Metabolic Diet & Supplements - an Exploration


Senior Member
Just an update. I started upping my protein from fish and I got my excitotcicty back. I am going back to the brown rice protien to see if it helps again. I had 2 weeks of better sleep and now it is trashed again.
Gestalt, are you doing other proteins besides the brown rice? Do you use brown rice for most of your meals? and what do you mix it with?



Senior Member
The only other protein I eat is chicken or turkey. No red meat or fish. I'm allergic to most fish anyways. I eat chicken/turkey about 2x per day and have the sprouted brown rice protein shakes about 2-4x per day. I mix the protein with distilled water and some coco.

If the ammonia balance in your body is delicate, consider supplementing with yucca to soak up extra ammonia that may be produced by bacteria in the gut. This helps me a ton with excitotoxicity. I take yucca daily before night time. See if that helps your sleep.


Senior Member
HI Gestalt. Thanks for the tips. I take Yucca in the am and noon, but will try before bed. I think the ammonia might be a problem for me.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
This also changes my analysis of the effects of Bains Dérivatifs. They must be either stimulating the Sympathetic response, or balancing SNS and PNS. I thought hey were inducing a Parasympathetic response. I was wrong.
Be well,

Asklipia, just to say that I was unable to tolerate Bains Dérivatifs due to it having a strong SNS-activating effect in me. So for me it was very much inducing a Sympathetic response.
Hmm... This whole thing puzzles me.

I am (when healthy) definitely a big mix of both the stereotypical characteristics listed for SNS and PNS. And how can one be prone to gastro-intestinal issues while the other allergies/sensitivites - in my experience they come hand in hand.. Maybe that would make me a balanced/mixed or maybe cyclical. Haven't studies all the 12 different types from the three groups though, so maybe I would still fit somewhere..

Everyone should recheck their metabolic type every six months to a year, because it can change. If and when it does, one’s diet and supplemental program will have to be changed accordingly.
How will this play in with the metabolic type/tendencies changing because of infections/ME etc..?After the mononucleosis 2 years ago I'm definitely more on the PNS side, but then I have "good days" where's it's like I'm way-way-SNS and burn out in a day or two for a new crash - I've been contemplating if it's because it just feels so good to be up and about and get things done after weeks of being very ill and weak, or that it's really a SNS over activation thing - sort of like having the pedal to the metal with a viscious crash-repair-crash cycle..

I can't help getting the feeling of when I got suckered into the bloodtype diet though. It worked wonders for me, since I'm a type O - which the BTD recommends a more primal oriented diet. Of course it's on, which I much later learned, the false premise that type O was the 'original' blood type and that the As and Bs developed later with agricultural societes etc.. I was lucky to come across it in my late teens when I met my first crash in health (due to antibiotics coupled with dairy and grain sensitivites), instead of many other diet fads around, but it worked for me because I just happened to be type 0 and in spite of wrong reasoning got good dietary recommendations. There's a reason why it seems about 90 percent of the BTD forum is type O..

I'm sure the recommendations will be beneficial for some, like it obviously has been for some of the posters in this thread, but I'm skeptical to it being because of the theory behind this or just that the recommendations by chance happen to fit some's nutritional/supplemental needs.

Think I'll continue spending my limited god-days-energy on the methylation and nutrigenomic stuff for now, while tinkering with my primal-diet-tendencies.. :-/
Ok, tried the test for funzies, but that got me exactly nowhere (0% mixed) if I understood your math rules.

Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(38%) Judging(44%)

I did find the yes/no system very restrictive though, since some questions I could go either way while other questions it's very strong to one side.. And maybe taking the test several times over some time and averaging the results is something to consider, if there's anything to it, since these self-assessing questionaires are very easily biased by the questionairee's situation/setting etc.. Not to mention the potential issue of poor introspection.


Senior Member
Even with test variance you are very likely to come out as mixed which is exactly what your original hunch was. The fact you came out smack dab in the middle with a 0% score is ironic and for me confirms the validity of the system.

Haha, google "INTJ", it is the classic over-analyzer personality type. :) They are always looking for the perfect logical over-arching model to explain absolutely everything.

The fact you are a "thinker" means your stress response style is more inclined to give pns like symptoms to health ailments. Even though paradoxically on the surface you are unquestionably more SNS in terms of personality. Nature has this strange balance-counter-balance thing going on where things flip sometimes multiple times.

I used to be into the blood type diet as well, and still think it may have some merit, however I do think the Kelly system from a diet/supplement point of view is superior based purely on personal anecdote.
You probably got me there, over-analyzing and googling INTJ did give an interesting/entertaining read. ( Haven't read any of the other types though to see how many of them I might feel being a suitable description...

Back to this thread's topic though, as far as I've seen on the starting post and links there seem only to be specific recommendations for those who are SNS or PNS dominant. So being mixed/balanced (although out of whack by EBV etc) there's nothing new to consider with regards to nutrition from this?


Senior Member
Read these two descriptions of INTJ's. They are much better. ;)

Balanced types are more complicated to treat from this perspective. Diet should be whole foods 50/50 mix of the lighter veggies and the heavier fats/proteins. If you ate almost only veggies or almost only ate meats this would not be good.

In terms of supplements you would mix 50/50 the SNS and PNS supplements using whichever you felt "better" on and whichever you think you may be running low on. Personally i would do some testing to check levels.

For EBV my nutrigenomics doc would probably go the route of using an Immune Factor. Yasko uses these as well.
Chisolm Lab's Immunfactor 1

Oddly there is barely any info on the net on these. I am doing the one for candida, number 7.
Really enjoyed the compleat idiots guide, gave me some good laughs :)

During my BTD years I tended very heavily on the meats side (much because a host of food sensitivities, little knowledge just moving out on my own and terribly small selection of foods in Norway). I believe I have balanced that more the later years as I moved along focusing more on whole foods and quality food sources.

I've had lots of tests the last two years with this post-viral fatigue. Just 1,5 weeks ago I did a lumbar punture, which I finally recovered from, and waiting for results. Not really expecting much, as the norwegian health care providers don't seem to care much as long as results are just somewhat outside reference range.. And the set of tests my GP can order is very restricted. Been looking for the best way to get a methylation pathways panel ordered, and what else might be useful. Been considering a few practitioners in the US, but recently been too weak to travel that far, so now looking for options in Europe unless I can get rested up for a trip.. Already have my 23andme results with lots of MTHFR homozygous mutations etc, and a stool test showing no lacto, low bifido, high alpha/gamma strep spp and low Secretory IgA - so requested bacteriotherapy-treatment at my local hospital, but no response from the professor yet..

If you have any suggestions for specific testing (and where I can read up on why it's important/how to act on the results) I'm very interested.

I've been recommended the Immune Factor earlier by a neurosensory/neuroimmune practitioner I consulted with last year (who also ordered the first MTHFR test), but since there's milk solids in it I've decided against it. I'm very sensitive to lactose, whey and caseine - just some lactose in a sleeping medication my neurologist talked me into trying put me into a two month sinusitis spiral I'm still not completely cleared of..


Senior Member
You could do a MAP test from genova.
Click on "sample report" on right hand side to see what it gives.

Or something like the Metametrix ION panel

These are comprehensive panels that cover all the basics usually. It's standard procedure for most well educated "alternative" & functional medicine based doctors.

If you think you have an issue with something, try searching the Genova, Metametrix & Doctor's Data sites. Look through sample reports and interpretive guides. This will give you further hints to narrow things down. Most of the things they test for are actionable, sometimes it's hard to find the info though. Sometimes they only release certain info to practitioners.