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Meals on Wheels (Australia)


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
For those having trouble with preparing meals I have found a good alternative. Instead of going through the hassles of cooking my own meals, for the last year I have been getting in Meals on Wheels, a service offered in many locations around Australia.

At $7 per day, I get enough food - hot meal, soup, juice, fruit salad, bread bun (optional) - delivered to get me through two meals for the day. I get gluten-free, but other dietary options are available.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
May I ask your age?

Ive always been confused why I havent been refered to that service by my doctors or disaiblity services when they all know Im missing my meals due to my health. What did you have to do to start getting this? Referal needed?

Do you think they'd be able to cater for an extremely low carb diet option? Im sure they'd have a diabetic diet option but do you think they'd cater for a more personalised diet if a diabetic diet is too high for someones issues? and they also have food intollerences? (I cant have artifical sweeteners which are commonly put into many diabetic diets, I also have other food intollerances).


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Meals on wheals requires medical referral, but most docs and I think even nurses can do that. I looked into this for me, it sounds good but the problem is I have such odd sleep times that most of the time I would be asleep when they turned up. There are ways around that, but it starts getting logistically messy. If someone has more or less normal sleeping hours, and is not bed bound, or is bed bound with a carer, then I think its a great option.

You also used to have to figure out what to do Sunday and public holidays when they had no or reduced service.

Meals on wheals is also largely volunteer run, so it only works in areas that have enough volunteers, which is not the whole country.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
@taniaaust1 I don't think age is an issue with them. You certainly dont need a referral. Not so sure about whether or not they could meet your dietary requirements. Give them a call. They are pretty helpful people, in my experience, so they may be able to offer some alternative advice.

I have food sensitivities, mainly gluten and sulphites, although amines may be a issue. However I have never had a problem with what they offer.

Now and again I skip some of the vegies (cant stand the sulfa vegies), but cover my butt by having fruit salad instead of the usual desserts. All in all I am eating a lot better, not washing up, not having to worry about food purchases. My only issue is what to do with a fridge that is just about empty, lol.

PS. I just saw Alexs post. I didn't get a referral, but whether that varies from region to region I dont know. As I said, give them a call.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Weekend meals are provided frozen where I am. But I choose not to have them. I make do with Beefys gluten free pies, banana smoothies and roast chicken sandwiches. I know, I know, its a tough gig.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
The need for referral may vary not only by region but over time. I looked into this years ago, so it might have changed. In any case when I looked at it the referral was so easy to get, even a community nurse can give it.


Making the most of it
@taniaaust1 I organised meals on wheels for my parents a few years ago in Adelaide. I don't remember needing a referral. I think you could "self refer". They sent someone out to interview Mum and Dad and assess them before they agreed to start the service.

The meals were pretty good but I have heard that it depends on the kitchen in your area. Mum and Dad were near the Henley Beach kitchen which is a long way from you.

Mum was getting low fat meals, but I don't know if they cater for a low carb diet. You might like to give them a call.

Best wishes Andy


Senior Member
Sth Australia
@taniaaust1 the contact number for meals on wheels in SA is 1800 854 453. Website www.mealsonwheelssa.org.au

You can self refer for standard meals. If you have special dietary requirements/allergies which they call "identified medical needs" the website says you need a referral from a doctor or "appropriate healthcare professional".

Best wishes Andy

This is great to know :) thanks greatly

I got told about a food option a couple of days ago too, so maybe one of these could work out. Thou doctors would back that the very low diet Im on but I dont know if I could get backing for some of my food sensitivities (as my alllergist, I dont know if he even believes in food sensitivities or not, thou of cause he's into actual allergies).