@Hip Did that person say how long it took for him to see improvements and at what dosage ?
Yes, he started at 1 ml per day of the C60-OO made by carbon60oliveoil.com, which contains 0.8 mg/ml of C60. Then two weeks later he increased the dosage to 2ml day. I believe later he switched to the
Good and Cheap C60-OO which is less expensive. Says the dose range people use is from 1 to 15 ml a day.
But it may be an idea for ME/CFS patients who are sensitive to supplements and drugs to start at lower test dose initially, eg 0.1 ml daily, and cautiously increase.
The account I read of his major improvements in ME/CFS symptoms was written 5 weeks after he started taking C60-OO, so clearly these improvements manifest within weeks. 9 months later when I enquired on how he was doing, I heard he had gone back to work.
In his account he recommends joining the Facebook groups (listed in the first post), where he says people report a wide range of results: some experiencing no benefit at all, others getting spectacular results.