I thought originally there were meant to be two replication studies also. FDA and NIH.
It's interesting Judy Mikovits didn't say NIH at all, and just FDA.
Perhaps the WPI are talking of a study we are not aware of
at all, or the european study?
The CDC are desperate to redefine CFS into subsets and ignore XMRV. This will be hard as the CDC's CFS is an imaginary illness hiding a neuro immune disease. Critically, the CFS biomarkers they talk about are in people with XMRV which the CDC says is not in CFS patients. Ergo the CDC are limited in using genes and cortisol as a CFS marker rather than an infectious single agent. A biospychosocial approach could theoretically argue 'stress' causing gene changes, moving the spotlight away from XMRV. This is exactly what the CDC is and will do from now on. The CDC's perogative is they must not find or allow a single infectious agent in people with CFS, and XMRV is just that.
The CDC pulled the CFS website, redesigned it with toned down language of how serious CFS is (and unique features we all know happen IN CFS - which will turn out to be XMRV causing these unique features) and stated XMRV is not found in CFS. They did this thinking we'd all go away and to disinform the world's media who will (in time) decend on the CDC's CFS website when the XMRV news breaks. Whilst WPI are designing a test to prove that CFS has a unique biomarker
that will be evidence of XMRV causing CFS, the CDC are reporting people with exposure to common viruses feel worn out 6 months after...(like we didn't guess that at high school). All vague and unspecific, unlike XMRV which is specific. CFS by nature is vague and unspecific, this is the diagnostic criteria for it and why it was 'invented' a long time ago.
In the shadow of XMRV it's as if the CDC have hit the 'rewind time' button on the research remote control whilst going 'la la la' in a pair of headphones whilst the WPI start making real strides in science.Trez bizarre. If it wasn't so tragic for people with CFS, the politics taking place in the CDC would make a very good movie into how to not manage a disease. Lots of ego's and posturing and desperate acts to hold onto power all at the expense of public health. Thankfully, science is bigger than any individual and the CDC will eventually have to call it a day, if within 24 months the WPI have proven that XMRV causes CFS due to CFS patients having a unique immune profile
that only XMRV could cause.. This finding, plus evidence of clinical improvements using ARV's would mean the CDC would then be so at odd's with science, patients could actually sue them for publically advising their CFS is not due to XMRV, and that doctors should not run immune function tests. Which is what the new CDC website on CFS is actually saying, believe it or not.
A couple more replication studies (note in HIV it only took one replication study) and the evidence is clear that the WPI are the moral victors in
the battle of the CFS biomarkers. (There's a good title for Cort). CDC's biomarkers will be not related to XMRV and WPI's will. Either way, the CDC cannot be realistically thinking the next equivalent causative agent (XMRV) of the next AIDS (CFS) has been discovered by the WPI , and they can go a different direction.
Imagine if they'd done that with HIV and continued looking at non HIV people who are immune supressed stating that AIDS isn't linked to HIV and using a manufactured illness and call it HIV that doesn't require a retrovirus. If the CDC aren't careful they will be doing just this, or indeed, already have been for 25 years. Someone somewhere has been a very naughty boy at the CDC. I wonder who ordered it all those years ago back in the 1980's? ME (Myalgic Encephalomyeltis) was a neuro immune disease since 1969, but when the rate of ME exploded, CFS has to be created in order to silence the general public and doctors who would come into contact with infected XMRV people, who were told they had CFS. Quite a brilliant master plan if you think about it, but it has to have been planned.
Bring on the replication studies for XMRV and real change. Like Cort said, all this will eventually mean we can discuss science on here with no arguments or upset at all. Science is what phoenix rising started off as. A science website. Back to the source.