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#MEaction summary of David Tuller's piece on the FINE Trial


Senior Member
Here's a summary (645 words) of the piece by journalist David Tuller on the FINE Trial that came out earlier this week: "Trial By Error, Continued: Why has the PACE Study’s “Sister Trial” been “Disappeared” and Forgotten?"

The FINE Trial involved nurses coming to people's homes to "treat" them.


Interesting and obnoxious. I have never heard about the FINE trial. Another 1,3 Million £ wasted and used for a trial, which was based on a very shaky and absurd hypothesis (the whole "it's in your mind", "you decondition, because of your false believe in a severe illness").

The worst is, that they always try to fiddle with the data and cannot even accept their own study design or their own end points.

As I have said before, that's not bad science, but anti science. People responsible for it, should be expelled.