Not sure what you mean? That global HIV activists would be pissed at ME activists?
That it MAY appear to the public at large as though we are saying "don't fund them; fund us." I KNOW that's not what we'd be thinking, but as one of the only 'getting along with people' books I read once said, "it can't just BE good. It has to look good and sound good or it's no good." And that goes double in the world of public perception.
It's definitely a delicate balance. We want to say, "ME should be considered as worthy of time, energy and funding as other illnesses with similar disease-burdens and quality of life." We don't want to come across as considering ourselves MORE worthy of time, energy and funding than other illnesses.
I don't want to argue back and forth about how it might appear, considering it doesn't exist, yet! Just considering the optics of the thing...
Additionally, I never fully crashed from the protest (I'm sure many of you are going
) but it's more like I've been teetering at the brink of one for days. My thinking isn't the clearest right now, IOW, so just mull it over a bit.
I wish we could convince those who are being funded to show up and protest on our behalf. Can you imagine the power THAT would have?
"Why are you funding my disease and not theirs?"
Very brave and very powerful.
Again, not speaking as #MEAction with any of this, and probably shouldn't be speaking even for myself RN.