Vaccines As Culprit? Current H1N1 "Swine Flu" Issues, 1976 Swine Flu Issues?
I was pondering a story I just saw about the H1N1 "swine flu," the vaccine in the works, and the 1976 swine flu outbreak and President Ford promoting everyone get the vaccine created to deal with it. The 1976 outbreak was not as bad as predicted, but the vaccine caused unexpected morbidity and mortality levels.
In 1976 I was just entering High School and recall queuing up for my shot. My memory isn't perfect, but I recall not feeling well afterwards, and perhaps never feeling like my energy level recovered. Is it possible that one trigger for ME/CFS was the bits of H & N viral proteins that were in that vaccine?
The Incline Village Lake Tahoe Nevada viral outbreak recognized in the early to mid 1980's was first recognized in a High School girls basketball team. Exactly the population one would expect to see flu or other viral outbreak occur in.
Could a vaccination viral protein stay in the body and later recombine with a seasonal flu? Could vaccines create an autoimmune disorder that prevents an effective response to viruses and other pathogens?
There are current concerns over how ANY vaccines are made, the adjuvants used as "helpers" to enhance an immune reaction have been claimed to cause immune disorders. A quick Google of "Vaccine Adjuvants" gives a few example with being at the top written by a Dr. Viera Scheibner, who lists Lupus as a known side effect caused by vaccination, Lupus, MS, and other diseases are often considered to have similarities to ME/CFS.
In all the discussions of viral causes of ME/CFS, I have never seen any discussion of vaccinations containing viral proteins or the adjuvants used to provoke an immune response, is it just too hot a topic for any researcher to consider? Could the substances used to provoke an immune response be responsible for damaging the normal functioning of the number of disturbed systems seem in ME/CFS?
That said and without getting all "New World Order" or "Illuminati" tin foil hat conspiracy nut, the current H1N1 swine flu is recognized as being "strange" and a hybrid that would not likely be natural, i.e. it came from a lab. If it did it might be that since 9/11 bio weapons labs have proliferated and pharmaceutical companies have been involved in such research, it could just be an accidental release due to bad controls rather than deliberate.
Regardless of its origins the symptoms are unusual, it reaches deeper in the lungs like the 1918 flu and the current H5N1 "bird" flu (does it also infects the organs as well?). It is quite unusually sticking around in the summer months, and some infected individuals do NOT have a fever, which was to be your sign to not go to work and seek treatment. The current vaccine is being rushed and the pharmaceutical companies have been indemnified from any liability of adverse reactions. It is not clear whether the vaccine will use some novel production approach or adjuvants that might cause more severe reactions than known vaccines.
This would create quite a dilemma for a healthy individual to determine how to decide the best course of action, for us who can possible say; you will probably get many different opinions from different medical professionals. That said, does anyone have a source who seems to have a credible opinion on this?