Of course I think we should all be exercising, and to some degree if possible an increase in the amount you do should be the goal.
GET is based on an assumption that we don't have a physical illness, and the speed at which you're supposed to increase the duration of exercise is ridiculously fast.
I've done GET and did actually see a decrease in my ability, a lot of it came down to the way I reacted emotionally to the ridiculousness of it all. As anyone will know with this illness we only perform well when everything is just so. The negativity of it all was taking the edge off how I was feeling.
You may find
this thread interesting, especially the stuff about Julia Newton's
in vitro muscle study. It shows that even outside the body, our muscles behave abnormally. Hordes of us know from bitter experience that exerting ourselves beyond physical comfort has adverse effects, sometimes long-term and even permanent. We can go from mild illness in which we can work full-time to being bedbound and dependent on carers. This is one of the very-unusual aspects of ME.
That's why I worry that people with ME may follow your advice and suffer the same fate. I have been life-threateningly-ill twice due to over-exertion.
There are numerous illnesses that have similar symptoms to ME which can be diagnosed and treated successfully, which is why I so agree with @
peggy-sue that you should seek a formal diagnosis. There is anaemia, liver disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Lyme disease, coeliac disease, Behcet's disease, and many more.
Many of us - myself included - have been really excited when it appears that we have something treatable, only to find that tests proved negative and we are still stuck with the trivialised, neglected diagnosis of ME/CFS. Who would want to be in that club? I know we are a great bunch
but even so...
Then some have found, after years of being discarded into the ME/CFS 'wastebasket', that they really do have something different and treatable.
I know that others too have questioned your self-diagnosis as your pattern of symptoms doesn't seem at all typical. Although I am only moderately affected, I have a very high percentage of the CCC criteria that I linked to, which is regarded as the nearest thing to a gold standard in the view of most patients and knowledgeable medics.
If we seem to be negative towards you it's not intended to be so - it is just so important for your sake and for those who read your messages that your diagnosis is correct.