methylation protocol while on HC therapy for adrenal fatigue


Senior Member
I have been taking high doses of methyl B12, ad B12, pure encapsulations B6 multivitamin, and methylfolate for about two weeks now, along with all of my other stuff for thyroid, adrenal, etc. I am also taking E.coli nissle, which helps with the methylation protocol. I definitely see an increase in strength and energy on the protocol, as I can exercise a lot more than I could before.
However, I am not feeling the nervous system benefits that I was when I first started. I still have blood vessel irregularities that result in migraine/sinus pressure type headaches, and facial swelling. This is accompanied by grogginess and when I am lucky enough to not have these symptoms, my mood is also much improved.
There is one possibility that I can think of that might cause this problem: I am on hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue, and I wonder now if I am feeling high cortisol levels, which would be the case if the methylation raised my natural cortisol levels and HC therapy is pushing them too high. Does anyone know if that is a possibility? Otherwise, why can't I get the benefits I initially felt from the methylation therapy? Any advice?


Senior Member
I have been taking high doses of methyl B12, ad B12, pure encapsulations B6 multivitamin, and methylfolate for about two weeks now, along with all of my other stuff for thyroid, adrenal, etc. I am also taking E.coli nissle, which helps with the methylation protocol. I definitely see an increase in strength and energy on the protocol, as I can exercise a lot more than I could before.
However, I am not feeling the nervous system benefits that I was when I first started. I still have blood vessel irregularities that result in migraine/sinus pressure type headaches, and facial swelling. This is accompanied by grogginess and when I am lucky enough to not have these symptoms, my mood is also much improved.
There is one possibility that I can think of that might cause this problem: I am on hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue, and I wonder now if I am feeling high cortisol levels, which would be the case if the methylation raised my natural cortisol levels and HC therapy is pushing them too high. Does anyone know if that is a possibility? Otherwise, why can't I get the benefits I initially felt from the methylation therapy? Any advice?

Hi, Liz.

I think this is a possibility. If my hypothesis is correct, glutathione depletion in the hypothalamus and pituitary can produce the type of "adrenal fatigue" that is found in ME/CFS, and glutathione depletion in the thyroid gland can produce hypothyroidism. The methylation treatment has been shown to raise glutathione automatically.

I've heard from a couple of people that they had to stop their thyroid hormone supplementation after starting this treatment, because they developed symptoms of hyperthyroidism, apparently because their thyroids began to function more normally.
I've heard from one person who remeasured her cortisol level after being on the protocol for a few months, and it had come up.

I would encourage you to try to get your thyroid hormones and cortisol levels measured. If your phyician will order the tests, that would be the best. If not, you could order a saliva cortisol panel and a blood thyroid panel through without doctor's order. Saliva testing is actually best for cortisol, because it can be done around the clock at home, and it's important to see what it's doing over 24 hours.

Best regards,



Senior Member
I think the evidence will eventually support what you have hypothesized. My metabolism has taken a nice step forward, although it has taken 6 months. Temperature's up, energy improved, I also believe I am burning carbs more efficiently. The only thing I can attribute this to is a combination of B12, Methylfolate, and other Methylation supplements.


Senior Member
I hope that the hypothesis is correct. I would love to get off of the HC therapy and reduce my cytomel. Thanks for the replies


Senior Member
Vegas, what other methylation supps are you taking?

I think it is important to understand that your needs for these supplements change over time. It's a dynamic process. There is obviously some guesswork involved, but after awhile I started to get a good feel for what I needed. You find yourself trying to stimulate these chemical processess without stimulating the wrong ones or creating symptoms that are too burdensome. Also, things I can take at 180 days were intolerable months ago, and there are obviously individual factors that vary from person to person. With that said, you mention you are exercising, so I suspect you are going to be able to handle more than most on this forum. The indispensable needs for me include adenosylcobalamin (currently taking 4 mg) and/or methylcobalamin (1-2 mg) and metafolin (currently taking 800-1200 mcg). I have also found DMG (150-300 mg), and zinc (45 mg, sublingual is easier on the stomach) beneficial. I also recommend Sam-E (400 mg). I've even alternately supplemented with TMG without any adverse effect, whereas early on this was apparently stimulating the wrong pathways and setting me back. Of course other cofactors can come into play, but with regard to improving my methylation status, those are the ones I would corrollate to this.