another worse. We need serious research funding so badly.