Berberine is a little alarming, it's used in the diabetes research and its mechanism is this other part that your link happens to mention: "In view of the evidence that BRB localizes in mitochondria, inhibits respiratory electron chain". They know it as a mitochondrial inhibitor.This is purely anecdotal, but I have been taking berberine for about a week now, and Berberine is a mtor inhibitor. link I have worked my way up to 300mg a day and feel a big improvement in my health.
I am taking it for SIBO and I think that's where most of my benefits are coming from. If it is as they say, a mtor inhibitor, it hasn't done me any harm whatsoever, in fact it's been a great help. I have read the metabolomics study saying that mtor is already inhibited in cfs. So it don't really make a lot of sense to me, but it is really helping me a lot!
[No comment on rapamycin, perfectly plausible it helps in one way, not to mention people have gotten symptom relief from mTor inhibitors all the time]