Managing Potassium Deficiency - Share your experience


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I get the awful wake up screaming leg cramps when I eat foods containing purines. I keep trying to eat some of those foods as a source of protein. Dairy would be my alternative, but that gives me other problems. The past couple of days I've been eating tuna and this morning I got a cramp.

Does anyone know why meat, fish, and other purine foods such as oats would cause such a severe potassium deficiency problem similar to methylation start up?

PS: I will increase my potassium intake:)

HI Violeta,

Most sources of meat from fish to fowl and mammals all are relatively rich in potassium with some of the fish being the highest. Lots of veggies too. It's essential to cells. With the meats, especially red meats, we get relatively high amounts of carnitine. With all the animals proteins we get high quality animal proteins that pretty well match the amino acids we need. I went through the whole learning curve of a DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET of matching up amino acid variations amongst vegetable source foods to have high Net Protein Utilization scores. Meats also contain active l-methylfolate, active AdoCbl and active MeCbl, be it in small amounts. It's possible that the assortment of nutrients in meat DOES increase cell formation and hence need for potassium.

In some vegetarian countries/religions that developed variations on Tantric Yoga, they also developed the Tantric meal. It was both ceremonial and practical. It broke taboos by eating beef steak and fish. It also included other items that would supply b-complex, a whole grain dish, and other nutrients. In a world of unbalanced nutrition and semi starvation not uncommon, a rich balanced meal with the rarest nutrients that can have effects in microgram quantities and be noticeable starting in hours This meal was often reported to have magical results. The explanation was releasing the energies block by taboos and other such things. It also contains AdoCbl, MeCbl, L-methylfolate, carnitine and fish oils. This inclusion of the deadlock quartet can tremendously improve/restore neurological and sexual functions. Deficiencies of these can completely crash sexual abilities, both normal and mystical.

Having that kind of effect in the circumstances of exactly being starved for active B12s and possibly animal folate, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was boosting the possibility of methylation. And possibly it was something we have not even talked about that was needed and ;limiting things, one of many induced deficiencies.

It might be something at face value. So perhaps balancing out potassium and folate or whatever and seeing if in fact healing is faster by assuming that things are working and correcting possibly temporary things pass or correct instead of assuming everything is a marker of going wrong. If the amount of potassium exceeds perhaps 3000 mg a day, then look for things that might cause that. like too much b1, b2, b3 and who knows what else.

A daily food and effects diary could tell you a lot after half a dozen cycles or so, when a pattern can be derived.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
hmm, I don't remember reading this anywhere previously - that's new to me!

Hi Howirecovered,

It's all over the place. The active b12 protocol has for as long as I've been posting here included vit D

  1. Basics - vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, not including Deadlock Quartet
  2. Deadlock Quartet
  3. Balance Potassium and Methylfolate if startup has occurred, if way too much potassium and/or methylfolate, decrease B1, B2, B3 for balancing.
  4. SAM-e, zinc, magnesium, Vit D, TMG, D-ribose, "critical cofactors" and maybe others in the 1%-5% last item needed to have healing startup. Many of these factors may be already included but not at the right dose or possibly absorbable form.
  5. Extended basics - chromium, manganese, etc. all sorst of possible things
  6. Rebalance basics
  7. Rebalance Deadlock Quartet
  8. Rebalance critical co-factors
  9. Rebalance extended basics
  10. go to #6, repeat until healed
I've never said it quite like this but I have been thinking a lot about "process" lately as the Active B12/Folate Protocol is at least as much process as it is a set of items. I've been saying TITRATE TO EFFECTIVENESS, and that is up and down. Each person is trying to find a balanced position in something that is constantly changing if they are actually healing. It is a constantly moving target with UNKNOWN unpredictable transient values.

Serum potassium is one of those bad boy items. It changes too fast to wait for test results and by then the results are "in range". Somebody being "clinically low" in a test is quite rare here. Being over 5.0 is even more rare. Those folks would be more likely at a kidney disease forum. I know one such person. I'm sure there are a ton of other things that are equally transient and could be instantaneously wrong. Another is people trying to adjust thyroid by assuming ATP startup is thyroid and since TSH adjusts slowly, daily dose changes confuse everything causing all sorts of trouble with bigger and bigger oscillations without having a chance of fixing the problem.

I hope this helps. Good health
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Senior Member
HI Violeta,

Most sources of meat from fish to fowl and mammals all are relatively rich in potassium with some of the fish being the highest. Lots of veggies too. It's essential to cells. With the meats, especially red meats, we get relatively high amounts of carnitine. With all the animals proteins we get high quality animal proteins that pretty well match the amino acids we need. I went through the whole learning curve of a DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET of matching up amino acid variations amongst vegetable source foods to have high Net Protein Utilization scores. Meats also contain active l-methylfolate, active AdoCbl and active MeCbl, be it in small amounts. It's possible that the assortment of nutrients in meat DOES increase cell formation and hence need for potassium.

In some vegetarian countries/religions that developed variations on Tantric Yoga, they also developed the Tantric meal. It was both ceremonial and practical. It broke taboos by eating beef steak and fish. It also included other items that would supply b-complex, a whole grain dish, and other nutrients. In a world of unbalanced nutrition and semi starvation not uncommon, a rich balanced meal with the rarest nutrients that can have effects in microgram quantities and be noticeable starting in hours This meal was often reported to have magical results. The explanation was releasing the energies block by taboos and other such things. It also contains AdoCbl, MeCbl, L-methylfolate, carnitine and fish oils. This inclusion of the deadlock quartet can tremendously improve/restore neurological and sexual functions. Deficiencies of these can completely crash sexual abilities, both normal and mystical.

Having that kind of effect in the circumstances of exactly being starved for active B12s and possibly animal folate, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was boosting the possibility of methylation. And possibly it was something we have not even talked about that was needed and ;limiting things, one of many induced deficiencies.

It might be something at face value. So perhaps balancing out potassium and folate or whatever and seeing if in fact healing is faster by assuming that things are working and correcting possibly temporary things pass or correct instead of assuming everything is a marker of going wrong. If the amount of potassium exceeds perhaps 3000 mg a day, then look for things that might cause that. like too much b1, b2, b3 and who knows what else.

A daily food and effects diary could tell you a lot after half a dozen cycles or so, when a pattern can be derived.
HI Violeta,

Most sources of meat from fish to fowl and mammals all are relatively rich in potassium with some of the fish being the highest. Lots of veggies too. It's essential to cells. With the meats, especially red meats, we get relatively high amounts of carnitine. With all the animals proteins we get high quality animal proteins that pretty well match the amino acids we need. I went through the whole learning curve of a DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET of matching up amino acid variations amongst vegetable source foods to have high Net Protein Utilization scores. Meats also contain active l-methylfolate, active AdoCbl and active MeCbl, be it in small amounts. It's possible that the assortment of nutrients in meat DOES increase cell formation and hence need for potassium.

In some vegetarian countries/religions that developed variations on Tantric Yoga, they also developed the Tantric meal. It was both ceremonial and practical. It broke taboos by eating beef steak and fish. It also included other items that would supply b-complex, a whole grain dish, and other nutrients. In a world of unbalanced nutrition and semi starvation not uncommon, a rich balanced meal with the rarest nutrients that can have effects in microgram quantities and be noticeable starting in hours This meal was often reported to have magical results. The explanation was releasing the energies block by taboos and other such things. It also contains AdoCbl, MeCbl, L-methylfolate, carnitine and fish oils. This inclusion of the deadlock quartet can tremendously improve/restore neurological and sexual functions. Deficiencies of these can completely crash sexual abilities, both normal and mystical.

Having that kind of effect in the circumstances of exactly being starved for active B12s and possibly animal folate, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was boosting the possibility of methylation. And possibly it was something we have not even talked about that was needed and ;limiting things, one of many induced deficiencies.

It might be something at face value. So perhaps balancing out potassium and folate or whatever and seeing if in fact healing is faster by assuming that things are working and correcting possibly temporary things pass or correct instead of assuming everything is a marker of going wrong. If the amount of potassium exceeds perhaps 3000 mg a day, then look for things that might cause that. like too much b1, b2, b3 and who knows what else.

A daily food and effects diary could tell you a lot after half a dozen cycles or so, when a pattern can be derived.

Looking at it from the point of view that the food might actually be starting healing will be a challenge. I cut back to 1/2 as much tuna a day, and added more potassium and magnesium, and my cramps have been limited to the minor sole of the foot cramp.

I am sure I have multiple deficiencies due to issues caused by food, unfortunately, so symptoms might be all over the place for awhile. I'll have to start by adding in just small amounts.

I had been eating peanuts for about a week until I got really sick. My lower lip was hurting at the same time as getting sick. I just tried some more today and the lower lip pain returned after about 1/2 hour. It was accompanied with the feeling that I would either have to start jumping up and down or go out of my mind. I made it go away by eating some glucose. (I'm editing in that my lip is still burning and my voice has become froggy. I've read that your voice had been froggy and has cleared up; do you know what causes that.?) I tried the glucose because it could be a porphyria related issue. I don't know what that's all about, but maybe just a food sensitivity. Peanuts do have a lot of nutrition in them, though. The more I think about porphyria symptoms, though, the more I think it's simply a methylation block/deficiency issue, at least in my case. Why glucose would ease up symptoms, though, I don't know.

Something's wrong with my brain in that I have a hard time making myself measure how much of anything I'm taking; I'll know something is improving when that improves. I'll try to start measuring my potassium intake tomorrow.

I had been taking 1/5 of a Thorne MethylGuard Plus for 4 days, too, stopped for a couple of days and took another 1/5th today, so I'll see how that goes tonight. I realize I should get a separate methylfolate, but I would really like to finish this methylguard, it wasn't cheap.

Thanks for your input, Freddd. I appreciate it.
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Senior Member
I did start measuring my potassium intake today and it's funny how little I was taking. My capsules only contain 75mg each. I was taking two with a meal, two times a day. Then I add some potassium gluconate to water every now and then. I had bought some small measuring spoons and instead of having exact measurement, they are labeled dash, pinch, dab, drop, etc. Just my style, unfortunately.


Senior Member
Is it effecient to supplemet with magnesium and potassium at the same time? Or should we leave a time space in between? Also any recommendations on a daily ratio of potassium to magnesium intake?

I also have porblem sleeping good through the night when I supplement with potassium. My sleep is not deep enough and I get severe insomnia even though I also take in magnesium
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I get the awful wake up screaming leg cramps when I eat foods containing purines. I keep trying to eat some of those foods as a source of protein. Dairy would be my alternative, but that gives me other problems. The past couple of days I've been eating tuna and this morning I got a cramp.

Does anyone know why meat, fish, and other purine foods such as oats would cause such a severe potassium deficiency problem similar to methylation start up?

PS: I will increase my potassium intake:)
Am trying to track what get cramps from in legs/feet, usually at night, lately none. If take lots of D3, get cramps, Mg doesnt usually stop. Interesting idea on purines, sometimes feel worse after sardines (or smell ammonia).
Have noticed if take K or eat a raw green in morning and evening have less cramps. Usually have low /in uric acid, so dont think that is a problem for me.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Am trying to track what get cramps from in legs/feet, usually at night, lately none. If take lots of D3, get cramps, Mg doesnt usually stop. Interesting idea on purines, sometimes feel worse after sardines (or smell ammonia).
Have noticed if take K or eat a raw green in morning and evening have less cramps. Usually have low /in uric acid, so dont think that is a problem for me.

Low potassium causes cramps and spasms galore.


Senior Member
Am trying to track what get cramps from in legs/feet, usually at night, lately none. If take lots of D3, get cramps, Mg doesnt usually stop. Interesting idea on purines, sometimes feel worse after sardines (or smell ammonia).
Have noticed if take K or eat a raw green in morning and evening have less cramps. Usually have low /in uric acid, so dont think that is a problem for me.

I don't know if this would pertain to you or not, but taking D3 would raise the amount of calcium absorbed, and some people, me included, get let cramps from calcium. I don't take Vitamin d, but whenever I take a calcium supplement I get bad leg cramps.


Senior Member
Update on me. I ran into potassium deficiency again, even as low and slow as I was going. So my conclusion is, you absolutely must supplement with potassium, there is no way you can get it all from food. So my doc is wrong on that one.

So what I've done to get back into balance, is temporarily stop my folate containing supp, stopped my magnesium only supp, and started supplementing with a magnesium/potassium combo supplement. This seems to be working well.

I've been off for, I think, about a week and a half. My need for this supp is still increasing gradually. I can tell if I wake up from sleep with my feet twitching that I need more. Also after I take the supp, I get little heart palps. These are getting less and less as (I assume) the potassium deficiency is getting less. I'm taking four capsules per day now. It contains 90mg each of mag and potass, so that's 360mg of each.

I wouldn't be surprised if I needed more, especially after I restart the folate containing supp. I'll restart when I feel I've gotten my mag/potass levels in balance.


Senior Member
Update on me. I ran into potassium deficiency again, even as low and slow as I was going. So my conclusion is, you absolutely must supplement with potassium, there is no way you can get it all from food. So my doc is wrong on that one.

So what I've done to get back into balance, is temporarily stop my folate containing supp, stopped my magnesium only supp, and started supplementing with a magnesium/potassium combo supplement. This seems to be working well.

I've been off for, I think, about a week and a half. My need for this supp is still increasing gradually. I can tell if I wake up from sleep with my feet twitching that I need more. Also after I take the supp, I get little heart palps. These are getting less and less as (I assume) the potassium deficiency is getting less. I'm taking four capsules per day now. It contains 90mg each of mag and potass, so that's 360mg of each.

I wouldn't be surprised if I needed more, especially after I restart the folate containing supp. I'll restart when I feel I've gotten my mag/potass levels in balance.

Have you found any form of magnesium or potassium preferable?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Note that you are taking a much higher percent of the daily value of magnesium than of potassium.
After cutting my B1, B2, and B3, I was able to stabilize my need for potassium and felt pretty good for about a month at 2-3g potassium/day with 4mg mB12, 4mg hB12, 4mg aB12.

The hb12 I take is out of stock, so I thought I'd try slowly switching over to mB12. After a couple of weeks, I was up to 6mg mB12 and was feeling better and better. Then, the low potassium symptoms started again. I started not sleeping as well, so I increased potassium a little. Then I started getting foot cramps, so I increased more. On Tuesday, I took 6g of potassium and overnight, got really sick from low potassium. I just can't consume enough to keep up with the increased needs.

I didn't take any B's yesterday and will be back down to 4mg mB12 for the foreseeable future. I guess that mB12 is way more powerful for me than hB12.

Interestingly, one symptom of low potassium for me is the same feeling as being hungover. While not having success at sleeping Tuesday night, I attributed it to a hangover, since I went out for awhile on Tuesday, New Year's Eve. Then it dawned on me yesterday morning that I only had one drink Tuesday night - for years I didn't drink alcohol at all because of the hangovers but lately I've been ok with one drink. Now I'm wondering if the hangovers I used to get were mostly due to low potassium and if that's why I'd been able to have a drink without any problems during that month when I had my potassium needs handled.


Senior Member
Hello Veronica,
I have some symptoms that are similar to yours, and I found that besides potassium, silica can be a big help.
The symptoms that it has helped the most are foot cramps and sleep issues. I was looking at the list of symptoms that silica is good for in my homeopathic book this morning, and it's also good for intolerance to alcoholic stimulants.
So it's possible that it might be right for you, but I realize same symptoms can have different causes.


Senior Member
Where does it stop with this methylation/vitamin-mineral thing? Ha ha.
There must be a million different things I've heard that people need to take or not take, that only work in certain doses or combinations or forms and even certain brands.

You try to get blood tests and it shows you have high levels but that apparently isn't any good because it may not be getting into the cells.

How do you even know where to start?

It sounds to me like you could get fifty things right but get one wrong and the first fifty are useless.

I would have to live for another 1000 years to have time to figure this all out.


Rebel without a biscuit
Where does it stop with this methylation/vitamin-mineral thing? Ha ha.
There must be a million different things I've heard that people need to take or not take, that only work in certain doses or combinations or forms and even certain brands.

You try to get blood tests and it shows you have high levels but that apparently isn't any good because it may not be getting into the cells.

How do you even know where to start?

It sounds to me like you could get fifty things right but get one wrong and the first fifty are useless.

I would have to live for another 1000 years to have time to figure this all out.

Oh, that is so how I feel too. :confused: :confused: :confused: :bang-head::bang-head:


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I'm there too. Just woke up with low potassium symptoms again. :bang-head:

I'm going to have to go to a separate potassium supplement so I can customize.

Hi Caladonia,

Unstable potassium has been a plague all my life, even before starting any supplements of any kind. I have ideas about that now. I have collected lots of experiences in the past 11 years. It really appears that the root of my problems comes down to paradoxical folate deficiency and supplies a feasible hypothesis. So, each time I went into paradoxical folate deficiency by I would start putting on water and my need for potassium would drop. Then when the folate deficiency symptoms cleared I would start dumping water and my need for potassium would jump up, doubling more or less before decreasing a bit as things stabilized and the excess water poured out. This cycle for me, before the deadlock quartet, was a two week cycle. Now with my folate well stabilized, not too much B1, B2 and B3, my potassium is the most stable it has ever been.

I find that to avoid problems at night I need to take at least 300mg at bedtime. To avoid morning problems when I get up to get rid of the water from the bedtime dose I can take another couple of hundred mgs with more water.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Where does it stop with this methylation/vitamin-mineral thing? Ha ha.
There must be a million different things I've heard that people need to take or not take, that only work in certain doses or combinations or forms and even certain brands.

You try to get blood tests and it shows you have high levels but that apparently isn't any good because it may not be getting into the cells.

How do you even know where to start?

It sounds to me like you could get fifty things right but get one wrong and the first fifty are useless.

I would have to live for another 1000 years to have time to figure this all out.

Hi Knackers,

Yes, the possible combinations and permutations are immense. That is why I suggest removing most of the secondary items to the back burner by taking all the known to be required vitamins and minerals in modest amounts as the basics before starting the deadlock quartet. Then when one takes the deadlock quartet and achieves methylation and ATP startup, it is follow the clues. If a change stops the healing, change back and get healing going again. Don't go any steps farther away before backtracking. I followed the clues and found dozens of incremental improvements which added up to healing CFS, FMS and congestive heart failure. My crash damage and neurological damage while improved is still damaged. A lot of those incremental improvements couldn't have been planned in advance as there was so much more obscuring them.