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Much worse following bone marrow biopsy


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Finally, I went to my primary care physician. That was two days ago. I expected him to just try to pass me off to my lung doctor but he surprised me.

I'm so glad your doctor was responsive and didn't just pass you off to another doctor. They don't always understand how hard that is for us...how getting to one appointment can be difficult let alone having to make it to two.

Thanks for the update.

Prayers that the medications will work for you and soon.
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Senior Member


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
One more thing. The doctor was responding to my account of what as wrong with me. Plus he observed how qu9ickly I became short of breath just trying to talk. I have no fever, and many doctors would use to rule out infection. But he didn't. And they shouldn't. For example, I read two studies where about 45 percent of confirmed COVID patients have no fever.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
One more thing. The doctor was responding to my account of what as wrong with me. Plus he observed how qu9ickly I became short of breath just trying to talk. I have no fever, and many doctors would use to rule out infection. But he didn't. And they shouldn't. For example, I read two studies where about 45 percent of confirmed COVID patients have no fever.

Do you have a pulse oximeter at home?

And fever can also be blunted in us older people. There are articles online about that too.

Did he do a blood test to see what your white blood count was?


Senior Member
Northern California
After the periodontist I just got worse and worse. But it was also up and down, so I kept waiting to see if I would get better. But I didn't. It got really bad. I was barely able to do anything. And everything I did was major stress. Finally, I went to my primary care physician. That was two days ago. I expected him to just try to pass me off to my lung doctor but he surprised me. He gave me an injection of a powerful antibiotic and another one of the anti-inflammatory. I'm also on oral anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic. And so now I just wait and see. I'll know in two weeks. I'm also supposed to follow up with him.

I'm so glad you sought medical care and that your doctor is following up with you in 2 weeks.

I am curious to know if you mentioned the periodontal care to your doctor as a possible inciting event?

I DON'T mean in terms of "post exertional malaise," but rather as the opportunity for an infection to find it's way into your body and lodge itself somewhere or disseminate into bacteremia.

For example, the connection between periodontal disease, dental work, and endocarditis is well-established. Some folks with underlying conditions take antibiotic before and after such procedures prophylactically.

In any case, it sounds like you are in good hands, just want to make sure your physician is aware of your trip to the periodontist in case it's relevant to your current state of health.

P.S. This thread is about you, not me, but I wanted to share that I also had a positive experience with my primary care physician just two days ago. I showed up at his office in person, so he could really "see" me and examine me. I let him know that 12 days ago, out of seemingly nowhere, my baseline level of symptoms and functioning had dropped to a new low that was frightening to me. I gave him my 3 top symptoms/concerns and I was surprised when he postulated that I either picked up a virus or possibly an occult infection of some sort. I have lab work to complete and a follow up appointment in a few weeks. I really appreciate that he took my concerns seriously and did not immediately assume it was "just" dysautonomia or "just" ME/CFS, etc.
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Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
@Zebra Thanks for post. I told him about the periodontist and that they polish teeth there. I explained that polishing creates an aerosol from the saliva of previous patients. So he knows. Also, I take 4 amoxicillin an hour before the cleaning to help prevent heart infection. This makes it sound like I'm really on top of things, but the truth is I'm only on top of things part of the time. I almost didn't' go see my doctor.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
Good news.. The treatment seems to be helping. I don't know yet how much but at least I stopped declining.

Also, I was wondering why a doctor would prescribe prednisone along with the antibiotic, considering that prednisone blunts the immune system. Here's what I found:

In some cases, the inflammatory response is so severe that it damages the function of organ systems, sometimes being life-threatening. Therefore, along with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory is also often used to treat infectious diseases.
https://www.vinmec.com/en/pharmaceutical-information/use-medicines-safely/use-effective-antibiotics-and-anti-inflammatory-drugs/#:~:text=In some cases, the inflammatory,used to treat infectious diseases.


Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, @Andrew
I am relieved you have stopped declining!
Your doctor must have been very concerned about you to immediately prescribe those powerful medications.
When you feel up to it, would you please let me know if routine blood work (CBC and CMP) showed signs of infection?
I am, selfishly, asking for myself. I already mentioned that I saw my primary care physician last week who was also concerned for occult infection. I was able to get to the lab today, and as the results are trickling in the notable abnormals are, surprisingly, LOW white blood cell count and LOW neutrophil count, which seems like the opposite of infection. I also have some mild electrolyte abnormals (sodium and chloride). I am continuing to decline and have tested negative for urinary tract infection and no symptoms of pneumonia. Frankly, I'm a little scared by how bad I feel, which is why I'm online. It's hard to live alone when you are very ill. Sorry to be a bother. Thanks, Andrew.


Senior Member
Northern California
Unfortunately I don't have any recent tests.

Thank you for taking the time to respond despite how badly you feel right now. I'm glad that your doctor was able to provide you with a swift clinical diagnosis and get you started on medication right away. I hope you will be back to your baseline level of health as soon as possible.

Praying for you, @Zebra.

I am so touched that you would take the time to pray for me. Thank you for your generous spirit.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I guess I'm just in for a rougher ride than before. I had major ME/.CFS crash 2 years ago from which I never recovered.

did you have a chest x-ray or any kind of scan of your lungs?
I got the xray.. It says I have emphysema, I don't think I've been told this before, but it doesn't surprise me. My lungs are a mess. I also have asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and my intestine is pushing on a hernia in my diaphragm and collapsing part of my lung. But my oximeter readings are acceptable. I just checked and it's 93. Not great but not worrisome. I used to be on oxygen all the time but now I don't need it these days.


Senior Member
I got the xray.. It says I have emphysema, I don't think I've been told this before, but it doesn't surprise me. My lungs are a mess. I also have asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and my intestine is pushing on a hernia in my diaphragm and collapsing part of my lung.

I'm so sorry to hear this @Andrew but I am glad that you got the results of your chest x-ray. Are you still taking the antibiotic & anti-inflammatory meds? Has your PCP recommended anything else (further testing or treatments)? I just took my dad to get a chest x-ray a couple days ago and we are waiting for the results.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I'm so sorry to hear this @Andrew but I am glad that you got the results of your chest x-ray. Are you still taking the antibiotic & anti-inflammatory meds? Has your PCP recommended anything else (further testing or treatments)? I just took my dad to get a chest x-ray a couple days ago and we are waiting for the results.
It's in progress. Tests and medications. But I'm not doing well right now. I'll talk more later

vision blue

Senior Member
@Andrew You should get an EKG also.
(Have to rerad some of the pista in the middle- so first setback bone marrow biopsy, second setback dental (and gum) cleaning but i nay have missed what was in middle

@Zebra. Having electrolytes that are even a little bit off even if obe not officially in acidosis or alkalosis can make one feel like one is at deaths door. low white blood cell count and low neutrophils can also mean an infection because it can point to the those things being in the infected tissues rather than circulating in blood. How are you doing now? Any cause foubd for the altered sodium? You can PM me or start a new thread if you dont want to interfere with andrews threws