Legal Medical cannabis is available in Israel if you have the right connections, money and have someone healthy who is prepared to go through the 6 month beaurocracy for you.
I received my 3 month temporary medical cannabis license 2 month ago in the form of rolled up cigarettes. I regret not asking for the inhaler method because I am sometimes too exhausted to light, smoke and clear up after ashes 4 times a day without break. I don't even work and have my elderly parents take care of me. That is how weak I am.
I started on 1 puff 2 times a day. Now after almost 2 months I reached 2 puffs 4 times per day.
I was warned of side effects:
low blood pressure,
Lowered blood sugar.
I have been much more tired on this the last few weeks. I don't know if it is from the Medical cannabis or if it is just a general low for this illness.
I want to ask if anyone else with ME and fibro together has tried it.
Am I the only one to feel no improvement after 2 months?
Have others felt more tired on this?
What dose usually works for others.??
I am really upset that many patients with fibromyalgia alone in Israel seem to be having miraculous recoveries on this, while I am not. I can not ask the doctor who got it for me because he does not believe in "CFS", only chronic pain symptom of fibromyalgia. So I desperately want to hear from someone else who has tried this.
I received my 3 month temporary medical cannabis license 2 month ago in the form of rolled up cigarettes. I regret not asking for the inhaler method because I am sometimes too exhausted to light, smoke and clear up after ashes 4 times a day without break. I don't even work and have my elderly parents take care of me. That is how weak I am.
I started on 1 puff 2 times a day. Now after almost 2 months I reached 2 puffs 4 times per day.
I was warned of side effects:
low blood pressure,
Lowered blood sugar.
I have been much more tired on this the last few weeks. I don't know if it is from the Medical cannabis or if it is just a general low for this illness.
I want to ask if anyone else with ME and fibro together has tried it.
Am I the only one to feel no improvement after 2 months?
Have others felt more tired on this?
What dose usually works for others.??
I am really upset that many patients with fibromyalgia alone in Israel seem to be having miraculous recoveries on this, while I am not. I can not ask the doctor who got it for me because he does not believe in "CFS", only chronic pain symptom of fibromyalgia. So I desperately want to hear from someone else who has tried this.