My Battle with Brain Fog

Glasgow, Scotland
Hi everyone again! I thought I'd post a thread focusing specifically on brain fog as it is by far the symptom I'm most affected by, and imagine that many others are too. I'd like know of others on here in a similar boat and if they have found ways of managing, treating or perhaps curing such symptoms. In my case, as well as steadily progressive cognitive problems, my emotions and some aspects of my vision are declining in a similar maner. Along with brain fog, I also feel as if I have vision fog and emotional fog.

About two and a half years ago I first noticed this brain fog one day when I came into college and resumed working on my almost completed Graded Unit, being just 4 days away from completing the course. After previous months typing pages of sound engineering knowledge, projects I was doing and plans to start my own audio business, I was shocked to find that I couldn't think of a single sentence to add to my work, my mind was completely blank and my head only hurt trying. Thinking it was just a flu, I thought I would be able to get an extension to complete my course, but after my flu symptoms cleared within a week, the brain fog continued, just kept getting worse and has continued to do so since. More specifically, my recall, imagination and creativity is most affected by this and I feel as if my thoughts are becoming more and more two-dimentional and black and white. Being autistic, I used to have a great photographic memory and be able to imagine things really well visually. But these days, my mind is stuck in almost pitch darkness, with the odd sparks and flashes of these thoughts I once had. I worry that these thinking abilities will continue to deteriorate until I'm in a state of total nothingness, unless I manage to get to the bottom of it and at least stop any further decline.

After a year and a few months since this brain fog started, I found my emotions gradually beginning to slip away as well, taking me further into a state of anhedonia. I can tell that this isn't caused by depression, but rather due to my brain's processing speed becoming slower and slower. It's still continuing to get worse and the only way I can experience those emotions now is by trying to remember what it was once like to feel them and to try and recall the events that once triggered them. I hardly watch movies or play video games these days as I no longer get any sort of buzz or enjoyment out of doing so. And even when playing gigs with the bands I'm in, I feel like it's more like a job than a hobby nowadays. But despite this, it's the only thing left that gives my life any meaning or purpose these days. I'm still glad to say I have a unique musical talent and I'm willing to get out and make the most of it while I still can. But like the imaginative and thinking aspects of my brain fog, I fear that my emotions will continue to deteriorate and one day progress to complete anhedonia.

A few months before my emotions began deteriorating and flattening, some aspects of my vision began to decline too. More specifically, the peripheral and outside areas of my vision seem more blurred out and I feel rather zoomed in, being only able to focus on what I'm seeing directly in the middle of my vision field. While my eyes are capable of seeing in my peripheral areas, my brain is oblivious to them unless I concentrate in looking in those areas. It's almost like a form of mental tunnel vision. I also find that I can't think and notice what my eyes are seeing at the same time. It's almost like there is so little energy in my brain that it takes nearly all of it to properly perform one process at a time, so thinking and interpreting what I'm seeing is like having to multitask. My vision is also becoming more flickery, with static and random dark shapes flying around, particuarly when I'm looking at plain white objects. It's much like watching something on a projector, as opposed to an HD TV when I wasn't ill. And much like the other aspects of my brain fog, this is also something that continues to this day to deteriorate.

Can anyone else relate to any of this with their brain fog? Have any of you been in a position where you feel hopeless as your thoughts, emotions and personality slip away? And has anyone in this situation managed to find relieve from this worrying state and been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel?


The only way out, is through.
hi, I am in a different boat and am bedridden but yes I can relate and after awhile it has taken a toll on my emotions just from so many areas and organs being affected and hormones. I have been rather concerned with my cognitive issues as well declining last year and yes with all the weird vision things. It is so much work to keep focus on tasks and activities when you have to think about them so intently of things you could once do without thiking about.

I have no answers. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone and yes it terrifies me at times. I really have to work on being the observor and its not always easy. I am really in dark night of the soul days though so I am working on not worrying and being so distraught by it and instead imagining my brain cells growing, flourishing and other visualizations.

Healing vibes your way.


Senior Member
I can relate about brain fog, had for many years and it`s really a nightmare when it get bad. I share what i think started to help me with brain fog issues. I was allready doing all kinds of heavy metal detox things for several years and by doing so i started to think why i am still with so bad brain fog after all heavy metal detox & halogens detox ? Then i started to come in conclusion that it has to be my gut , the prime suspect.

So then i had 2 goals, fix the leaky gut and get normalize gut bacterias.

What seemed to help a lot was taking quite big amounts of beef liver capsules , i used Vital proteins brand as it is good quality and no synthetics added. for maybe 2 week i taked 20000-30000 IU/day ,then lowered to about 10000 IU . This is exellend source of animal vitamin A , but it also have other nutrients like copper which i think is also related to CFS in many people, copper deficiecy when it get bad really effect energy badly, copper is also needed for Iron so when have copper deficiency it can really punch someone down. And vitamin A is also very important to copper as it is also needed for making ceruloplasmin the protein that transport copper and iron . No wonder i had read earlyer that vitamin A gives energy , i literally feeled that my energys started go up after loading vitamin A ,copper and all what is in beef liver. Vitamin a is good for eye also, it might help.

But the benefits of vitamin A dont stop there, i believe it is great substance to fix leaky gut, if just get it "therapeutical dosages" and not using any synthetic forms , only real animal vitamin A is the real deal i think.

So what happens when leaky gut start to heal is all those particles/chemicals that should not get in to blood would better stay in the gut, that can make huge difference to mind .

But i also needed to use a lot probiotics, to heal leaky gut and for combat with pathogens . The most used strains , lactobacilus/ bifido that most probiotic products have did not seem help enough ene if used with very big doses. I then started with Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS and Bacillus strains probiotics ( just Thrive and Threelac ) , these new probiotics had quite kick effect, i feeled some nasty detox symptoms , meaning they were effecting and probably killing pathogens in my gut, the herx was severe but i continued as i thought i maybe find finally something that might give back the equilibrium. i also tryed to add as much different strains i could , which i think is also very important. There is two products , Equilibrium by General biotics ( 115 strains ) and Wild biotic by New nordic ( 100 strains ) that can give back some missing probiotics may be gone after antibiotics etc. I used those crushed flaxseed things to get fiber and also resistant starch from banana source, both are prebiotics also and fiber help to flush out toxins also, also used activated charcoal to manage the herx symptoms

I also use black see oil, Lomatium dissictum , lauricidin ,echinacea etc but take them at different time than probiotics. I take probiotics allways on first in the morning and use distilled water . Problem with even natural antimicrobials is that they also can kill good probiotics , so have to kee that in mind.

And gut is " the second brain " so thats why getting it better helps so much to other brain i think. oh and vitamin B 12 seemed to help also a lot, but it need stomach acid and bigger dosages like 5000 micrograms, i use also Swedish bitters that is great fix for intestinal problems .

Hope this will help
Glasgow, Scotland
@sunshine44 Sorry to hear that you are bedridden with your condition, that is still something I couldn't relate to or imagine, especially with brain fog on top of it. I really hope you find something that brings you some relief, best of luck to you. In my case it doesn't seem like CFS I have, just really bad brain fog on it's own which is getting worse like dementia. I havent found anything yet that has had any effect on it, but taking prescription dose co-codamol at least helps me to block out much of the pain, depression and irritable feelings I get from my brain being under constant bombardment with this illness.

@Archie I'm glad to hear you were able to relieve your brain fog by fixing gut issues, B12 had some effect on symptoms, and were able to somewhat get to the bottom of your symptoms. As much as CFS/ME is a nightmare illness I would never wish on anyone, I still in a way envy many CFS patients who have taken foods, suppliments and tried activities which have at least had some sort of noticable effect on their symptoms. While many have bad days, they can still have GOOD days. In my case, I only have bad days then worse days as it continues to decline. I often compare my condition more to dementia, rather than CFS. I can't help but think that I'm reaching the end of the road, unless I find something to at least stop further decline. As I've had bowel issues all my life, likely part and parcel with my autism, these could be a contributing factor in my cognitive decline as well. But I'm not so sure that they are the root cause as my brain fog hit me suddenly along with a flu. Basically I went from bright, creative acedemic student ready to start a business, to being thick as a meathead overnight. I imagine if I were to have a leaky gut or even blood brain barrier issues, the brain fog would be more of a gradual onset rather than a sudden one. And if that was the case, I imagine that eating certain foods/suppliments or consuming toxins would cause fluctuations in symptoms. But this brain fog I have seems to be completely impenitrable to everything I try and the only thing having any effect on it is time. And I can only hope I can do something before time runs out. But I will definitelly have another look into my gut issues to see if there are any contributing factors here as well, especially as it is your second brain after all as they say.
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The only way out, is through.
@sunshine44 Sorry to hear that you are bedridden with your condition, that is still something I couldn't relate to or imagine, especially with brain fog on top of it. I really hope you find something that brings you some relief, best of luck to you. In my case it doesn't seem like CFS I have, just really bad brain fog on it's own which is getting worse like dementia. I havent found anything yet that has had any effect on it, but taking prescription dose co-codamol at least helps me to block out much of the pain, depression and irritable feelings I get from my brain being under constant bombardment with this illness.

@Archie I'm glad to hear you were able to relieve your brain fog by fixing gut issues, B12 had some effect on symptoms, and were able to somewhat get to the bottom of your symptoms. As much as CFS/ME is a nightmare illness I would never wish on anyone, I still in a way envy many CFS patients who have taken foods, suppliments and tried activities which have at least had some sort of noticable effect on their symptoms. While many have bad days, they can still have GOOD days. In my case, I only have bad days then worse days as it continues to decline. I often compare my condition more to dementia, rather than CFS. I can't help but think that I'm reaching the end of the road, unless I find something to at least stop further decline. As I've had bowel issues all my life, likely part and parcel with my autism, these could be a contributing factor in my cognitive decline as well. But I'm not so sure that they are the root cause as my brain fog hit me suddenly along with a flu. Basically I went from bright, creative acedemic student ready to start a business, to being thick as a meathead overnight. I imagine if I were to have a leaky gut or even blood brain barrier issues, the brain fog would be more of a gradual onset rather than a sudden one. And if that was the case, I imagine that eating certain foods/suppliments or consuming toxins would cause fluctuations in symptoms. But this brain fog I have seems to be completely impenitrable to everything I try and the only thing having any effect on it is time. And I can only hope I can do something before time runs out. But I will definitelly have another look into my gut issues to see if there are any contributing factors here as well, especially as it is your second brain after all as they say.

Many healing vibes your way....research Asea, Restore and nano zeolite spray. All of those help move heavy metals and virus's from brain. We have used them in my family a lot with a lot of success....I am a very sensitive case though so yeah but definitely research the above! after 10 years of naturopaths, functional med drs and hundreds of supplements, these are the best things I have found for viral/heavy metal issues. My friends father is using a few of them for alzheimers with much success and I know of others as well. Might be worth a shot. Dementia is almost always an overburdened liver and heavy metals and a virus. Anyways, best of luck.


Senior Member
Well i am sorry to hear your situation, i think i know what you mean with dementia like symptoms, as i had it also . I also had thoughts that my brain is just beyond repair , it`s so weird how fast and suddenly things can change for good and bad.There is of cource also the other toxins , the heavy metals, and fluoride,bromide and aluminium is very bad fror brain, specially when it combines with Glyphosate, and getting Glyphosate from food sources or drinks is quite easy, except from organic.

Maybe if your detox channnels are just out of business, becouse toxins can cause them go offline. Liposomal glutathione ( at least LypriCel/Altrient brand ) is very good ,so is Stabilized R-Lipoic Acid , magnesium malate , BioSil . Those all could maybe help , specially glutathine , it`s just quite expensive stuf ,some experts have tell to take it 4-8 grams /day , i did take very big doses . Stabilized R-Lipoic Acid binds heavy metals nicely but have to be taken every 3-4hours becouse the half-life issue , Magnesium malate should start remove aluminium , BioSil ( organic silica ) also start removing aluminium , iodine also good but in your case not sure becouse it also make strong detox at first and sounds like you are not ready for it. Later could use Cilantro extract which mobilizes heavy metals, i dont recommend that you now start with it thought, it`s dangerous allways when mobilize heavy metals ,and would be better for you first gain some strengh .

Distilled water is great toxin remover from body also , but would need to buy the distiller machine firstof cource ( not very expensive thought )

But lets keep in mind that about 80% of our bodys immune system is from our gut, so in case of dysbiosis we can pretty much say that quite big part of the immune system is then out, if people with CFS have stealth pathogens in brain, causing brain fog etc it may be becouse weak immune system could not originally fix them . So i just think that by fixing gut to better health can cause domino effect, the immune system can then hopefully handle better EBV,Cytomegalovirus and other pathogens and flu. Sugar is acting against vitamin C , so it`s like immunosupressive , by taking Vitamin C place in cell`s , it prevent immuno system working normally .

Vitamin A is i think very important to gut and immunity , it also has effect to mast cell`s .


Senior Member
Many healing vibes your way....research Asea, Restore and nano zeolite spray. All of those help move heavy metals and virus's from brain. We have used them in my family a lot with a lot of success....I am a very sensitive case though so yeah but definitely research the above! after 10 years of naturopaths, functional med drs and hundreds of supplements, these are the best things I have found for viral/heavy metal issues. My friends father is using a few of them for alzheimers with much success and I know of others as well. Might be worth a shot. Dementia is almost always an overburdened liver and heavy metals and a virus. Anyways, best of luck.

Hey i looked about both Asea and restore, looks interesting to me, anything that could help gut microbiome and whole body is worth of trying , thanks for the info .


The only way out, is through.
yeah, a holistic physician introduced asea to me and then I later learned of restore. They are absolutely amazing. Just need to be able to get my body to handle the die off :) But very interesting what Asea is doing for the alzheimers community.


Senior Member
yeah, a holistic physician introduced asea to me and then I later learned of restore. They are absolutely amazing. Just need to be able to get my body to handle the die off :) But very interesting what Asea is doing for the alzheimers community.

Well they can take my money, i love trying new supplements, until i am financially broke , which not so unusual .


Senior Member
OMG :jaw-drop: There is anti-fatigue factor in liver ?

"According to the Weston Price Foundation, liver contains an unidentified anti-fatigue factor:

Liver’s as-yet-unidentified anti-fatigue factor makes it a favorite with athletes and bodybuilders. The factor was described by Benjamin K. Ershoff, PhD, in a July 1951 article published in the Proceedings for the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

Ershoff divided laboratory rats into three groups. The first ate a basic diet, fortified with 11 vitamins. The second ate the same diet, along with an additional supply of vitamin B complex. The third ate the original diet, but instead of vitamin B complex received 10 percent of rations as powdered liver.

A 1975 article published in Prevention magazine described the experiment as follows: “After several weeks, the animals were placed one by one into a drum of cold water from which they could not climb out. They literally were forced to sink or swim. Rats in the first group swam for an average 13.3 minutes before giving up. The second group, which had the added fortifications of B vitamins, swam for an average of 13.4 minutes. Of the last group of rats, the ones receiving liver, three swam for 63, 83 and 87 minutes. The other nine rats in this group were still swimming vigorously at the end of two hours when the test was terminated. Something in the liver had prevented them from becoming exhausted. To this day scientists have not been able to pin a label on this anti-fatigue factor.”

No wonder i was feeling more energy after started eating beef liver , i did not know anything about unidentified anti-fatigue factor in it .
Glasgow, Scotland
@sunshine44 Thanks, I'll definitelly look into these sprays and see if it could be of some help to me. I'm not quite so sure if heavy metal toxicity is causing my brain fog but I'll have a look into that as well nontheless. Being 24, my condition isn't dementia per say and definitelly not Alzheimer's, but does feel more like symptoms of neurodegeneration and permenant brain damage, rather than fluctuating brain fog. Unlike CFS, this brain fog is constant with zero fluctuations and has been steadily getting worse. Unlike dementia though, it appears to be post-viral and began as a sudden onset. The day before it hit me, I seemed completely healthy and was partying with friends at a music festival, followed by a band rehearsal. And the following day when it hit me, I was struggling to type a single sentence on a computer.

@Archie Although not dementia, I speak of it as such mostly due to it's pattern of progression which is very unlike CFS brain fog. The term "brain fog" isn't a good way to describe my condition either as it's more like a steady deterioration in brain functions, rather than feeling like my head is foggy. And the fact that it's constant with zero fluctuations makes it very hard to pinpoint any foods, suppliments, medications or exposure to toxins that could be causing it. I've even experimented by eating a healthy clean diet with low carbs/sugar, then tried a diet full of fatty, sugary junk food for several weeks and neither diet made any difference to these symptoms or their rate of progression. And I find that lack of sleep causes an additional form of brain fog on top of my existing reduced mental functions but doesn't make these particular symptoms any worse. Before I do too much else now, I think I'd be better getting more tests done to see if toxins and gut abnormalities are in fact causing these symptoms, as I've already spend so much time trying foods and suppliments, treating suspected problems and relying on guesswork. I also doubt that gut and detox issues would cause a sudden decline in brain functions overnight, as with blood brain barrier problems, I expect these symptoms would be a more gradual onset. But still, there is still a chance that a build up of toxins could be what's causing the symptoms to get worse and is definitelly worth investigating as well. But in the meantime I will do a little more research on this first and consider trying some of the suppliments you mentioned here. Thanks and best of luck.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I've come across it mentioned here that some people are d-lactate producers and that can cause brain fog issues at only slightly elevated levels so it's worth getting a blood test done for this. It's not routinely done and it's a significantly different test to l-lactate.

See the mention of d-lactate in this paper (under the heading D-lactic acid and propionic acid - a cautionery tale);


The only way out, is through.
@sunshine44 Thanks, I'll definitelly look into these sprays and see if it could be of some help to me. I'm not quite so sure if heavy metal toxicity is causing my brain fog but I'll have a look into that as well nontheless. Being 24, my condition isn't dementia per say and definitelly not Alzheimer's, but does feel more like symptoms of neurodegeneration and permenant brain damage, rather than fluctuating brain fog. Unlike CFS, this brain fog is constant with zero fluctuations and has been steadily getting worse. Unlike dementia though, it appears to be post-viral and began as a sudden onset. The day before it hit me, I seemed completely healthy and was partying with friends at a music festival, followed by a band rehearsal. And the following day when it hit me, I was struggling to type a single sentence on a computer.

@Archie Although not dementia, I speak of it as such mostly due to it's pattern of progression which is very unlike CFS brain fog. The term "brain fog" isn't a good way to describe my condition either as it's more like a steady deterioration in brain functions, rather than feeling like my head is foggy. And the fact that it's constant with zero fluctuations makes it very hard to pinpoint any foods, suppliments, medications or exposure to toxins that could be causing it. I've even experimented by eating a healthy clean diet with low carbs/sugar, then tried a diet full of fatty, sugary junk food for several weeks and neither diet made any difference to these symptoms or their rate of progression. And I find that lack of sleep causes an additional form of brain fog on top of my existing reduced mental functions but doesn't make these particular symptoms any worse. Before I do too much else now, I think I'd be better getting more tests done to see if toxins and gut abnormalities are in fact causing these symptoms, as I've already spend so much time trying foods and suppliments, treating suspected problems and relying on guesswork. I also doubt that gut and detox issues would cause a sudden decline in brain functions overnight, as with blood brain barrier problems, I expect these symptoms would be a more gradual onset. But still, there is still a chance that a build up of toxins could be what's causing the symptoms to get worse and is definitelly worth investigating as well. But in the meantime I will do a little more research on this first and consider trying some of the suppliments you mentioned here. Thanks and best of luck.
I've come across it mentioned here that some people are d-lactate producers and that can cause brain fog issues at only slightly elevated levels so it's worth getting a blood test done for this. It's not routinely done and it's a significantly different test to l-lactate.

See the mention of d-lactate in this paper (under the heading D-lactic acid and propionic acid - a cautionery tale);
Yes, I should have said dementia like feelings. It is a huge red flag this began post viral episode as so many of us can relate.

Have you ever listened to medical medium? I am not saying I take every word of advice but he is very spot on with how virus's are behind so many things (science is starting to slowly prove it)...anyways here is a free radio show of his if you should feel like listening. My functional medicine Dr has found that some of his tips have helped her patients. Listen to your own intuition as well always. Also, many virus's can't hang out long in people whose detox systems are working great and don't have heavy metals. ALOT of people in the world have heavy metal toxicity right now to some degree.


Senior Member
@sunshine44 Thanks, I'll definitelly look into these sprays and see if it could be of some help to me. I'm not quite so sure if heavy metal toxicity is causing my brain fog but I'll have a look into that as well nontheless. Being 24, my condition isn't dementia per say and definitelly not Alzheimer's, but does feel more like symptoms of neurodegeneration and permenant brain damage, rather than fluctuating brain fog. Unlike CFS, this brain fog is constant with zero fluctuations and has been steadily getting worse. Unlike dementia though, it appears to be post-viral and began as a sudden onset. The day before it hit me, I seemed completely healthy and was partying with friends at a music festival, followed by a band rehearsal. And the following day when it hit me, I was struggling to type a single sentence on a computer.

@Archie Although not dementia, I speak of it as such mostly due to it's pattern of progression which is very unlike CFS brain fog. The term "brain fog" isn't a good way to describe my condition either as it's more like a steady deterioration in brain functions, rather than feeling like my head is foggy. And the fact that it's constant with zero fluctuations makes it very hard to pinpoint any foods, suppliments, medications or exposure to toxins that could be causing it. I've even experimented by eating a healthy clean diet with low carbs/sugar, then tried a diet full of fatty, sugary junk food for several weeks and neither diet made any difference to these symptoms or their rate of progression. And I find that lack of sleep causes an additional form of brain fog on top of my existing reduced mental functions but doesn't make these particular symptoms any worse. Before I do too much else now, I think I'd be better getting more tests done to see if toxins and gut abnormalities are in fact causing these symptoms, as I've already spend so much time trying foods and suppliments, treating suspected problems and relying on guesswork. I also doubt that gut and detox issues would cause a sudden decline in brain functions overnight, as with blood brain barrier problems, I expect these symptoms would be a more gradual onset. But still, there is still a chance that a build up of toxins could be what's causing the symptoms to get worse and is definitelly worth investigating as well. But in the meantime I will do a little more research on this first and consider trying some of the suppliments you mentioned here. Thanks and best of luck.

These things are mysterys to resolve, it would be unusual to get fast fix , i stubbled for years and years going much anywhere, sometimes going backwards becouse of not knowing enough about how to do detox in safe way, i literally caused reintoxication to myself too many times. You are right, it`s good to do research try to seek best route before start buying all things randomly.

I forgot to mention on previous post, Vitamin A should be take with vitamin D , i think vitamin D protects against Vitamin A toxicity .

What ever is the reason , a supplement like this might help , as it is acting on brain cell levels

Another worth trying is liposomal vitamin C mega doses , it`s quite a punch for virus / bacteria, used in pneunomia for example. ( might remove copper also , maybe take extra copper also )


The only way out, is through.
These things are mysterys to resolve, it would be unusual to get fast fix , i stubbled for years and years going much anywhere, sometimes going backwards becouse of not knowing enough about how to do detox in safe way, i literally caused reintoxication to myself too many times. You are right, it`s good to do research try to seek best route before start buying all things randomly.

I forgot to mention on previous post, Vitamin A should be take with vitamin D , i think vitamin D protects against Vitamin A toxicity .

What ever is the reason , a supplement like this might help , as it is acting on brain cell levels

Another worth trying is liposomal vitamin C mega doses , it`s quite a punch for virus / bacteria, used in pneunomia for example. ( might remove copper also , maybe take extra copper also )
soooooo well said!!! I feel like I got so much sicker from detoxing incorrectly a few years ago and am paying the price and working to undo the retoxification now. What a journey. Low and slow is the way friends.
Glasgow, Scotland
@kangaSue Thanks, I've have a look into this too as it could be something else worth rulling out.

@Archie Indeed, and yep, liposomal vitamin C could be worth a try also. I'm currently taking 1000mg of Citicoline daily, along with 700mg of N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, 400mg of L-Theanine and 600mg of Bacopa Monnieri but none these things are making any difference to my symptoms or their progression rate. And tried Sulbutiamine recently which did in fact make the brain fog worse than after a few days of taking it, but went back to it's current baseline level when I stopped. I also tried taking Ibruprofen daily to see if it's anti-inflamatory effects would do something, but they have zero effect on me. I've got some aniracetam recently and I'm planning to try that as well to see if it has any effect on this illness.

In the meantime, taking co-codamols seems to be relieving some of my symptoms, particularly that constant headache that feels like my brain is being continuously rubbed with sandpaper while being bathed in battery acid, that disapears completely. And those irritable, depressed feelings that acompany the headaches and brain fog are also gone completely when I take those painkillers. As well as that, I get a slight high off of them which makes me feel somewhat human again.
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Senior Member
@SeanQHX1 I just ordered citicoline to myself today, now i am not so sure was it worth of buying. Well when i typed "parasites brain fog" to , it does look like your brain & mind related symptoms could also be caused by parasites.

Parasites do cause all kinds of symptoms, and not allways gut related .At least brain fog is mentioned a lot if look many web sites about the symptoms, well many dont even know they have parasites becouse no usual gut symptoms.

Well it`s just a theory, sometimes have to rule out things one by one until finds the root cause.
Glasgow, Scotland
@Archie I've believed for a while that it could be parasites or some sort of autoimmune problem. More than anything, it does feel like my brain is actively being attacked and destroyed by something of that sort, hense why my "degenerative" brain fog is acompanied by worsening pains in my head that feel more like physical injury pains than headaches. At one point I suspected it might have been Lyme disease as it can cause similar progressing brain symptoms and severe headaches if left untreated but even then, my symptoms are still very different. I agree, it could be a case of having to rule out everything one by one untill I find the cause.