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Methylation and thyroid hormone


Senior Member
I have an SNP on MTHFR (C677T) (tested in a lab in Europe). I have been taking methyhlfolate for a couple of years now and it has definitely been helping (as well as other supplements including B12 etc). My UK doc wanted me to take quite high doses of methylfolate - i.e. to start on 1,000 ug and build up to 4,000 ug a day. I found that taking a higher dose than 1,000 ug didn't help me any more, so I kept at that dose. I have just realised that is a higher dose than the simplified protocol.

I also have at thyroid problem. I had half my thyroid gland removed for goitre 20 years ago and became hypothyroid but the blood tests do not show it. I have been taking T4 and Armour. I have found this year that I have been able to reduce my thyroid hormone intake. My blood levels of thyroid hormones have been at the top of the normal range for years, but they actually went higher and so I was able to reduce the dosage a bit.

I was wondering whether improving my methylation cycle may be reducing my need for thyroid hormone. Anyone any ideas? (I have not been following the ME/CFS forums much in the last year or two due to personal circumstances so am a bit out of date with discussions on methylation.)


Senior Member
Hi, Carol.

Thanks for posting your experience with methylation and thyroid hormone. I think I have heard now from four PWMEs who have experienced what you have reported: as methylation treatment proceeds, the requirement for thyroid supplementation decreases.

In my opinion, this is explained by the GD-MCB hypothesis. Methylation treatment has been proven by lab testing to raise glutathione in the blood plasma. Assuming that glutathione is also raised in the thyroid gland by this treatment, the result (based on the model of Duthoit et al.) would be that the thyroid gland would be better protected from the hydrogen peroxide that it generates as part of the process of making thyroid hormones. This would allow the gland to produce more thyroid hormone, and in cases of Hashimoto's autoimmune hypothyroid, it should work to stop the autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland that results from oxidative damage to proteins, which provokes the autoimmune attack.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Hi also, Carol!

I noticed that the methylation supplements seemed to be good for my endocrine system in general. Within the first year of taking them I stopped needing Cortef and was able to reduce my DHEA a lot. I haven't noticed as much of an effect on my thyroid hormone, because it has been naturally declining with age.



Senior Member
Western Nebraska
There's another way methylation impacts thyroid function. Methylfolate is used
in a neurotransmitter cycle to produce biopterin, also known as BH4. The
A1298C variant of the MTHFR gene polymorphism in particular means a person
has difficulty making biopterin. Biopterin is needed to convert tyrosine
into active neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones.

So MTHFR is related to thyroid disorders because of the BH4 connection.

I have taken full replacement dose thyroid for 63 years, since age 2, because of a congenital defect called thyroglossal duct cyst, which is a neural tube defect. I've never had Hashimoto's. After a lot of diet changes and a period of methylation and cofactor supplement support in the last 6 months, plus autonomic balancing training, I no longer need to take thyroid. When I muscle test, my body says I don't need those supplements right now either. I have never had CFS, but I am homogeneous for A1298C, CBS A360A, and the MTHFS gene of interest right now.


Senior Member
Thanks guys for the responses. I didn't have autoimmune thyroid problems - well not any shown up by blood tests. Its interesting about the glutathione and BH4.


Day of the Square Peg
There's another way methylation impacts thyroid function. Methylfolate is used
in a neurotransmitter cycle to produce biopterin, also known as BH4. The
A1298C variant of the MTHFR gene polymorphism in particular means a person
has difficulty making biopterin. Biopterin is needed to convert tyrosine
into active neurotransmitters and thyroid hormones.

So MTHFR is related to thyroid disorders because of the BH4 connection.

I have taken full replacement dose thyroid for 63 years, since age 2, because of a congenital defect called thyroglossal duct cyst, which is a neural tube defect. I've never had Hashimoto's. After a lot of diet changes and a period of methylation and cofactor supplement support in the last 6 months, plus autonomic balancing training, I no longer need to take thyroid. When I muscle test, my body says I don't need those supplements right now either. I have never had CFS, but I am homogeneous for A1298C, CBS A360A, and the MTHFS gene of interest right now.
Thanks! I did not know BH4 was needed to make thyroid hormone also! I am genetically low on BH4 having 3 genetic defects that cause it (the first 2 above and another one). BH4 is needed for the urea cycle too and can cause problems there. BiancaS was put on kuvan for the same BH4 genetic issues I have. I have been muddling on with methylfolate and vitamin C and estrogen (via DHEA) to raise BH4 and DHEA to stop ONOO which destroys BH4. I sometimes take OTC BH4 (1/4 dose of kuvan). For the most part it seems to work. I have never had much thyroid issue maybe because I have taken B100 my entire life (from just a baby, my mother gave me these supplements because I was sickly). I genetically cannot break down many of the B vitamins, but somehow I was indeed breaking down some percent of them as my homocysteine was only 12 (should be 6.3). My TSH is 2.3. It should be 1.9 so I am working on it. Thanks for the clue!