I think there is some misunderstanding here. DeFreitas did not claim to have found HTLV-1 or 2. She explicitly tested for them, found they were not present, and said so. She was combing through viral fragments with primitive technology. There has been repeated falsification of claims never made in this field. What had been missing until recently was a desire to get to the bottom.Yes, maybe she did find something but no one was able to reproduce what she did find using her techniques (or others). All they had to do was find the sequences - and a large number of people, including herself, weren't able to do that. Its too bad she didn't have more money - she clearly needed it - but she couldn't get grants except for the CAA - which, of course, didn't have much money. Maybe if she'd had more money things would have been different...but my guess is not.
DeFreitas was unable to distinguish CFS patients from controls at the CDC using her test and that the following groups were also unable to distinguish CFS patients from control using DeFreitas work or were unable to find HTLV in CFS patients.
- A lab licensed by Wistar (her funder) to produce a test
- A lab in Texas that had been reporting near 100% accuracy until blinded tests were done at the CAA - their findings were described as resembling throwing darts a board
- Dr. DeFreitas herself was unable to do that using patients of her own choosing from Dr. Bell's studies at the CAA (Hillary Johnson chose not to report this in Osler's Web. Dr. DeFreitas was given a final chance to show that she was right. Based on her findings about half the CFS patients and half the healthy controls had her virus.)
- The Gow Group
- A Japanese Group
- the CDC twice
- The National CFIDS Association about 10 years ago.
- The WPI reported XMRV is not HTLV-like and that they found no evidence of HTLV viruses or viral sequences in their extensive pathogen arrays on CFS patients.
Based on that I really don't think an HTLV-like virus is a possibility. Its a tough field! Her viral findings in multiple sclerosis didn't pan out either.
I'm told there were pictures of virions inside mitochondria.
HTLV does not do this, MLV does
They were forced into taking risks by the complete lack of official support for their research.
DeFreitas did not claim to have found HTLV-1 or 2. She explicitly tested for them, found they were not present, and said so.
Rich reports that the FDA-NIH study may be published 'next week', in his report re the WPI Opening Day in this thread:
"Everyone is anticipating the publication of the NIH-FDA study, which is supposed to happen next week and is expected to confirm the WPI finding of XMRV in CFS. This is expected to be a major boost for the WPI, and hopefully will help them in getting grant support for their work, which will be very important for the future of the Institute."
I've had that experience with other things. The sheer mass of detail, and the narative presentation of the controversy, makes it difficult. I'll try again, because I know I read it somewhere. (BTW: Can anyone give me a reference to the chapter and verse where she talked about Stephen Straus' meeting with potential investors in possible Wistar patents?)... I looked through Hillary's book very carefully when I got the info on the last study. I never found it...
One important thing about that work was that DeFreitas' husband went to some lengths to supply negative controls, and make sure the negative control samples would not come from people who might meet diagnostic criteria for the illness. He even got umbilical cord blood, which should be negative for everything, barring vertical transmission. The reason for this was that a high percentage of controls had tested positive earlier. This level of care was not taken by people who did not believe there was an infectious disease. The discovery there were strong results with samples from actual patients, and lesser correlation with those closely associated with them, by a bench scientist who only saw samples, is a striking indication she was onto something.DeFreitas original study was blinded as I remember. It was a published study...I know she did grow things but I also read that its not that hard to be able to grow things...I don't know if that's true or not...
I don't expect to find an HTLV virus in this either.I don't imagine after the testing that's been done by the WPI that there's any chance that an HTLV-like virus is present in CFS. It just didn't work out..
It was hardly ignored...They spent two years on it.....Should they have spent more money on it? Perhaps..but let's not rewrite history. They spent about two years and reportedly several million dollars looking for it. Where was the NIH when they were actually devoting some resources to it? They were denying De Freitas' grants!Which would be an incredibly important finding in a disease ME/CFS that causes total exhaustion of brain and body and thus very highly significant. Why was this ignored by the CDC?
That would be nice! Who knows?Correct. There is no evidence of HTLV virons inside mitochondria. MLV class virus are the only viruses shown to infect mitochondria and alter CREB gene function, and XMRV is an MLV class virus....which does make one wonder about XMRV in ME/CFS. This will be the next bombshell in my opinion. The reason for cellular exhaustion in ME/CFS proven once and for all. XMRV fits this perfectly.
That happened about 7 years after the DeFreitas finding.Correct, Dr Cheney stated the CDC said they 'couldn't afford the plane ticket' to fly to the lab. A very bizarre thing to say when DeFreitas was possibly sitting on the cause of ME/CFS and very very suspicious coming from a health organisation that stole $10 million from the American tax payer's funding into CFS and put it into 'other conditions' before being exposed.
If delaying the publication of the Alter paper is censorship of the truth then what is publishing it? Promotion of the truth? That delay may very well have been the best thing that happened to the Alter paper. He got to see what the CDC did and then counter it. Its only censorship if its buried - it doesn't sound like its being buried does it? I suggest another interpretation is in order. They had two findings from both groups and asked them both to recheck their data. Given what is occurring that makes more sense to me.. A La 'delayed' publication of the Alter/Lo paper, again for political reasons (censorship of the truth).
Everyone wants to make the CDC the fall guy but the NIH is equally responsible if not more so - they are the premier research facility in the land; their budget is much higher than the CDC's and they are a pure research group while the CDC is not. Given that they should be spending 3 or 4 times as much on CFS as the CDC but they're spending the same amount; eg you could argue they are hurting us more. Their willingness to turn away from CFS actually has had worse consequences than the CDC's doing so.Post XMRV, Dr Klimas said, someone's going to 'go down' for this, and right she is. Globally, there are too many people dead and severely disabled from CFS, and too many highly intellectual people who have spent years collecting, investigating, then cataloguing the whole CFS tragedy for everyone to escape on a boat off to Hawai and an early start to daily 'morning golf'. Most will, but all clues lead back to the CDC and unfortunately for them decisions that were indefensible at the time were indeed made by high ranking officials.
You're mixing apples and oranges. Strauss was from the NIH. He had nothing to do with the CDC.Why would the CDC ignore the US Assistant Secretary of Health and an electron microscope that finds CAV in CFS patients, and instead employ Stephen Straus to publically state that CFS is form of psychoneurosis and that the documented outbreaks were 'mass hysteria'.
According to my Washington contact, the Lo/Alter paper will be released tomorrow and published on Tuesday. The paper will confirm that XMRV and its variants (human MLV-related viruses) are associated with CFS and are also present in the blood of healthy controls. The WPI "will be completely" vindicated (including the variants disclosed by WPI in support of the Science paper) and the negative studies are likely the result of the non-use of the Lombardi primer sets or or other equally sensitive tests. The study apparently blows away the "contamination" argument, finds the retroviruses in over 85% of the CFS patients, and almost 7% of the controls. Maybe someone can get an advance copy on Monday or early Tuesday.
Thanks for sharing this ... Wow ...
So there is more retroviruses?? So that means we need to figure out retroviral treatment for several viruses.. Wow.. Now is the time to buy stock in Pharmaceutical companies i guess ... Just WOW
Thanks for sharing this ... Wow ...
So there is more retroviruses?? So that means we need to figure out retroviral treatment for several viruses.. Wow.. Now is the time to buy stock in Pharmaceutical companies i guess ... Just WOW
Aaah so they are different strains... That makes sense. Fascinating. I wonder how the public will react. Granted cfs is much less confrontational as the aids epidemic, because there are no dead bodies but people waste away in the intimacy of their own home, but stillI have been told that XMRV is a human MLV-related virus. The WPI has been reporting for some time the existence of significant variants. I read somewhere a link to their patent filing that talked about the discovery of multiple sequences different from Silverman/Abbott. I don't think it necessarily means that each variant would be classified as a "new" retrovirus; but I am no scientist.
Indeed!! So let's say 2% of the pop has ( mild) cfs, then 5/7 th of those infected may have lupus/ diabetes/ autism/ arthritis/ cancer; depending on genetics peoples immune system maybe affected in different ways. Could also be that cfs isIt's great news, even if one turns out to be XMRV-negative, as it will SHUT UP the psychologizers, or at the very least, get them to think twice before speaking.
Also interesting that both the patient percentages and the 'healthy' percentage is higher in this study. Did they use even more sensitive tests...?
Thanks for sharing this ... Wow ...
So there is more retroviruses?? So that means we need to figure out retroviral treatment for several viruses..