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ME/CFS is a mystery no more! Under ME/CFS hides Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome (CBIS) — [This Thread ONLY for Posting Questions to Dr Markov]

Moderator Comment:

This Thread is for Questions and Answers Directed to Dr Oleg Markov Only

In order to keep this thread focused on Q&A, please do not post any side topic or off-topic comments, and please do not engage in any skeptical debate on this particular thread.

Side topic discussions and skeptical debate can be engaged in on this General Discussion thread about the Markov CBIS theory of ME/CFS, and its autovaccine treatment.

This thread is only for asking Dr Oleg Markov questions about Dr Igor Markov's CBIS theory of ME/CFS, and his autovaccine treatment of ME/CFS.

Because of language difficulties, please make sure questions are clearly expressed, and refrain from starting side discussions in this thread.

There is a SUMMARY POST detailing Dr Markov's CBIS theory of ME/CFS and his ME/CFS treatment using autovaccines. It is a good idea to have a quick look at the summary post before reading this thread.

For attention ME/CFS-Community:

Completed researches 2009-2021 on ME/CFS confirm that the true nature/origin of ME/CFS has been discovered & it’s found a diagnostic-therapeutical solution to its problem:

Under the mask of mysterious ME/CFS in more than 95% cases of ME/CFS hides as clinically proven a new previously unknown disease/diagnosis Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS).

All-inclusive clinical diagnostics & treatment ME/CFS-CBIS of 4288 patients, adults&children, clinically prove to 92.7% treated w/ full recovery, depending on disease duration & previous cure.

Findings of systematic clinical studies "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME" (“CBIS…Clinical diagnosis”) reported on 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (Febr.15-16, 2021, London, UK), link: https://www.longdom.org/proceedings...n-syndrome-under-the-mask-of-cfsme-59051.html (pdf./HTML, p.32-116).

Available are also Reports on Bacteriological & Toxicological diagnosis and Treatment of ME/CFS-CBIS and Clinical algorithm of ME/CFS-CBIS diagnostics & treatment in adults&children according to the Markov Clinic’s Treatment Protocols of ME/CFS-CBIS & others.

For better understanding & acceptance the findings ME/CFS-CBIS, its diagnostics&treatment – please any questions, discussions & expertise.

Sincerely yours,
Dr.Oleg Markov on behalf of Dr.-med.Igor Markov, ME/CFS-CBIS researches chief
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The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
For better understanding&acceptance the findings ME/CFS-CBIS, its diagnostics&treatment – please any questions, discussions&expertise.

Sincerely yours,
Dr.Oleg Markov on behalf of Dr.-med.Igor Markov, ME/CFS-CBIS researches chief
I'm going to guess you are one of the authors.
Do you have data to share with us?

What species of bacteria is/are implicated?
What is the "bacterial auto vaccine"?

What size was your cohort and did you employ a double blind placebo controlled treatment trial?

Is your data peer reviewed?
Why have you not published your trial data?

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
For attention ME/CFS-Community:

Completed researches 2009-2021 on ME/CFS confirm that the true nature/origin of ME/CFS has been discovered & it’s found a diagnostic-therapeutical solution to its problem: under the mask of mysterious ME/CFS in more than 95% cases of ME/CFS hides as clinically proven a new previously unknown disease/diagnosis Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS). All-inclusive clinical diagnostics&treatment ME/CFS-CBIS of 4288 patients, adults&children, clinically prove to 92.7% treated w/ full recovery, depending on disease duration & previous cure.

Findings of systematic clinical studies "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME" (“CBIS…Clinical diagnosis”) reported on 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (Febr.15-16, 2021, London, UK), link: https://www.longdom.org/proceedings...n-syndrome-under-the-mask-of-cfsme-59051.html (pdf./HTML, p.32-116).

Available are also Reports on Bacteriological&Toxicological diagnosis and Treatment of ME/CFS-CBIS and Clinical algorithm of ME/CFS-CBIS diagnostics & treatment in adults&children according to the Markov Clinic’s Treatment Protocols of ME/CFS-CBIS & others.

For better understanding&acceptance the findings ME/CFS-CBIS, its diagnostics&treatment – please any questions, discussions&expertise.

Sincerely yours,
Dr.Oleg Markov on behalf of Dr.-med.Igor Markov, ME/CFS-CBIS researches chief

If so many patients recovered we would have heard about it. Impossible to hide that for so many years. Or not?

No explanation on the metabolic findings as far as I can see (but I'm too I'll to read the 85 papers)?!?

Which vaccine? Is there a successful clinical trial (phase III)?

I'd like to play the guinea pig: how to test for the toxicity of the kidneys in a practitioner situation? The lab you mention only does tests for studies.

Thank you



Senior Member
Let me quickly summarize the research and ME/CFS treatment of Dr Igor Markov of the Markov Clinic in Kiev, Ukraine, as I understand it.

I think his ME/CFS treatment approach using autovaccines instead of antibiotics is interesting, and worth examining.

How effective it is, I am not clear on. I have only just skimmed through his published work (which is 85 pages long), and I am not good a reading long articles.

So I have not yet been able to find any info on the type of ME/CFS patients treated (which ME/CFS criteria they satisfied), or their illness severity on the ME/CFS scale of mild, moderate and severe.

Dr Markov believes ME/CFS is caused by an ongoing bacterial infection in the kidneys (which may be asymptomatic, so you may not know it is there), which he says is constantly releasing bacterial endotoxins (LPS) and/or exotoxins into the bloodstream. He says these endotoxins and exotoxins from the kidney are the cause of ME/CFS.

Dr Markov treats ME/CFS by using an autovaccine to target the bacteria infection in the kidneys.

An autovaccine is an individualized vaccine, custom made for each patient, which contains sterilized components of the bacterial infection. As I understand it, the infection is isolated from the patient, grown in culture in the lab, and then the sterilized filtrate from the lab culture is prepared as an autovaccine. This vaccine then stimulates the immune system to fight the particular infection that you have (in your kidneys in this case).

Use of such autovaccines to treat bacteria infection dates back to before the era of antibiotics, and autovaccines are still used to day to treat animal infections.

The idea that bacterial endotoxin (LPS) may play a role in ME/CFS is not new: Dr Michael Maes looked into LPS entering into the bloodstream of ME/CFS patients from a leaky gut, and he found clinical improvement when patients were treated with leaky gut-fixing supplements and diet.

But the novelty of Dr Igor Markov's work is that he is not looking at gut bacteria for the source of LPS, rather he believes the endotoxin (LPS) and exotoxin is coming from bacteria living in the kidneys.

Furthermore, Dr Markov does not use antibiotics to address this kidney infection, but autovaccines. I don't know the reason for this, but perhaps autovaccines are more effective, and have a long-lasting effect, against bacteria.

I'd like to get more information about autovaccines, because I wonder if they might also be effective for other bacterial conditions often found in ME/CFS, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which is notoriously hard to eradicate with standard antibiotics.

If autovaccines were effective for SIBO, that would be very useful. New research shows that most cases of IBS may in fact be caused by SIBO.
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I've done a review..
Their results are creditable, their treatment is creditable — their model may not be
It is just an alternative path to the same goal -- changing the bacteria in the body that is causing ME/CFS. They found the bacteria include combinations of ( enterococci, enterobacteria-Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, Morganella, Acinetobacteria, Hafnia, Seratia, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus ). Instead of using antibiotics, they use vaccines (phages are still a third option).

Dear ME/CFS-Community,

Thanks a lot for your primary comments, judging by the tone of yours comments you’d like to clear up the news. Your comments may be divided in some groups:

- to clear up in details more,
- is there convincing statistics,
- why there was no previous info. about these researches,
- mistrust,
- what to make w/ this discovery

Obviously, it's breakthrough in understanding the true nature/origin ME/CFS.

Findings of researches within 2009-2021 on ME/CFS as the mask of Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS) were discribed only at the end 2020.

There were observed abt.4500 patients w/ ME/CFS, adults & children.

Repeating once more, ME/CFS is caused by a chronic often asymptomatic hidden latent bacteriologically confirmed bacteria infection in the kidneys (Nephrodysbacteriosis©).

Such infection develops more often after over-use of antibiotics (often - beginning from childhood, especially by repeated and long courses) and may persist in the kidneys for years and decades and releases bacterial endotoxins & exotoxins into the bloodstream (that confirmed toxicologically), and those toxins cause the development of endotoxicosis and severe general intoxication of the organism with toxic damage to its various organs and systems that leads to the subsequent development of Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS) with more than 70 clinical symptoms of its manifestation.

Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS) is a new previously unknown disease/diagnosis that hides under the mask of ME/CFS in more than 95% cases of ME/CFS.

It’s developed differential clinical diagnostics and treatment of ME/CFS-CBIS without traditional prescribing of antibiotics, by using mono-/bi-/poly-valent autovaccines (which may be used unlimited individually "from a patient - to this patient", for them is not necessary any double blind placebo clinical trial as for massive production of vaccines), which target the kidney infection.

Convincing statistics: from 4288 treated patients, adults & children, w/ ME/CFS-CBIS 92.7% (3975 patients) there were treated according to the Markov Clinic's Protocols w/ full convalescence and recovery (ask them!). Treatment efficacy depends on disease duration &previous cure.

To clear up more, pls read the link as above on clinical diagnose ME/CFS-CBIS, there are also other Reports on bacteriological&toxicological diagnostics and treatment ME/CFS-CBIS and other relevant materials, ask questions.

Let’s together overcome the global problematic ME/CFS.
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Senior Member
@ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS , can I ask you:

Did these patients you treated with autovaccines satisfy standard ME/CFS diagnostic criteria, like the IOM diagnostic criteria, the CDC Fukuda criteria, or the Canadian consensus criteria?

Were you able to successfully treat even severe ME/CFS (severe = in bed all night and most of the day)?

When you make an autovaccine for a patient, how do you obtain the live bacteria which you culture in the lab? Are the bacteria obtained from a urine sample?


Senior Member
Because of Phoenix Rising rules about not promoting your own business, @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS would not be allowed to post links to their clinic's website.

However, other members are free to do this, so I will post a few pages about this autovaccine ME/CFS treatment:

This is their page on the autovaccine treatment of ME/CFS: https://cbis.vitacell.com.ua/en

This is their page on autovaccines: https://vitacell.com.ua/page8443.html (You need to translate this one to English; you can use the Google Chrome browser to automatically translate).

Website testimonials page: https://vitacell.com.ua/page7933.html

This is the clinic Twitter account: https://twitter.com/OmBienchen

Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/KlinikaMarkova/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCADlBuA6qIki5rJWLCIdKOw (videos have English subtitles). Relevant videos:

The full published work on the autovaccine ME/CFS treatment is here.
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Dear ME/CFS-Community,
Thanks a lot for your comments from June 1. Answering your comments:

this is about understanding the true nature/origin ME/CFS and it’s so long-awaited good news for ME/CFS-Community: based on the systematic clinical researches ME/CFS (2009-2021), the true nature of ME/CFS has been discovered & it’s found a diagnostic-therapeutical solution to its problem.

Repeating once more our general findings, ME/CFS is caused by a chronic often asymptomatic hidden latent bacteriologically confirmed bacteria infection in the kidneys (Nephrodysbacteriosis©).

Such infection develops more often after over-use of antibiotics (often - beginning from childhood, especially by repeated and long courses) and may persist in the kidneys for years and decades and releases bacterial endo-&exotoxins into the bloodstream (that confirmed toxicologically), and those toxins cause the development of endotoxicosis and severe general intoxication of the organism with toxic damage to its various organs and systems that leads to the subsequent development of Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS) with more than 70 clinical symptoms of its manifestation.

Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© (CBIS) is a new previously unknown disease/diagnosis that hides under the mask of ME/CFS in more than 95% cases of ME/CFS.

It’s developed differential clinical diagnostics and treatment of ME/CFS-CBIS without traditional prescribing of antibiotics, by using mono-/bi-/poly-valent autovaccines (which may be used unlimited individually "from a patient - to this patient", for them is not necessary any double blind placebo clinical trial as for massive production of vaccines), which target the kidney infection.

Now directly answering to the comments:

The idea that bacterial LPS endotoxin may play a role in ME/CFS is not new: Dr Michael Maes looked into LPS entering into the bloodstream of ME/CFS patients from a leaky gut, and he found clinical improvement when patients were treated with leaky gut-fixing supplements and diet.

But the novelty of Dr Igor Markov's work is that he is not looking at gut bacteria for the source of LPS, rather he believes the endotoxin / LPS is coming from bacteria living in the kidneys.

Furthermore, Dr Markov does not use antibiotics to address this kidney infection, but autovaccines. I don't know the reason for this, but perhaps autovaccines are more effective, and have a long-lasting effect, against bacteria.

You are correct: we do not consider an imbalance of bacteria in the gut (leaky gut) as the main cause of CFS.

Moreover, even a complete restoration of the balance of bacteria in the intestine and the elimination of the very pathological state of a leaky intestine does not allow to completely and stably stop the clinical manifestations of CBIS. They return, the patient continues to suffer.

Therefore, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), in our opinion, cannot be the main cause of occuring ME/CFS-CBIS.

But the analogy is quite pertinent: it is just the bacterial endotoxins (LPS), identified by Dr. Michael Maes in patients with CFS and leaky gut, play and at Nephrodysbacteriosis© a major role in the occurrence of ME/CFS-CBIS.

Simply their amount, entering the blood from the kidneys, is incomparably greater than from the intestines, taking into consideration the huge absorbing surface of the filtrational glomerular system, which passes at least 1700-2000 liters of blood per day in an adult. Just therefore only infection in the kidneys we consider as the main cause of development ME/CFS-CBIS.

We consider the survival of bacteria in the kidneys as a chronic bacterial infection or Nephrodysbacteriosis©.

Taking into account our abt. 44 years clinical experience in the treatment of dysbacteriosis of the mucous membranes of any localization, we insist that it is impossible in principle to completely cure any foci of chronic bacterial infection with antibiotics. Regardless of the localization and diagnosis: chronic sinusitis, periodontitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis, prostatitis, Nephrodysbacteriosis© / pyelonephritis, etc. It’s possible only "to heal" and expect the next relapse.

To achieve a complete cure it is possible only with the help of bacterial autovaccines, which we use for chronic bacterial infections for more than 40 years, really with a complete or long-term clinical effect. Attempts to use antibiotics in all patients with ME/CFS-CBIS at the stages before contacting our clinic, gave a short-term positive result with a subsequent strengthening of clinical manifestations of ME/CFS-CBIS.

Therefore, we consider the diagnosis of ME/CFS-CBIS as a contraindication for antibiotic prescription, which may be prescribed only for vital reasons.

For the preparation of autovaccines, we use only extraintestinal strains of various bacteria (enterobacteria, enterococci, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) and use at any localization of chronic bacterial foci. Except for the intestines. We have not detected a noticeable influence of autovaccines on the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora, although, perhaps, this issue requires additional study.

I've done a review..

Their results are creditable, their treatment is creditable — their model may not be.

It is just an alternative path to the same goal -- changing the bacteria in the body that is causing ME/CFS. They found the bacteria include combinations of ( enterococci, enterobacteria-Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, Morganella, Acinetobacteria, Hafnia, Seratia, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus ). Instead of using antibiotics, they use vaccines (phages are still a third option).


Phages, as preparations of local contact action, which are practically not absorbed into the blood, are not suitable for the treatment of Nephrodysbacteriosis© (a focus of chronic bacterial infection in the kidneys). Antibiotics also unsuitable. Therefore - only autovaccines.
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Senior Member
This Ukrainian review website has a number of reviews for Dr Igor Markov's Vitacell clinic.

I have Google translated the reviews to English, and posted them below.

The reviews are mixed and highly polarized: many reviews severely criticize Dr Markov and his clinic; other reviews sing his praises and claim he has cured their illnesses. The reviews are mostly either a full 5 star, or a minimal 1 star, with very little in between. Words like charlatan, fraud, scammer, money gabbing get used a lot.

Here is a summary of some of the good reviews:
  • Healed a purulent wound that tormented me for 27 years.
  • My knees can withstand even intense training, the kidneys and related gynecological issues do not bother me either! And to my great surprise, general well-being and the absence of constant fatigue became a pleasant bonus!
  • Cured incurable psoriasis. Healed sinusitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. The treatment was completely harmless and gave a permanent long-term effect.
  • The autovaccine cured me of persistent cystitis and recurrent kidney pain. Thank you. Recommend!
  • Constant colds, constant tonsillitis. The general state of health is still not perfect, but much better!!
There are no reviews I could see from ME/CFS patients treated at the clinic.

Dr Markov's Vitacell Clinic Reviews


Anonymous June 4, 2020 ★★★★ I do not recommend it!

I do not recommend it! In the Markov clinic, they will pour into your ears that antibiotics are evil, but our "vaccine" is what will expose you. It will take a long time, tedious and ineffective to lick you. Because this treatment does not have a provable basis, and these "doctors" will put "their" experiments on you. The clinics are designed (there are two of them) for patients who are afraid of antibiotics. If you are one of those, then you will be their patient for many years, they love such people there. It's like playing the lottery with your health. If you want, take a chance.

The effectiveness of such treatment is to strive for 3.14%.

You don't have to read reviews on their site, read on independent sites like this.

  1. There is none of them.
  1. Ineffectiveness of treatment.
  2. Duration of treatment.
  3. The high cost of treatment.

Natalia Ilyinichna May 26, 2020 ★★★★★ Doctor with a capital letter - Markov I.S. Clinic "Vitacell"

I am 59 years old. Happy birthday. You will give birth. immediately in the hospital, received an injection under the scapula. And the whole back began to fester. According to my mother, of course. And after that I am sick all my life. It is hardly worth listing all your illnesses now. It will take a lot of time. I think in some reviews go through the analysis of all their "flowers of the bouquet" and positive, and not so, the results of vaccinations. I already had 6. Now it’s the seventh.

Now I want to cuddle in the arms of the best Doctor in the world. Yes, Doctor with a capital letter. Igor Semenovich, as a gardener, helps to uproot weeds in our body. Unfortunately, the vaccine, like any other treatment, is not a panacea. And the treatment of each person is a very individual process. Doctors sin by not taking their eyes off the treatment protocol. Yes! It is necessary. But the healing process is a creative process. Each patient is unique. Igor Semenovich has no conveyor. He treats patients thoughtfully. My friends were also treated by him. That is why I speak so confidently.

Unfortunately, the vaccine sometimes does not work or can cause complications. Arthur Becker in 1922 began experiments on treating tuberculosis patients with a mixed autovaccine from saliva. I understand that this is the beginning of the development of autovaccine treatment. But for some reason this method has not received widespread use ... I will not undertake to look for reasons. But in the article of the medical encyclopedia "Bronchial asthma" it is written that the autovaccine works 50% to 50%. Igor Semenovich undertook to improve this method of therapy. And he does it very successfully. How successful the vaccine treatment will be depends on the patient himself. From what a set of diseases has, how many years he has been sick, how psychologically he is, what kind of life he leads.

I am very upset by the boorish reviews about the work of Igor Semenovich. No positive result? We have to think and continue to search, and not throw mud at the doctor, kind and attentive, seeking. Yes! This is not a cheap pleasure. But the treatment is worth it. And greed, greed is not a gram of Igor Semenovich. Those who shout that it is expensive ... Do you have to pay for utilities? And what about the salary of the medical staff? And for renting premises? What about taxes? Guys waiting for a freebie, and one magic pill, and a doctor who will do everything for you!

Do not go to this doctor and then do not vent your anger, please. And those whom Igor Semenovich helped, write reviews to Google. Let other people have a chance of recovery. and one magic pill, and a doctor who will do everything for you! Do not go to this doctor and then do not vent your anger, please. And those whom Igor Semenovich helped, write reviews to Google. Let other people have a chance of recovery. and one magic pill, and a doctor who will do everything for you! Do not go to this doctor and then do not vent your anger, please. And those whom Igor Semenovich helped, write reviews to Google. Let other people have a chance of recovery.

Moreover, it is very useful to write reviews. This is a kind of psychotherapy: it is useful to be grateful, but it is also important to analyze what is wrong. And I see that Igor Semenovich is analyzing our unsuccessful vaccinations. And he continues to improve this method of treatment.

To be continued)...

  1. Healed a purulent wound that tormented me for 27 years
  1. Not a cheap pleasure, but worth it

Elena February 26, 2020 ★★★★Highly recommend!!!

Low bow to Igor Semenovich !!!!

Several years ago I turned to Igor Semenovich with pain in the knee joints. All the best orthopedists in Kiev made a helpless gesture and said take anti-inflammatory drugs in the most difficult moments, and all and only one doctor mentioned that such a situation can sometimes be associated with cystitis. This idea prompted me to turn to I.S. Markov. Having passed the diagnostics and, honestly, for several years of treatment, I am absolutely healthy! My knees can withstand even intense training, the kidneys and related gynecological issues do not bother me either!

And to my great surprise, general well-being and the absence of constant fatigue became a pleasant bonus! It turns out that the bacteria that lived in the kidneys filled the body with toxins that simply did not let live in full force !!!!!

And voila Igor Semenovich set me free)))))

Similar treatment was tried by 2 more of my others and the results are the same !!!!

Long summers for Markov to help many more people!


the guest December 22, 2019 ★★★★ Avoid in every possible way!

Friends, I hope someone reads the review and it turns out to be useful for you, maybe I can save someone. Do not go to Markov under any circumstances. I contacted with two boils, which appeared, opened and passed, I thought to complete the treatment. As a result, the diagnosis, like all furunculosis, is a lot of money for tests, vaccines and payment for admission, because you can't even talk to a doctor without payment.

Most importantly, after his "treatment", everything became 100 times worse, an inflamed face (on both cheeks), hydradenitis under both armpits, and already 4 years of treatment and attempts to fix everything. Lost health and the consequences that will last a lifetime. Have pity on yourself and your family, go somewhere else !!!


Vladimiros Osadchiy June 20, 2019 ★★★★ Markov's employees scribble fake reviews

Markov is a swindler, a scoundrel and a charlatan. He makes the same diagnosis - staphylococcus, and siphons money using pseudoscientific methods.


Patient June 20, 2019 ★★★★★ The clinic has cured psoriasis! This is a miracle !!!

1. In the Markov clinic, psoriasis was cured in my friend's daughter, who was on the head, the girl was then 11 years old, they had already tried everything, physical procedures, ointments, lotions and poultices, then, on my recommendation, went to the Markov clinic. Yes, they really passed the tests there and spent on the vaccine, but the psoriasis for the first time in so many years completely disappeared and did not return for a year and a half !!!

(And before that, my friend spent a lot more money and time on ineffectual treatment in other most prestigious clinics!)

2. We are treating my own daughter once again with streptoderma staphila. She exhausted us. Against the background of antibiotic treatment (which is already in the past), immunity fell and wounds appear on the face. I hope this time we will cure completely!

3. The fact that they write that the Markovs do not look at the test results, as for me it is very strange. with a green, yellow or red marker, the doctor personally always highlighted what is normal and what is in deviation or requires control. Each indicator is explained patiently and carefully.

4. Regarding ENT procedures, I will say this: they got me too, it seemed especially strange to flush my throat, to do a cuckoo in remission, when nothing bothers me, but I will say that I do not regret that we did it, because during the last year Neither me nor my Daughter had tonsillitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis. It's just that the bad is forgotten quickly, it seems as if we have never been sick at all, and one might think that without ENT procedures we would not be sick on our own. But we must face the truth, if before the Markov clinic we were frequent clients of Laura's office in the district polyclinic, then after Markov we didn’t show up there for more than a year ... for me it says something.

5. Regarding the rudeness of the staff:

there is no rudeness at the Markov clinic at all, I often go there, I already know everyone by sight, here they are a little rude on the phone in Vitacell but, friends, this is not a VIP clinic, not Isis at prices, this is a relatively inexpensive clinic, it is clear that the staff will not lick as much as in Isis, although I would very much like to, but good service is expensive, if the clinic establishes such a repair and service as in Isis, the prices for tests and treatment will be even higher, which means it will become unavailable. The goal and mission of the doctor is to treat, and not to administer the clinic, a professor, doctor of science cannot be such a direct businessman to establish a luxury service for you at the reception, and so on.

When it comes to health, service is not the main thing! To be cured without antibiotics and consequences, and to live happily is the goal, and the Markov clinic is Hope and a solution in the most desperate situation.

6. Background:

I usually don't write reviews, I have neither the time nor the desire. But this time the reason was that I had to re-read the reviews on this site, I was just trying to find information about ureaplasmosis, real reviews of people who coped with this problem, or who listened to the recommendations of Dr. Markov, namely: “at all do not treat this infection ”; I wanted to find out from specific people here on the site whether there were any harmful consequences.

After all, I now once again make a decision whether to treat urea or not. I found Markova's clinic on the Internet a year and a half ago. When once again they found ureaplasma in the analyzes. Desperate to drink antibiotics, I went to Markov's clinic.

I liked the fact that in the Markov clinic they treat people, enhancing the body's immune response, with vaccines, and not with antibiotics, which more cripple than cure.

They never cured my ureaplasma, they do not give a vaccine for it at the Markov clinic, they say that this is a normal microflora and there is no need to treat it.

Health to all of us!

  1. Cured incurable psoriasis
  2. Healed sinusitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis
  3. The treatment was completely harmless and gave a permanent long-term effect.
  4. Doctors are attentive and excellent diagnosticians
  5. Relatively not expensive
  6. Convenient location of the clinic
  1. Do not make an autovaccine for ureaplasma

the guest June 18, 2019 ★★★★★ Recommend! I was cured

Wonderful clinic, Markov I.S. - the doctor with a capital letter, the nurses at the reception desk are very good, the tests took a TV vein from the first time and did not hurt, before that in another clinic all the veins were twisted, the girls clearly explained the course of treatment. The autovaccine cured me of persistent cystitis and recurrent kidney pain. Thank you. Recommend!

  1. Home furnishings
  1. Not

V.O.G March 16, 2019 ★★★★ Terrible experience

How can you go to doctors who consider it possible to simply not pay extra for the goods delivered to them? It seems like a trifle, but this clinic has made a characteristic for itself in the person of A.I. Markov. Apparently, this principle of work is used in everything. Both with customers and suppliers. Be careful with these Markovs))


the guest March 9, 2019 ★★★★ Horror

I was not too lazy to write a review in order to save people from mistakes, which can be very expensive. Were with the child at this "doctor" Markov. Words are hard to come by. Tin is simple. They came with a preliminary diagnosis - mononucleosis. Markov said that she just had staphylococcus aureus and, without confirmation of tests, suggested the first injection of vaccination. Then he offered to take tests for UAH 5,900 right now in his clinic. He was not embarrassed that the child had a hearty lunch an hour ago. Uses manipulative techniques in speech. Speaks very confidently and convincingly. I almost agreed, but common sense and maternal intuition won out. A child with a fever should be given an unknown autovaccine against what has not been proven by analyzes .... At the reception, a plump blonde with a short haircut, in response to my questions, was almost indignant. Nervously, hastily poked her fingers on the sheet. It seems that people in the Sovdepovskoy clinic are more friendly. As a result, we passed some of his tests, but not in his clinic. Staphylococcus was not detected either in the pharynx or in the urine !!!! Go around Route 10, folks. Take care of yourself and your children from such charlatan businessmen.


the guest January 26, 2019 ★★★★ All this is a scam for money!

All a divorce! you won't even contact a doctor! only the CITY NUMBER and then his trained nurse dogs (Sharashkin's office ...

  1. cozy room
  1. all cons

the guest January 21, 2019 ★★★★ Oksana

Suffered from temperature jumps of unknown origin for a long time. went to this Markov. he diagnosed me with chronic bacterial intoxication syndrome almost from the doorway, without even examining and questioning me properly. appointed a bunch of expensive tests and started talking about his so-called. autovaccines. I somehow intuitively realized that not everything was clean and did not go to him anymore.

after a few years, tests showed that my temperature was caused by an autoimmune disease and not by intoxication.

  1. good psychologist
  1. charlatan

the guest (Ukraine) October 28, 2018 ★★★★ Dirty Clinic!

Unfortunately, my daughter and I went to see Markov without reading the reviews, the clinic is dirty, the doors to the toilet are sealed, we didn't want to touch anything! Dear for that kind of money, even if the repairs were refreshed! It was unpleasant to be there. The very visit to this charlatan alarmed, talked about an infection in the kidneys, about Staphylococcus aureus, but it was alarming that he made me repeat a bunch of tests that we already had, only in his clinic! (The other did not fit) consultation 750 g plus made me buy dislides 600 gr for urine culture tank! And that had to pay extra 5000 grams for tests! Everything would be fine if not for the terrible reviews and my feelings! I do not advise, in fact I did not recommend anything and the diagnosis is the same as that of others!

  1. Trained actors!
  1. Dirt and money scam

Alla (Ukraine) September 20, 2018 ★★★★ How to risk health, which already does not exist

We were treated in the clinic twice, carefully followed the instructions, because we believed in the authority of this "luminary of medicine" and in the fact that he alone is capable of treating without deadly antibiotics. After some vaccines it got better, but after his favorite "vaccine level" the symptoms worsened significantly, and simple aspirin began to lead to suffocation (although there was no such reaction before the vaccines). They realized that people like Markov would not help, and found a treatment for themselves on ... Youtube. For two years now, there has been a steady improvement, and we no longer regret a foot and do not regret the "professors". Several acquaintances were also treated with him, the result was zero. They get sick again the same.

As for money, one should immediately pay attention to how, during consultations, he quite openly complained about a lack of finances, asked at the ceiling how to treat us (we thoughtlessly took this as a joke) and prescribed completely useless rinsing at his inadequate ENT (thank God , she was fired when she already began to raise her hand on the children) and a bunch of expensive pills that "relieve symptoms" (they did not relieve them, just, sorry, they led to a change in the color of urine - the same became like pills ...) When we realized that something was wrong, we conducted an experiment: we passed the tests under a different name in another department of Vitacell, where they did not know us. Who would have thought, it turns out that we have no infections, nothing at all! Clean ones! Well, yes, well, yes, there is no time to process new clients, old ones still shake and shake ...

Only for one thanks to this uh doctor - he made me realize that we don't have medicine and we have to fight for our health ourselves. Somewhere, of course, there are nugget doctors, but this is clearly not Mr. Markov.


Vladimir (Ukraine) September 16, 2018 ★★★★ To break his head with this markov

Charlatan! Cheater, cheats people every day. We went through all his circles of hell, the same thing is happening - cytomegalovirus infection, congenital staphylococcus, etc. For treatment - expensive injections - from which there is no benefit, only harm.



Nataliya (Portugal) September 16, 2018 ★★★★ This doctor Markov is a charlatan !!!!

For a long time, my husband and I lived abroad, when I got pregnant and came to Ukraine to give birth, the girl was born healthy, after three months she began not to gain weight, we went to the Vitatsel clinic ... the diagnosis stunned us (Cytomegolavirus infection)

How is Dr. Markov to us all explained ..., showing a photo of children hanging on the wall, before and after treatment (he predicted for us dumbness or deafness) and that only in his clinic can you buy a medicine harmless to the body

The course of treatment was completed ... (my poor child, unknown than injections, very painful injections, she cried so much)

then these endless tests, again advised me to undergo a course of treatment for my daughter and for me, since I can again give birth to an unhealthy child ...

And you know that we have closed up, we just went back abroad again passed all the tests, everything was normal, but still remains a fear, confided hearing child ...

(just was not up care jaundice after birth, and create one vaccination every three months, that's why it woke up the infection)

now my daughter is 12 years old and everything is fine with her!

PS I gave birth to my second child, she is already 9 years old, and we have no hostile infection!

  1. -
  1. Siphoning money, especially if they find out that you live abroad

Irina (EU) August 31, 2018 ★★★★★ Review of the clinic Vitacell

Only once I had to go to a private clinic. And it's good that Vitacell turned out to be this clinic. I got myself cystitis, as it turned out ... The local doctor sent me to a therapist who simply prescribed some antibiotics. There was no sense in them. On the advice of friends, I turned to Vitacell. We have been treated for two months, it is already much better. Much! I recommend this clinic.

the guest December 12, 2018
And that cystitis needs to be treated for 2 months ???​
Anton October 21, 2019
And I have been treating urethritis for 1.5 years and I went to the sanctuary of Lisenka N N and so Markov was still growing up to this swindler and growing, but his reviews were like a saint))))​

Lena (Ukraine, Kiev) August 1, 2018 ★★★★ Consultation with Markov.

Just pumping out money, each consultation 750 UAH, tests only where he says 3000 UAH, staff from a bad clinic.


the guest (Ukraine, Kiev) July 26, 2018 ★★★★★ Thanks to Igor Semenovich Markov

Markov Igor Semenovich is a very good doctor! Thanks to his knowledge and experience, I coped with a serious chronic illness. The treatment was long-term, but safe for health. The clinic really treats, and does not heal with packs of antibiotics. All treatments are completely harmless. Thanks to Dr. Markov for his kindness, responsiveness, attention. There would be more such doctors!


Lena (Ukraine, Kiev) June 6, 2018 ★★★★ not raja

I gave children in Markov's clinic an analysis of blood for lamblia - the result is positive! Passed in 3 іnshih laboratories - the result of anti-aging, lamblia is not revealed.

The hostile cliché was going to be robbed of the price navmisno, the patient turned up for advice before the ichny likar.


Alexandra (Ukraine, Kiev) March 29, 2018 ★★★★★ My review of the clinic Vitacell

It's hard to say why such reviews appear here. They say the money is fighting, but in fact something is not right for someone. Firstly, they do not fight, but take for quality help. Everything costs money now. And secondly, I have never met a better clinic in Kiev. Everything is as convenient as possible, there is no need to ask for time off from work, you can also on Saturday. come and get tested.

In other clinics, you adjust to them, and when you get tested for bad money, then they still hang on your ears. Like they begin to treat, I know, I heard a lot about some, they drain money. And in Vitacell the prices are at the level, I do not argue, not everyone will pull, but the quality is at the same level. And after the tests are done, they are really treated on the case. They helped me with my problem.

  1. Effective treatment at a fair price
  1. not

Sergey (Ukraine, Kiev) February 12, 2018 ★★★★★ Helped me

The clinic really treats what everyone else just heals. I was worried about constant colds, constant tonsillitis. The condition was squeezed lemon, and the temperature was kept for two years. I went around a bunch of doctors. That just did not heal and to no avail. He drank a bunch of antibiotics, treated all sorts of ebstein bar, cytomegalovirus ... Nothing helped, it only got worse.

I have been undergoing treatment at the Vitacell clinic for a year now. They immediately prescribed tests, which no one even suggested to me before! And they named another reason, they went from a completely different side of the problem! At first I didn't even believe it. But after the first course of treatment, the temperature was completely gone !!!! The general state of health is still not perfect, but much better !! The only thing I didn’t like was that the treatment was long ... but seeing such improvements, I’ll definitely go through it.

  1. Correctly diagnosed
  2. Individual approach
  3. Feeling much better
  1. Long-term treatment. But this is not a minus, considering that the treatment really helps!

Vladimir (Cyprus, Paphos) February 12, 2018 ★★★★

My daughter had atopic dermatitis in 2016, one high-ranking dermatologist recommended Markin to us (they have a whole scheme there for kickbacks and attracting victims). They came to his private clinic Vitatsel, paid him about 500 hryvnyas for a consultation at that time, he said he would make the second one cheaper. Immediately I was struck by a photograph of Markin in swimming trunks with a fat belly, surrounded by girls in photographs from different resorts, brrr ..

At the reception he was clever, and all his speeches "smacked" of pseudoscientific statements, gave his brochure, told what a famous doctor he was, asked where we work (!). For some reason, they did not immediately recognize him as a swindler, and were led to do tests .. he prescribed a lot of them and naturally, only in his clinic - Dr. Markov's Clinic (!) - is located on the left bank .. how did we suffer with these damned tests several times they took blood from a 2-year-old child from a vein, specially ordered a nurse from the intensive care unit in Boris, who knows how to take blood from a vein from such young children, it really took 3-5 days of objective time, how much gasoline was rolled out from Irpen, how much money.

And this underdoctor knew that he was sending stupidly for divorce to pump out money .. he was not afraid of damn it or God .. We came back to the appointment, he looked at the tests .. some didn’t even OPEN (!) - terrible impudence on his part, although would pretend !! and said his daughter had Staphylococcus aureus, it needs to be treated only with injections (he also used all his acting skills to say - ".. yes, yes .. only with injections, dear parents, otherwise your daughter's disease is not cured .."), naturally buy " injections "can only be with him, I don't remember exactly .. either for 1600 hryvnyas apiece, or more expensive." ... I remember in total 45,000-60,000 hryvnia. He pulled on the diagnosis, it was obvious, he asked if she was sweating .. well, that's what to answer, well, yes, I say, sometimes it sweats, if it's hot or running over .. well, like all children, he writes in the description of the diagnosis - profuse sweating caused by an infection .. here in that spirit. We went out, immediately got into the Internet to read reviews for him, it was obvious to me that this was a DIVORCE, reviews from people confirmed this.

(Do not take it as an advertisement, just very grateful) We went to Kharkov to Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, he said that this is atopic dermatitis, mankind has not yet come up with a cure, you can only weaken the course, make life easier for the child, - ordered the American emollient Oylatum (ordered by e- I beat it, it turned out cheaper than buying in Ukraine) - by the way, it prescribes in terms of price-quality ratio, and not the most expensive, told how to comply with climatic conditions - air humidification up to 60%, temperature 18-20, well, I also advised some things .. All done - HOORAY! the child was cured, the symptoms disappeared, everything was as he said. It turns out that everything is simple and easy, if you do not go to these "professional fraudsters".

Dr. Markov is a FRAUD who has nothing sacred and is only interested in money!


Name Surname (Ukraine, Zhytomyr) November 30, 2017 ★★★★ charlatan

Charlatan. There is nothing even to add. Whatever you come to this clinic, staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus, etc. will be found in your throat, urine, saliva, ear, nose, urethra, etc. and as a result, you will get the vaccine for a lot of money.

It seems that the experiment was carried out on me. Printed patents, set stamps and injected under your skin, you do not know what. Looking back at everything that happens, at the negligence, staff and attitude, I doubt that I was injected with a vaccine made on the basis of my bacteria, and generally doubt that I had them.

Think about what they are doing there. Normal people try not to give compulsory vaccinations to children, but here they inject biomass from bacteria. Yes, I'd rather eat GMO foods all my life than repeat this senseless experience again! Yes, just what kind of evidence and research was carried out on people in the long term, well, he will of course justify everything with patents and you will believe like me, because if you are in his office, then Nadezhda dies last. to him, it will not be worse.

The suspicion is already creeping in that they are engaged in open medical genocide there. You Markov are not a doctor, you are a businessman at best! He hung his office with photographs of the children "BEFORE and AFTER" and at the NLP level you hang noodles for people. It is a pity that there is no government for your business yet. I hope I will contribute to your repentance for deceiving people. If possible, I will leave this review wherever I can. Better already to Grandma for pumping out than to him, it will not be worse.

  1. There is a fashionable high-tech toilet in the toilet. who was he will understand
  1. everything except the toilet

the guest (Ukraine, Kiev) October 3, 2017 ★★★★★ very alarming reviews

About 8 years ago, my sister had severe pain in her legs and no one clinic could help her. She said that they helped her in this clinic ... they found some kind of dysbiosis and staphylococcus in the throat in the urine, made a vaccine and injected these injections for a long time (painful injections). At that time, the consultation and the vaccine were not very expensive, I don't remember exactly The most important thing is that it helped her ... Now the consultation costs 750 UAH. All subsequent 350 UAH. It's not a small amount of money for me ... I have a temperature of 37.0, 37.2, a slight sore throat, internal fever, a breakdown, all this for a long time ... I was already at the 1st consultation, they prescribed a bunch of tests for 2 thousand kopecks ...

I went to another place with a doctor with a good recommendation in a military hospital ... I took tests, was treated roughly with vitamins, various drugs (injections, pills) helped for a while (3 months), the temperature returned, I threw out a lot of money. I am very much embarrassed by the reviews on various sites about this clinic and about the doctor himself, from which it becomes scary ... Okay, people throw money down the drain, but someone gets even worse ... Very few recent reviews ... On the official website clinic there are no bad reviews)))) ... I really want to read reviews from real patients ... I was not too lazy to write, write at least a few words, money is not small and I don’t want to lose my health ...
the guest April 6, 2018
I know many adults and parents of children (who treated babies with a large number of antibiotics), they were helped by the treatment of Dr. Markov. Recommend. I myself am currently undergoing a course of treatment.​
Vladimir April 7, 2018
Treatment with autovaccines is not recognized by WHO, i.e. is pseudoscientific, along with treatment with torsion fields, water charged with "positive" energy, etc. - this time! Second, at best, if autovaccines do not harm, then they act as a Placebo effect. Markov's fraud is obvious .. he is not a doctor and he never was .. he bought diplomas, the position of "professor" too, buys a license, buys officials .. gives bribes so that he is not covered up .. makes a fool of people and has nothing sacred .. he would only money, money ..​

Vladimir February 12, 2018
He's a scammer 100%​
Lily October 26, 2017
Hello, I also want to go to an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist, but I read reviews that are very different, and I read it from the newspaper like (question-answer) and everywhere he offers vaccines that are made from tests (partially or I did not understand how) and everywhere he says about the defeat of the mucous membrane and dysbacteriosis (regardless of the question), therefore, 30 minutes ago I read reviews and many do not advise, money is money, but what worse can become of course: (so I will look further for an immunologist!​
But I would like to read recent reviews from people who passed treatment, but also did not find them, and on the website of the clinic, of course, only good ones from recent ones and not so many. My problem, by the way, is ureaplasma and more recently the ovary has become inflamed in a month, it has touched three ultrasounds in different clinics (Oxford, Arnica, Kinder honey) and in all radically different conclusion !!!Prior to that, ureaplasma was treated in Oxford by a gynecologist, but 2 years ago it showed that it was gone and then six months later showed that there is and again 21 days of antibiotics and sent it again later from another doctor.​
I need a urologist, since most likely it is in the bladder waiting for the test results, and he advised me to contact an immunologist, now I want to find a good immunologist, I would be grateful if you write a review about the treatment (after being treated) with Malgev (forgot the names)I decided that it was necessary to treat at the urologist, since most likely it was in the bladder waiting for the test results, and he advised me to contact an immunologist, now I want to find a good immunologist, I would be grateful if you write a review about the treatment (after being treated) with Malgev (forgot the names)I decided that I need to treat with a urologist, since most likely it is in the bladder waiting for the test results, and he advised me to contact an immunologist, now I want to find a good immunologist, I would be grateful if you write a review about the treatment (after being treated) with Malgev (forgot the names)​
the guest April 6, 2018
Back in 2012, she underwent a course of vaccine treatment with Dr. Markov. I had problems, which I fought with both antibiotics and hormonal drugs, but to no avail ... After the treatment according to Dr. Markov's scheme, I forgot about this problem. Now there are problems of a different nature, I plan to go to the Vitatsel clinic again.​


Kira (Ukraine, Kiev) June 8, 2017 ★★★★

She underwent treatment in 2014. about the herpes virus Єpstein-Barr. I went around a bunch of clinics, but if they could not help, then at least they did not harm. It was possible to achieve at least remission. But after visiting the Vitacell clinic, the blood pressure really began.

I was prescribed a bunch of tests, like everyone else, half of them turned out to be meaningless later. I paid 750 UAH for the appointment. It seems that everything is fine, but the so-called "professional" Markov turned out to be a simple charlatan and a good psychologist. I was prescribed a course of autovaccines and a bunch of drugs before that. The first course was pierced normally, it became even easier, but after 3 months it was again bad. Sleepy came to this homemade product (you cannot name it otherwise), said to be tested. I handed it over. And then it began. I already have 12 bacteria instead of 8, so I need to pierce another course. I agreed.

After 3 injections, it became bad. Weakness, severe pain throughout the body, convulsions. Markov deigned to pick up the phone 5 times. He said that the organism reacts so individually, that it is necessary to continue injecting further. As an obedient patient, I continued my treatment. After 8 injections, I started having such convulsions that I threw a little not up to the ceiling.

Since Markov did not pick up the phone. Mom went to the reception, paid the money for the reception (otherwise he would not receive and did not get in touch). He said to pass a urine test, I passed it. And lo and behold, instead of one bacterium there was one, and even that lives in every organism. That is, the norm, but the condition worsened. I did not experiment further and left this esculap. And now, over the past 3 years, the condition has been getting worse. No one could give an answer to what was happening and how to treat it (since no one had come across this vaccine).

As a result: I constantly sit on anesthetic injections and pills, digestion is disturbed (before the vaccine was established), the body does not completely accept dairy products (even if it is milk powder in bread or cookies, soy protein), fat, butter. You can imagine, even for a minute, what it would be like to go to the store and choose only those breads where there is no milk powder. Okay, milk, but now I can't even eat meat (no more than 100 grams per week), probiotics and many drugs that I was previously treated with, the body ceased to perceive. It all ends with convulsions, which are removed only by sorbents. Severe colds began (before that it was somehow possible to heal with the help of herbs, homeopathy, but now the body does not perceive these drugs).

Only now I found a sensible infectious disease specialist who said that this vaccine was unprovable in the treatment of herpes, moreover, if I came to Markov after the herpes virus had been transferred, then at the moment the virus became active again, in addition, other types of herpes were connected, which did not exist earlier ... The results are off scale 20 TIMES !!!! And if someone just didn't like the service, then you are very lucky. Not only did I throw away the $ 1,000. to nowhere, so I also spend enormous sums on supportive therapy in order not to simply die. This "doctor", with permission, crippled my life. It is impossible to punish for negligence in our country, but maybe if you read this letter and go around this clinic on the hundredth road, even though it will be easier for me that I saved someone from what I’m worried about myself.

Kate June 21, 2018​
Kira, advise an intelligent infectious disease specialist, herpevirus worries (((​
Igor December 3, 2018​
Good evening everyone! Regarding colds, I tried on myself the method of Professor Neumyvakin, simple and cheap! Quench a spoonful of soda in a mug with boiling water, let it cool and drink! It really helps! Soda is a natural absorbent!​
Nikolay Soloviov October 4, 2017​
Good afternoon, and who is being treated now? You need an intelligent doctor. For half a year, VG from 1 to 7, and three doctors have changed, but there's little use ...​
Vitaly August 18, 2017​
Kira, tell me, how many courses did you take his vaccines? I just have the same symptoms after his vaccines that you described.​


the guest (Ukraine, Donetsk) December 15, 2016 ★★★★★ I'm glad.

I'm afraid to jinx it, but I have a result. Before that, they treated me with the herpes virus for a long time, believing that I had atypical rashes and only he said that it was streptococcus that gives such rashes - pimples on the tongue, lips and genitals. But I pierced a bunch of the strongest antiviral injections !!! (((Yes, he has his own theory, he is categorically against antibiotics, I don’t know what and how, but I checked on myself that antibiotics for streptococcus did not help me ... (ENT prescribed from throat after sowing from the larynx and still out of the blue the throat began to hurt again), His injections gave a result.

The first time, of course, he prescribed tests decently, in subsequent visits he prescribed bacterial cultures, I refused, because even so weak manifestations remained and therefore the flora still it is necessary to correct and he did not insist and said that he considered it acceptable

He answered all my questions, the service at the clinic is friendly


the guest (Ukraine, Kiev) January 23, 2016 ★★★★ Attention! Harm to health!

Everything would be fine if he was just a charlatan. After his treatment, it got much worse. He was confused and could not help, the diseases did not go away, but were added. He prescribed the medicine outright, waiting for the tests with sensitivity, as a result, there was no effect. And after the vaccines, hell began !! He does not take responsibility for himself and writes off everything to the characteristics of the organism. And he offers to continue to be treated in other clinics, since there is nothing to help.


the guest (Ukraine, Kiev) July 24, 2014 ★★★★

Please tell me is there any message to go to him?


Tatyana January 16, 2014 ★★★★

I do not recommend Vitazel clinic to anyone. We passed a bunch of tests (as it turned out later, completely unnecessary). The clinic's pediatrician prescribed treatment. After that, I received an online consultation from Markov, in which he advised "change your doctor!" To understand the situation, I made an appointment with Markov. She showed the appointment of a pediatrician and a printout of Internet correspondence, to which he said: "Well, who does not happen to ... That's why I'm sitting here to correct mistakes." True, for some reason, for my money, which no one thought to return. Prescribed a drug to a 6-month-old child, which is used from 1.5 years old and in a dosage 6 (!!!) times higher than according to the instructions for 1.5 years. Out of inexperience (the first child, after all - you are afraid of everything and it seems that doctors are smarter) I tried to fulfill these recommendations. I will not describe the reaction. I can only say that our problems were solved after the introduction of complementary foods. And staphylococcus aureus, many pediatricians generally recommend not to treat. She didn’t go to court just because there was a baby in her arms. I hope someone will find my review useful and help save money, time and nerves.


Sergey June 8, 2013 ★★★★★

It looks like a scam - he heals everyone with one vaccine.

The diagnosis may have been correct, but he prescribed the treatment completely for everything - as a result, it only got worse.


Olga February 18, 2013 ★★★★★

Tell Dr. I. Markov, Vitacell Clinic, who was treated by him. We were offered to undergo an examination at the clinic of Dr. Markov, I told my friend, she works in a regional hospital, and I heard very compromising comments about this doctor, plus I. Markov everywhere seems to be a doctor of medicine, from her words this is not confirmed by any documents, this person does not have scientific degree and awarded himself the degree of doctor of medicine. Who has experience of treatment in this clinic, recommend.


Vera January 29, 2013 ★★★★★

She killed two years on mediocrity, lost all her health and threw a huge amount of money down the drain. Markov immediately established a diagnosis, which was later confirmed, prescribed treatment with a vaccine, my treatment costs just ridiculous money, for two years I spent three times more expensive and to no avail!

Anna September 6, 2013
Vera, what did you treat? I'm going to go there and I don't know if it's worth it or not. All other doctors treat everything with antibiotics, but I can’t drink them anymore, I don’t just take it !!!!​

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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
@ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS

It would be very helpful if you could answer some very basic patient questions. Please answer them in the order asked and in "bullet-point" format as many patients have difficulty reading long paragraphs due to neurological issues.

1) Please tell us which of the established criteria for diagnosing ME/CFS you used to determine that 4500 of your patients had ME/CFS? The established criteria are the Canadian Consensus Criteria, the International Consensus Criteria and the Institutes of Medicine ME/CFS/SEID diagnosis flowchart. Knowing which of these criteria used will help us evaluate your results.

2) What is your definition of full convalescence and recovery and what time-line did you use to ensure that this was not a simple remission? Is continued treatment necessary to ensure long-term health?

3) What are your charges for: initial consult; diagnosis; full course of treatment; follow-up? (Detailed answer, please)

4) Do patients need to come to your clinic or can you work with tele-consultations and couriered biological samples? If patients need to stay for a length of time close to your clinic, what accommodations are available and what is their approximate cost?

5) What is the average length of time between initial consultation and potential convalescence or end of treatment?

6) Could you please give us links to independent studies or data that support the efficacy of your protocol in treating patients diagnosed through one of the criteria listed above? Peer review is very important to patients.

Thank you. Answers to these questions will help move this conversation forward. Without them, the discussion is likely to remain circular.



Senior Member
@ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS

You say that your clinic has treated 4288 ME/CFS patients using autovaccines with 92.7% achieving a full recovery.

Do you have web links to places online where some of these recovered ME/CFS patients have posted their story?

When I looked at review of your clinic on the review site www.otzyvua.net, I saw no reviews from ME/CFS patients on that review site.

With over 4000 ME/CFS patients treated, you would think at least one of them would post their story on an ME/CFS forum. ME/CFS patients who find a treatment which cures or greatly improves their ME/CFS are often highly motivated to post their story on an ME/CFS forum, in order to benefit other ME/CFS patients.

People are going to be naturally skeptical of claims of cures, unless those claims are backed up with evidence. And when the person claiming the cure runs a business which provides that cure, that is going raise even more skepticism.

So we really need evidence of benefit from autovaccines, such as reports from actual ME/CFS patients who have been cured. Not just a clinic making claims of cures which cannot be proven.

I find the theory of a hidden kidney infection being behind ME/CFS very a interesting as a concept. The theory seems plausible, and I am always interested in any theories of ME/CFS. But it would be great to get some evidence to show that autovaccine treatment of such kidney infections can lead to major improvements or remission in ME/CFS patients.
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Senior Member
Therefore, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), in our opinion, cannot be the main cause of occuring ME/CFS-CBIS. But the analogy is quite pertinent: it is just the bacterial endotoxins (LPS), identified by Dr. Michael Maes in patients with CFS and leaky gut, play and at Nephrodysbacteriosis© a major role in the occurrence of ME/CFS-CBIS.

Simply their amount, entering the blood from the kidneys, is incomparably greater than from the intestines, taking into consideration the huge absorbing surface of the filtrational glomerular system, which passes at least 1700-2000 liters of blood per day in an adult. Just therefore only infection in the kidneys we consider as the main cause of development ME/CFS-CBIS.

Thanks for explaining it, that is interesting.

Taking into account our abt. 44 years clinical experience in the treatment of dysbacteriosis of the mucous membranes of any localization, we insist that it is impossible in principle to completely cure any foci of chronic bacterial infection with antibiotics.

Regardless of the localization and diagnosis: chronic sinusitis, periodontitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis, prostatitis, Nephrodysbacteriosis© / pyelonephritis, etc. It’s possible only "to heal" and expect the next relapse. To achieve a complete cure it is possible only with the help of bacterial autovaccines, which we use for chronic bacterial infections for more than 40 years, really with a complete or long-term clinical effect.

Is there any known reason why antibiotics are not able to target these bacteria living on the mucous membranes?

Dear Hip,
to detect a causing ME/CFS-CBIS kidney infection, if any, it's necessary to test 1-3 (seldom more) morning urine samples (taken on three consecutive days), but WARM! urine

So are you saying that the urine sample must be completely fresh? When the urine is passed by the patient and still warm, it must be immediately added to agar plates for culturing?

Does this mean that patients cannot send urine samples by mail, because the sample would no longer be fresh?


Senior Member
A hidden, undetectable bacterial infection that doesn't respond to traditional antibiotics. Sounds a bit like the Marshall Protocol and it's cell wall deficient bacteria theory.

If this treatment works, and big if, perhaps it works by stimulating and resetting the immune system somehow. Kind of like an bespoke, auto-adjuvent. There have been improvements and remissions from other vaccines, COVID & BCG(?). There has to be some sort of immune response to an autovaccine. But the question is why would it help an ME/CFS's immune system and why would it continue to provide lasting benefits?
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Dear ME/CFS-Community,
Thanks a lot for your attention to our findings. We’ll try to make so many explanations & comments on your questions in essence as necessary for better understanding of the findings.

Firsty, we’d like to comment highly polarized reviews on Ukranian review websites for Dr.Igor Markov’s clinics, as you mentioned on June 2:

as it was detected by our IT/computer specialists, the most of negative reviews (paid, it’s surely known) are origin from the same 1-2 sources with hints on our competitors here.

Secondly, regarding examples of treated patients w/ ME/CFS-CBIS and their reviews:

There are many clear evidencing examples of the right diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS and treatment w/ full convalescence in the Reports “CBIS....Clinical diagnosis” (Reports 1-6), “CBIS....Bacteriological diagnosis” (Report 7), “CBIS...Toxicological diagnosis” (Report 8) and “CBIS...Treatment” (Report 9) of the work "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME".

If it will be the possibility for our treated patients w/ ME/CFS-CBIS to review their histories somewhere, we’ll try to ask them to do that independently and objectively, although not every patient will agree to return to his/her morally & physically severe state of ME/CFS, they underwent, even in thoughts/memories and reviews.

The most treated patients after full convalescence did not return to our clinic, living by normal life (perhaps, trying to forget the former ME/CFS-state), some of them did and do return to the clinic after years after ME/CFS-CBIS-convalescence, but already w/ other, independent from ME/CFS-CBIS, current diseases.

So are you saying that the urine sample must be completely fresh? When the urine is passed by the patient and still warm, it must be immediately added to agar plates for culturing?

Does this mean that patients cannot send urine samples by mail, because the sample would no longer be fresh?

Adding our comment to you, how correctly to make bacteriological urine test:

- it’s important: to detect a causing ME/CFS-CBIS kidney infection, if any, it's necessary to test 1-3 (seldom more) morning urine samples (taken on three consecutive days), but WARM! urine and, in case of Nephrodysbacteriosis© with “calm” urine-test at least after 1 month after the end of use of antibiotics;
in case of manifesting pyelonephritis – after 1 week after the end of use of antibiotics or even ealier.

! Warm urine tests may be taken by a patient his/herself/child simply at home by natural way by using the proven known test-systems with nutrient media CLED agar, McConkey agar and chromogenic agar UriSelect.

And also, adding our comment at 10:22 PM, June 2, to LASSESEN:
Their results are creditable, their treatment is creditable — their model may not be

Phages, as preparations of local contact action, which are practically not absorbed into the blood, are not suitable for the treatment of Nephrodysbacteriosis© (a focus of chronic bacterial infection in the kidneys) and of ME/CFS-CBIS. Antibiotics are also unsuitable. Therefore - only autovaccines.
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Senior Member
South east England
If this treatment works, and big if, perhaps it works by stimulating and resetting the immune system somehow
Ageed. There have been reports here and on other sites regarding symptoms getting better after the Covid jab. When it comes to the idea that a bacterial infection can cause symptoms and evade Antibiotics I see no problem with this idea. Helico pyloria infection springs to mind. A difficult one to treat. I remain open minded about the possibility that a chronic kidney infection is the cause of me/cfs. It's a new subject for us.
I remain open minded about the possibility that a chronic kidney infection is the cause of me/cfs. It's a new subject for us.

ME/CFS, more right saying ME/CFS-CBIS, is caused mainly not directly by bacterial infection in the kidneys, but endotoxins and exotoxins of the vital activity of bacteria.

Endotoxins and exotoxins are released and persisted in the kidneys for years and decades.

It leads to the development of endotoxicosis and severe often long-term general intoxication of the organism with toxic damage to various organs and systems and to the subsequent development of a pathological state ME/CFS-CBIS with more than 70 clinical symptoms and syndromes of its manifestation, including: toxins responsible for general ME/CFS-CBIS state (weakness, increased fatigue, reduced work efficiency etc.etc.), neurotropic toxins (peripheral neuropathies/sensory-motor, autonomic neurapathies and vasotropic toxins, autonomous neuropathies, other manifestations of neurotropic toxins), neuralgia, psychtropic toxins, dermatotropic toxins, arthromyotropic toxins, ophthalmotropic toxins.

I.e. saying in other words, bacterial endotoxins & exotoxins in the kidneys and subsequent severe general intoxication of the organism cause multi-vector lesion of its various organs & system.

Detailed pls see in the Table 1 Report 2 "CBIS...Clinical diagnosis" of the studies "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME") reported on 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (Febr.15-16, 2021, London, UK),

link: https://www.longdom.org/proceedings...n-syndrome-under-the-mask-of-cfsme-59051.html (pdf./HTML, p.32-116), placed on Forum Phoenix Rising at 9:43 PM on May 31.
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