Below is a part of a post I did on another thread regarding some of my experiences after getting an Atlas Profilax treatment (which I believe Optimist's original post was referring to). I believe my atlas "repositioning" released a lot of pressure on my cranial nerves, especially my vagus nerve. Thought it was pertinent to this thread because of the ongoing discussion about vagus nerve issues.
Here’s what I believe happened. The 12 major cranial nerves exit the brainstem through the opening in the atlas. If the atlas is out of alignment, these nerves can become impinged, and nerve flow to the rest of the body is inhibited. The vagus nerve is the longest of the cranial nerves, traversing through the TMJ, through the thyroid, the heart, stomach, GI system, and ending in the colon. If these organs/areas aren’t receiving enough nerve energy because of a crimped vagus nerve, they’re not going function properly or efficiently.
Here’s my theory as to why some people notice significant improvements from AP, and others don’t. — The opening in the atlas through which the cranial nerves go through is different in size from one person to the next. If the opening is large, the atlas can be out of alignment by quite a bit without impinging on the cranial nerves. If the opening is small, only a small misalignment can cause significant cranial nerve dysfunction. — A former NFL football player was temporarily paralyzed from a rather insignificant blow, and it was determined that the opening in his atlas was much smaller than normal, which significantly raised his potential for a serious injury. He promptly retired.
I feel certain most, if not all of my cranial nerves became impinged from a serious head injury/whiplash I experienced at age 15, which corresponded with the decline in my overall health. I am even more certain that at least my vagus nerve was majorly impacted. To have all this pressure relieved from a single treatment felt almost miraculous to me. I can easily see why others wouldn’t have a similar experience, because even if they had a seriously misaligned atlas, they may not have had seriously crimped nerves. The following is a list of improvements I jotted down a few months after receiving my AP treatment in the summer of 2007:
Symptom Improvements since Atlas Profilax Treatment 7-9-07
Primarily Neurological Symptom Improvements
Sensory Overload - 25-50%
Excessive Neuronal Firing - 25-50% (I feel Perque B-12 is very good for this also)
Anxiety – 25-50% (Didn’t even fully realize my levels of anxiety until they lessened significantly)
Vertigo / Neurally Mediated Hypotension – 25-50%
Environmental Illness (EI) / Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) – 25-35%
Cognitive Function / Ability to take make mental notes – 25-35%
Ability to Organize - 15-20%
TMJ (Moderate to begin with) - 20%-25%
Ability to relax – 25-35%
Severe adrenal exhaustion / dysfunction – approx. 25%
Sense of Balance – 25-50%
Sleep – approx. 15-20%
Primarily Physical Symptom Improvements
Physical / muscle strength – 25-30%
Viral overload symptoms – 50-75%
Digestion – 50%+
Generalized Pain and Headache reduction - 25-50%
Detoxification Capabilities – 25-50%
Postural Corrections, from my neck, down my entire spine to my hips, knees and even feet – I can’t even put a percentage on this – A growing sense of wholeness seems to pervade my entire postural structure. My chest cavity seems to have risen. When I walk these days, I feel like I’m almost gliding.
Overall energy level – approx. 10-25%
I feel taller and I am taller by 1/4"-1/2"
Spiritual/Energetic Improvements of Note
Overall Sense of Well Being – 25-50% (I especially notice this when I’m walking)
Greater sense of patience
Greater sense of rhythm
Feel less dense, a greater sense of fluidity