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Methylation pathway panel & apheresis

Hi, I am scheduled for my first two apheresis sessions next week and I am now not sure what to do about my methylation pathway panel and nutreval test. Should I get it done beforehand or would results likely be impacted by the treatment, ie detox changing reactions in the methylation pathway? I know this might be overly optimistic, but would not like to waste money and have a useless result afterwards. On the other hand, one does loose also some of the good vitamins etc through the procedure which might impact test results as well, if test is taken after the treatment.


Senior Member
Hi, I am scheduled for my first two apheresis sessions next week and I am now not sure what to do about my methylation pathway panel and nutreval test. Should I get it done beforehand or would results likely be impacted by the treatment, ie detox changing reactions in the methylation pathway? I know this might be overly optimistic, but would not like to waste money and have a useless result afterwards. On the other hand, one does loose also some of the good vitamins etc through the procedure which might impact test results as well, if test is taken after the treatment.

Hi, Bianca.

I think it would be better to wait until after the apheresis sessions plus a few more days to allow your body to come to equilibrium with whatever changes the apheresis might cause before doing these panels. For example, I can imagine that some of the organic acids levels might be affected.

Best regards,
