Looks like the same for me. But maybe it takes a few moments to register.I don't know if my vote is being counted or not. The number of votes seems to be the same before and after voting. But if i try to vote again, it says i can only vote again in 12 hours.
How is it for you? Does the number go up after casting your vote?
I did get two E-mails from them today: "The tools you need to help your Hero win" and "This is your last chance" so if people didn't get them, maybe their E-mail address didn't register (check spam folder of course).
I didn't notice the leaderboard http://www.jewishcommunityheroes.org/nominees/leaderboard/ yesterday: before I voted she was on 337, just two off fifteenth place and 3 off 14th place. I think that is 125 more than when I voted yesterday. I think she was a late starter (?) so hopefully she will move up.
ETA: I see it started on Sept 7. If she got 125 each day, it would mean she would have 2500 or so by now. Or put another way, the other people have had up to 20 days to get their votes so the general competition doesn't look too tough for hardened daily voters like us!