Blowing away the smoke and pointing the mirror at the person who dazzled you.
Seems we may be born with XMRV from infected mom, or get it from a vaccine or a blood transfusion. Unless it's contagious and in the air. Highly unlikely, unless there is a mystery contagious pathogen + XMRV/MULV, e.g. Mycoplasmas. At the end of the day the conspiracy of silence is real, and not a conspiracy theory but fact. There is a reason, (despite costing the US tax payer multi billions of dollars in lost work hours per year) 'CFS' is created out of an already classifiable disease (ME - circa 1969). There is a reason to ignore biomedical research evidence for decades, to deny funding for more research, to give all funding to psychologists (in a non psychiatric disease), and to claim there are cures that pathologically make patients worse (exercise) to 100% guarantee the disease is hidden.
If I recommend chocolate for Type 1 diabetes as a proven treatment NO ONE will believe you that diabetes is linked to raised blood glucose and it makes you worse by eating carbohydrate and food. (If diabetes wasn't fatal without insulin). The diabetic is thus disbelieved and considered 'crazy' in conjuction with psychological 'evidence' of this. That one can 'rehabilitaite' the lying hysterical diabetic back into society with CBT. This only works, if there are no diagnostic tests needs to become a diabetic, to guarantee the majority of people with diabetes never have it, and the underlying cause for diabetes is never found. This is what happened with ME/CFS. We all know this, to our terrible cost.
All this therefore means XMRV/MULV was known and needed to be 'lost' which it was. There is no reason to ignore people who have a disease that 1 in 4 people are house/bed ridden, and some die. There is no reason to ignore a disease that affects CHILDREN and young people that devastates their lives and turn a blind eye. There is no reason to give as an official excuse (CDC) that they cannot afford to fund, understand or acknowledge CAV retrovirus back in 1991 even when the virus is photographed as being real and 'new' in CFS. That finding was silenced and the scientist duly has a car crash and no peep is heard out of her ever again (literally). How convenient.
Not wanting to help people who have the disablity level of someone dying from AIDS or heart failure, people who have thousands of research papers behind their illness label, screams vaccine contamination and/or government involvement. Medics and health linked professionals are highly intelligent people. They are always one step ahead of you, because they know the source. The fact the British put files on ME (via the Medical Research Council) under the official secrets act until 2070, again is dead give away of state involvement of the introduction of XMRV/MULV into the human blood supply. Why does it need to be a secret? Why do all the original ME patients (or disinformant agents involved in ME) need to be dead before the truth is known? Few consider this due to brainwashing and the belief 'good' people exist in the health care profession universally. Guess what, they don't.
If a CDC director ( Doctor Raymond Vonderlehr) can help kill African Americans for an 'experiment' with syphalis (tuskegee experiment) for 40 years , anything is possible with CDC later on in ME/CFS. A tiny private scientific group (WPI) 'found' XMRV and told the world. We were not ever going to find out, CFS was about to be renamed as 'unwellness' by the CDC and entered into the psychiatric novel of DSM-V. WPI need a Nobel Prize for saving millions of lives, they prevented future stealth genocide. If 17 million are infected, how many have died so far, that could have been saved, had it not been for the misdirection of funds and the bogus illness label for ME, 'CFS'? Tens of thousands at least have died over multiple decades world wide, at least.
Why is all the discrimination of slandering patients allowed to be published in journals (pure conjecture and bigoted hate of 'personality types' in CFS), with not a word said by authorities? If people said what they say (people, as in doctors) about people of certain faiths, or certain sexual orientation, or certain illneses/disease they would be (rightly) sacked from their jobs and it would make headline news for weeks. In ME CFS, these haters are not put in jail, but placed at the very top of ME/CFS research and given medals and awards and allowed to control funding and prevent the evolution of scientific knowledge.
THAT answers your questions on the 'Modes of transmission of XMRV/MULV', coupled with the recent 'failed' studies by the CDC and British which when examined where scientifically inacapable of detecting XMRV (Thanks Suzanne Vernon), with the wrong cohort of patients, and involving people who said ME/CFS did not exist alongside refusal to use known positive XMRV samples. What on earth? Anyone with an IQ over double figures is aware the CDC do not want to find XMRV/MULV and the Brits also. We have total media blackout in the UK the day the Alter/Lo paper breaks. Again laughable and obvious why. When an ME patient is locked away and they subsequently die of inflammation of the spinal cord (75% destruction of sensory neurons) the people who abused the ME patients are found 'not guilty' in court for accusing her of being insane. What on earth? If found guily, then that case would show ME is involved with terminal illness and not 'illness beliefs'.
Once 'we' (ME/CFS) are maybe infected from mom to baby transmission, XMRV/MULV's go into the next generations and kids are born with XMRV/MULV's activated in teenage years by adrogens/NF Kappa-b and an incomplete immune system that never got to maturity. The majority of people with classic ME/CFS that become profoundly disabled for life and never recover (literally), are nearly always sick before they are 30, they are exclusively children, teens, or people in their 20's because they are probably born infected, like HIV babies can be. If XMRV doesn't 'turn on' until you're 11, 17, 23, 37 etc this is easily plausible. Again, this suggests kids being born with XMRV/MULV, or vaccinated and a long latency period before activation. A fool can see that. We don't need be-spectacled wiry bearded denialists to 'confirm' anything and waste another 5 years to 'confirm' the SCIENCE paper that could be done in a few months if anyone wanted to. Either you test positive for XMRV/MULV through private testing (denied by the state) or you don't. Again a nitwit can go work this out that the SCIENCE paper is true if ME/CFS patients keep testing positive! There are documented cases of developing ME/CFS directly after school vaccine programmes, such as BCG (Tuberculosis). Whether or not the vaccines are contaminated themselves (how else did XMRV/MULV get in our blood from a MOUSE derived retrovirus that is now human?) or they activate the XMRV/MULV's, or even both...remains to be seen.
I'd hazard a guess the HIV & XMRV/MULV epidemic are running on a similar but apparenltly not identical time line. ME came before HIV. ME was classified in 1969 by the WHO as a brain disease after multiple 'outbreaks'. Not that long later along comes an appaling virus, HIV that kills outright. No one, no qualified doctor for ANY REASON OTHER THAN POLITICAL, would rename a certified brain disease (ME) to 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' and reduce the diagnostic criteria to include the world and his dog. No one would state over and over again ME 'does not exist' , whilst existing alive and well to this day as a certified brain disease. It's called lying, literally, lying. Does the state usually employ people who print research papers saying MS doesn't exist, or Lupus? Or that Lupus patients should feel shame for being sick? Someone seriously on a 'mission' would be allowed to say that without a single word of complaint or raised eye brows.
Who would you need to employ to spin a story that ME/CFS is 'not new', that ME was seen 100's of years ago in WAR due to trauma......that Florence Nightingale had it and so such BS (when there is no test, and no evidence, and masses of reasons for chronic exhaustion that can never be proven)? You would need to employ someone who is expert in tracing back 'fatigue' states. That needs to be an epidemeologist in order to create a fairytale, and preferably from the military so you can sew up censored information in papers no one will ever see. *Bingo* This person would need to be a psychiatrist too, to enable public mocking of the ME/CFS patient under the excuse it's only a 'theory' and it's their job to 'guess' on reasons for illness. Soon, no one would care, 20, 30, years later this person would be considered a world oracle on ME/CFS by the state/media, through the destruction of ME as serious neuro immune disease and the introduction of 'CFS'.
That single employee, the dictator. The arrogant rutheless defiant sociopathic influencial powerful dangerous person who hold all the cards is? ..... ....... The people who needs to know, knows full well what the 'Modes of transmission of XMRV - MULV's are, as they were shown decades ago as part of their contract to make sure no one ever found out. You and I will never know.
Either way, the WPI are spectacularly infuriating for the never to be named people who miscalculated the possibility of a WPI appearing out of the desert like a mirage. We have the comical situation of a mini clinic leading world researchers behind them like pied piper whilst the people who smashed pied piper's pipe (now glued together) are reeling in chaos, literally not knowing what to say or do next.
And that, is progress..... albeit progress with a bitter sweet taste of victory. Time, cannot be reversed and our lost time is gone forever and needlessly wasted through us being contained within a programme we had no idea of, will never know what it was for and why we were targeted. All we do know now thanks to the WPI, is we need massive funding for research at a federal level.
Where is it? Shall we wait years and years more for someone to get off their backside and do a replication study with the Lombardi methods? 1 year has nearly passed since the Lombardi paper was made public.
And the band played on.........
'Quote CFSAC meeting 2009'.
''We don't want another and the band played on scenario''.