The real cause of what the govt. has named 'CFS' is unknown. I suggest we not waste our energy personalizing the debate about unknowns. Everyone has the right to their opinion, and nobody has all the answers here, at least not that I have met (if you know that person please introduce me

My personal view having been a researcher is that one single observation, no matter how compelling, does not make a trend. And no conclusion about the 'real' cause of the disease state known as CFS can be reached until there is a clear trend in the research.
In other words, one person's improvement with this or that protocol often leads to someone making generalizations, but you just can not generalize from one case. Not Mike Dessin, Carter Burke, or anyone else who has had improvements can tell someone with ME/CFS how they will recover. Doctors and researchers know this because they see so many sick people, they know that every case is a little unique and even when you label someone with a disease that is no guarantee that any given treatment will work for them. Individuals with CFS lack this perspective of diversity, in fact other than online interactions or a few friends or family, most of us are pretty isolated. If there ever was a group that probably was NOT capable of making any generalizations, it is people with ME/CFS.
Anyway, regardless of what you want to call 'CFS,' regardless of whether it is technically a disease, a disease state, a syndrome, or even a spectrum of metabolic disorders, people with the condition can be very, very sick. I think we all should have great respect for each other, because we all KNOW first-hand how much suffering there is from CFS, most of us are fighting low-energy levels just to participate on this forum.
For the record, my personal view is that CFS is part of a spectrum disorder that includes MS. Explaining that would take more time than I have right now, but I believe the evidence and recent endogenous retroviral research into both CFS and MS support this view (and the common retrovirus in CFS and MS is not XMRV, but HERV K18 and the viral trigger HHV6 - and HERV K is an MuLV type retrovirus).
So, we each have our views and experience. I think we can all learn from what Mike, Carter and others have learned about THEIR case of ME/CFS. Some things they are doing might help a lot of PWC. But we just need to realize that one success story is not a trend, and not a scientific basis for making any claims or generalizations about the cause and treatment of ME/CFS.