Hi Jes,
restriction of Carbohydrates and Simple Sugars can reduce or stop the production of D-Lactic acid completely. It is possible to stop D-Lactic acidosis only using this method. It is the main treatment for D-La, but many patients fail to maintain the diet. See Dr. Luke White '' D-Lactic acidosis, more prevalent than we think''. He gives a very good explanation, Free online.
If you do not feed D-Lactic producing Bacteria Carbs and Sugars they will not produce D-Lactic acid. It is the presence and Overgowth of D-Lactic producing Bacteria in the Small Intestine (due to disease, motility or abnormality such as failed valve between Small and Large Intestine or Short Bowel Syndrome) that causes the production of D-Lactic acid which is a Neurotoxin..
Hi Jes,
restriction of Carbohydrates and Simple Sugars can reduce or stop the production of D-Lactic acid completely. It is possible to stop D-Lactic acidosis only using this method. It is the main treatment for D-La, but many patients fail to maintain the diet. See Dr. Luke White '' D-Lactic acidosis, more prevalent than we think''. He gives a very good explanation, Free online.
If you do not feed D-Lactic producing Bacteria Carbs and Sugars they will not produce D-Lactic acid. It is the presence and Overgowth of D-Lactic producing Bacteria in the Small Intestine (due to disease, motility or abnormality such as failed valve between Small and Large Intestine or Short Bowel Syndrome) that causes the production of D-Lactic acid which is a Neurotoxin..
Hi Jes,
restriction of Carbohydrates and Simple Sugars can reduce or stop the production of D-Lactic acid completely. It is possible to stop D-Lactic acidosis only using this method. It is the main treatment for D-La, but many patients fail to maintain the diet. See Dr. Luke White '' D-Lactic acidosis, more prevalent than we think''. He gives a very good explanation, Free online.
If you do not feed D-Lactic producing Bacteria Carbs and Sugars they will not produce D-Lactic acid. It is the presence and Overgowth of D-Lactic producing Bacteria in the Small Intestine (due to disease, motility or abnormality such as failed valve between Small and Large Intestine or Short Bowel Syndrome) that causes the production of D-Lactic acid which is a Neurotoxin..
Hi Jes,
restriction of Carbohydrates and Simple Sugars can reduce or stop the production of D-Lactic acid completely. It is possible to stop D-Lactic acidosis only using this method. It is the main treatment for D-La, but many patients fail to maintain the diet. See Dr. Luke White '' D-Lactic acidosis, more prevalent than we think''. He gives a very good explanation, Free online.
If you do not feed D-Lactic producing Bacteria Carbs and Sugars they will not produce D-Lactic acid. It is the presence and Overgowth of D-Lactic producing Bacteria in the Small Intestine (due to disease, motility or abnormality such as failed valve between Small and Large Intestine or Short Bowel Syndrome) that causes the production of D-Lactic acid which is a Neurotoxin..
Hi Jes,
I may have found a possible cure! At least for myself. It will take more time to be certain,.....
I am not making any promises but for the first time in 18 years I have been able to eat Carbs and Sugars without any negative effect! I can only hope this will be as useful to others on this site, please pass this on.
This has come about partly by chance.
I have recently used Prebiotics and Probiotics known to reverse D-Lactic acidosis, similar to the stand alone treatment used by the Japanese (report below). I have found a UK Probiotic manufacturer that uses a number of similar Bacteria including those recommended by Dr. Myhill, all in one high quality Probiotic; NOW Probiotic Defense from supplementsthatwork-uk (Amazon and Ebay).
The only reason for experimenting with Probiotics is because the NHS would no longer prescribe any form of Probiotic which I am told are now on the banned list and I had started to become unwell again over the last 2/3 months after using frequent cyclical Antibiotics and no Probiotics for around a year and a half. I had also gained resistance to more Antibiotics (I have been able to stop taking Antibiotics, but I can only be certain in 6 months or longer that they are no longer necessary).
I have been very lucky again, because I had made a desperate guess that the prolonged period of Antibiotics may have been the cause. I was even more lucky in the combination of Probiotics in my first experiment. I began to feel different in just 5 days in the same way that Antibiotics had stopped my illness! I had definitely not expected this after using VSL-3.
I did not have such a positive change when using VSL-3 Probiotics that were given on prescription, prior to this and I am wondering if VSL-3 may have made things worse (there are a number of controvesial reports).
There is a big debate about whether Lactic producing bacteria including VSL-3 used by the NHS can cause D-Lactic acidosis through the predominant Lactic producing strains in VSL-3.
Probiotic Treatment to Reverse D-Lactic acidosis in Report below.(which should work for other forms of Bacterial Overgrowth):
A stand-alone synbiotic treatment for the prevention of D-lactic acidosis in short bowel syndrome.
Takahashi K1, Terashima H, Kohno K, Ohkohchi N.
Author information
Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics that have recently been used in the context of various gastrointestinal diseases, including infectious enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and bowel obstruction. We encountered a patient with recurrent D-lactic acidosis who was treated successfully for long periods using synbiotics. The patient was diagnosed as having short bowel syndrome and had recurrent episodes of neurologic dysfunction due to D-lactic acidosis. In addition to fasting, the patient had been treated with antibiotics to eliminate D-lactate-producing bacteria. After the failure of antibiotic treatment, a stand-alone synbiotic treatment was started, specifically Bifidobacterium breve Yakult and Lactobacillus casei Shirota as probiotics, and galacto-oligosaccharide as a prebiotic. Serum D-lactate levels declined, and the patient has been recurrence-free for 3 years without dietary restriction. Synbiotics allowed the reduction in colonic absorption of D-lactate by both prevention of D-lactate-producing bacterial overgrowth and stimulation of intestinal motility, leading to remission of D-lactate acidosis.
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Wishing you all every peace and happiness, to be free from illness and the ignorance and arrogance of the NHS.