MEAction UK condemns FITNET


Senior Member
If anyone running that study reads this post.. all I can say is you'd best get a plan in place as the ME community isnt going to keep allowing biased studies to keep misleading and we will be working to expose anything hidden. The more you try to hide things and deceive, the more obvious it is becoming to us that things are being hidden. You'll be a fool to keep continuing to believe you can get away with this.

I so hope that a court case people are trying to do, can go ahead for that deceptive PACE trial as that will make those others doing deceptive studies think twice about what they are doing.
Yes, do please read and heed this.

And to all the good researchers out there: Ask yourself "is there any reason we should be afraid of our work being openly peer reviewed?" If so, then please consider moving on to a different, high integrity research project.
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