I think the tension is getting to all of us. We sure seem to be getting testy, quick to give and take offense. I'll sure be glad when we get some good hard news instead of these little snippets and teasers. I like to think that once things aren't so up-in-the-air and suspenseful, and start moving forward, we won't need to keep sniping at one another.
In the meantime, maybe we could cut each other some slack and try to work at keeping our hackles down.
Whether it's one study or two, published this month or next, "leaked" wisely or unwisely, let's not lose sight of the fact that there's good news ahead. There's some solid science being done. Let's be happy about that!
We don't have to all join hands and sing kumbayah together, but maybe we could relax, lighten up and smile a bit. :sofa:
Good advice, ix! It has been a weird day. Waiting for the PNAS paper to come out today has been like watching paint dry (or fail to dry, as it has turned out).
And we'll be doing it next Tuesday (and possibly the Tuesday after) so maybe we should get round the virtual campfire and sing a few songs!