My exercise program

an island in Florida
exercise is important

Hi Frankie:

Yes, exercise is important, but you are wise to realize that in your acute stage, you should not exercise at this time.

There is such a fine line between the right amount, and too much. My orthopedic Doc has been very firm on that point. He is always reigning me in. Whenever I get into trouble, and on occasion it has been every two weeks, it was a direct result of too much exercise.

Most people and Doctors would look at the amount and say, no, that's not too much. Usually he says exercise every other day.

Trial and error is the way we figure it all out. He has said that I am very in tune to my body, and yet, I see that same body awareness in all of you. I think we are more sensitive, therefore we evaluate and understand more what is happening within because what is happening in our lives.

I am still in this "hit the wall" feeling, with the strained eyes, headache, over tired, etc., so I did exercise today, but kept it to a gentle 10 laps instead of the normal 20. It was the 30 laps on last Saturday that I am still paying for.

I find the heart rate discussion during exercise very interesting, because I am always very aware of my heart rate during my swims or walks, and I swim in slow motion to keep from getting it pounding, which is also the stage where my arms will burn.

Maybe for other athletes, a good muscle burn is a good thing. Not for me. That means way too much physical trouble following the exercise.

One of the most valuable things shared with me was to keep track of my exercise on a calendar. It helps me to not do too much, and also not to skip too many days. Either situation ends up with weakened muscles and increased body pain.


Senior Member
Today I did my weight lifting again. I skipped yesterday like a good girl and have not noticed any ill effects so I proceed.

Did one of everything as I did the other day. Added some sissy squats (4) holding dumbbells, and lowering them slowly to the floor with each squat. The trick is to keep feet well apart, and knees and feet turned outward to prevent strain on the knees.

Went for a short walk while doing errands again today. So far so good. Feeling just a teensy tiny bit more strength and balance from it already.


Senior Member

Thanks for the suggestion.

Oh, and thanks for all the white space between paragraphs in your posts.

It really helps my eyes, and my ability to take in what's said.


Senior Member
This evening, I pulled out my 3.5 lb dumbbells again, and did TWO of everything (ooooOOOOoooo!)

I decided I could safely do this because this week I've had no ill effects at all from doing one each approximately every other day.

So tonight that was 2 curls, 2 lifts to the side, 2 lifts (hands turned down) to the front, and 2 to the back (elbows bent, you start with the weights touching your lower back, and lift from there then back down; did it twice).

Also did 4 squats with dumbbells, bendind over while going into squat, with weights hanging down in front of you and let them touch the floor between your feet, then back up.

I can sense (and this week has shown me) that I can speed up my additions a little with safety.

I added a couple of floor exercises on an exercise mat.

Did some crunches, with arms crossed over chest -- 4 of 'em. Did something called the Boat, where you sit on the floor, legs are raised with knees bent, and you are leaning back -- sort of like a see-saw. Arms are straight out in front of you. I have modified this exercise so it works better for me, and I just hold the pose for the count of -- well, as long as is comfortable. I usually start to shake during this one but that's ok. I only do it once, at this stage.

Did some sitting ones that stretch the spine, with arms stretched forward, and slowly elongate the spine.(Mine doesn't elongate very far yet. :))

And that was that. Took, maybe 5 minutes.

Despite the short workout times and despite the fact that it's only been for maybe a week, I can sense an improvement -- don't feel so much like jelly for one thing. :D Feel more upright, more flexible, a little stronger, a bit more defined. Just a sense of this, that's all. but it's a start and it helps me to feel optimistic.
an island in Florida
Exercise Chart

Wow Jody:

You really need a chart. there are many charts that you can download for free from the Internet.

I would suggest one line for each individual exercise that you do, and maybe one section for each body area.

Way to go...


Senior Member

You are really concerned about me having a chart. :D I appreciate the concern, I really do.

I just know me and charts.

I used to be good at keeping organizational charts, I had to because I had so much going ... before I got sick.

But that part of my brain has not come back at this point.

I know what'll happen if I start a chart. I will keep it faithfully for a few days, maybe a week -- maybe longer. But at some point I'm going to be in a hurry or a little tired and put it off for a bit ... and Bang! That's it for the chart.:D

Maybe I will use this thread as my chart and keep track here. :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Has anyone else been trying taking creatine before anaerobic exercise to help with building muscle, prevent possible PEM, and also increase ATP?

I am trying it before pilates, but as that is only once a week, I am not clear about any results.



Senior Member
Ouch guys inspired me so I got out my hand weights. Ouch...I

think I may need to start off with lighter weights as it is even difficult to

type now. I would love to start going back to the gym each morning. I also

like pilates and cycling.

My problem is that it takes every ounce of energy I have to get my kids out

of bed, feed them breakfast, fight with them about going to the Y and then,

get them each into their seperate room in the child care.

I have done a couple of cycle classes in the last few weeks and it felt

really good. Of course, I didn't push myself and kept my heart beat from

getting too high. I think things will be easier when everyone is back in school.


Senior Member

I hope we didn't inspire you to overdo it with the weights. Sounds like you might have.

How much do they weigh?

The trick is to start ridiculously low. Remember, we are on the bunny slope of exercise. The bunny slope is embarrassing, but it's also harder to hurt yourself on it.


Senior Member
Over did it a little

My weights are ten pounds. I know this is alot for me now but I could easily handle them before this CFS. I will have to go get some lighter ones. I'm going to a wedding in a couple of weeks and would like to wear a sleevless dress. The juries still out on that one.


Senior Member

You know, you gotta try to forget about how much you could do before you got sick. It will just make you nuts otherwise.

How many days ago did you do your thing with the 10 lb weights? Today? Yesterday? How bad did you strain your arms?

Ah, the sleeveless dress ... Having had to lay off weights for the better part of a year after overdoing ONCE (see this, Frickly, overdoing can be risky business. :)) and along with the fact that I am almost **sigh** 54 yrs old, I have got the unfortunate upper arm thing goin' on. Not enough to stop me from wearing tank tops and wife beaters in the summer but enough to make me a little ... sad at the prospect of a really nice sleeveless dress.

Hence, the startover one more time with my 3.5 dumbbells, hoping to be able to continue forever and get some great biceps and triceps.:D


Senior Member

From the picture, I would have guessed early fourties at the most. Your right...I have not settled into this disease. I am also not the kind of person that does anything halfway. This is why I have to be very careful when I go into a cycling class. I tell myself over and over "slow and steady wins the race":D. Sometimes I listen and sometimes I don't, but there is always a price to pay:(.

By the way, being from Texas, I should probably know this as it sounds like something a Texan would say. What the heck is a wife beater?:D


Senior Member
Thanks Frickly that maked me feel better. :)

The advantages of having a photo that is not a closeup, wearing long sleeves. :D And the hair colour is henna, overtop of dark brown hair that has probably by now, lots of gray. :rolleyes:

How long have you been sick? Not that that has much to do with whether or not you have reconciled with your illness. :) It took me many years to quit fighting with it and try to work with it to get better.

And yeah, that DOES sound like something a Texan would say. :D

LOL A wifebeater is a sort of man-style undershirt, basically a sleeveless tank top.


Senior Member
I had a period of severe muscle fatigue for six months after I had my second son in 2001. When I had to start crawling up the stairs I realized something was wrong. It seemed to come and go for the next few years with, of course, no help from doctors. It hit me hard about 1 1/2 years ago. I was in the best shape of my life at that time. It had been coming on slowly since 2001 with lots of joint pain related to what ever area I worked on the most in the gym. I finally had to quit cycling as my hips became so painful I could no longer continue. Then the pain started in my upper back and neck. It was difficult to hold my head up. Between the hips, neck and muscle fatigue, I was in my chair most of the day. I also have all the other symptoms. Swollen lymph nodes, fevers, lots and lots of pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing, numbness, fog, severe muscle fatige and I am sure there are others. I am hoping for a cure and have not totally given up on my old life yet.


Senior Member
Ouch. You've had it rough.

You know what you have to do though, in order to get to that cure. You've got to hold back some, in order to regain lost ground in the future.


Senior Member
I hear you...

We all have no choice but to hold back. There is always a battle between the brain and body. My brain has lots of plans but my body has a different agenda. I think it takes some time for the brain and body to come to an understanding. I think I have been slowly moving in that direction in alot of ways.


Senior Member
I think it takes some time for the brain and body to come to an understanding.

My thought is, that they do indeed need to come to an understanding. But I think the understanding needed is, that the body wins.

My body has outvoted my brain and won, and I am now in the process of gaining real respect for my body and am paying it FAR more attention than I used to.


Senior Member

I have no doubt that you are correct. I would like to stay up late and watch a movie but my body is telling me it is time for bed. :D