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My experience the first couple of weeks on methylation protocol


Senior Member
I started out building Dibencozide at 1/8th had some reaction to it, not necessarily positive but built my tolerance to it. Then after a week or so introduced hydroxyb12, after a few days on this I started feeling unwell. Skin went very pale energy was zapped. I know there is some controversy as to whether or not to use methylb or hydroxy. Due to my COMT status I was advised to use hydroxyb12. I am not sure If it was the hydroxy not agreeing with me or whether it was time for me to add in the methylfolate. Due to some social obligations I decided to go off of all of them. I have restarted and I am wondering if anyone has any experiences similar to mine. Any feedback is very appreciated thank you!


Senior Member
What Dibencozide are you taking? Does it have any other ingredients? You don't mention how much Hb12 you took and are there any other ingredients in that also?


Senior Member
In case anyone else is wondering like I was :) Dibencozide is adenosyl-B12.

(I had to google it, and then I thought maybe I could save someone else the step.)


Senior Member
The Dibencozide i'm taking has no other ingredients, I was up to about 500mcg of HB12, there are no other ingredients in that one either.