MAF 878 Available - Anyone already using it?


Senior Member
Thanks Froufox for your post, really helpful information. Yes, I wondered whether leaky gut could make a difference. Would be good for leaky gut to actually be of benefit for once!

May I ask how you got on with the Gcmaf injections and why you stopped taking them?

Many thanks

Hi anniekim, sorry my brain isnt working very well at the moment so I wasnt thinking very straight when I replied to your previous post. Forebearance and Garcia are right about the GcMAF not containing macrophages, rather it activates them, presumably after it is absorbed through the gut.

Re the GcMAF injections I actually found it quite hard going and had a lot more fatigue/exhaustion, inflammation in my brain, including severe depression after most of the injections. The side effects would normally last about 2 weeks after each injection. I could only tolerate a low dose and even had to space them out to once a month, but I found it still quite difficult to tolerate. In fact I seemed to get more sensitive as time went on....there is some research that suggests that microglia (macrophages in the brain) can be "primed" as a result of prior trauma (injury/infection), and as result they overreact and produce a much stronger pro-inflammatory response when there are continued "triggers" as time goes on. I feel that this was what was happening in my case. However, I also did sense that at times that the GcMAF was doing something good eg I would get what I felt were positive signs of immune activation and because of that I thought that I should just push through, and so I continued to do the injections for 9 months in total. My doctor also told me that the increase in inflammation was a good thing, though I dont think that he realised how bad it was! Obviously we can expect to experience some inflammation as the immune system is activated but it can get out of control and feel like its causing more harm than good, and it felt more like the latter in my case. I think i did about 23 injections in the end (stopped September last yr).

I should add that I started taking Nexavir/Biopressin after I had been on the GcMAF for a few months and that *did* seem to help rather than make me worse eg it would seem to lower inflammation, so my "progress" at that time was both good and bad.

After getting tested for nagalase which was found to be within range my doctor told me that I didnt need to take GcMAF anymore, even though overall I hadnt really improved. As I have also tested positive to lyme my doc advised me to next focus on getting treatment for the lyme. We know that those of us who have more coinfections are likely to experience more severe side effects from the GcMAF, and I am certain that this explains my poor tolerance to the GcMAF.

Overall I really dont know if the GcMAF has led to any long term improvements. My doctor at the time said that it can take a year after stopping GcMAF for significant improvements to show. I did have some improvements in some of my test results eg increased number of lymphocytes (I dont know if that was due to the GcMAF, Nexavir or both), although other markers got worse eg C4A and IL-6. I have improved more this year partly from doing HBOT, but I dont know if the GcMAF and/or Nexavir have contributed to that in any way. I still take Biopressin.

So a confusing picture but I hope all that makes some kind of sense!


Senior Member
Overstressed, thanks for that explanation, very helpful. The picture illustration of what macrophages would be great but no rush.

Thanks Froufox for your detailed reply, also very helpful and yes it does make sense :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Frou, I think that there is also the possibility (so I have heard!) that Lyme infections can "skew" nagalase results--which makes everything more confusing!



Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Thanks, Justy. I ordered it before I knew it was being sold on eBay. I just sent Dr. Enlander some money and hoped for the best.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been through so much, FrouFox. I have some kind of tick-borne infection, too, although I don't know what it is, and I react a lot to GcMAF, too.
$125 plus $12 shipping per month, plus organic yogurt and kefir I estimate at $15-20 a month :( Too expensive for me. Would love to try it.


Senior Member
I looked on bay and shipping is 40$ to Canada but there is discount in shipping whatsoever when getting many of them. I really hope it's a mistakem, the mixture is probably not big at all..


Senior Member
Thanks Sushi, yes I saw that too! Its very interesting isnt you say confuses things further, or maybe sheds light on things! Who knows but perhaps that applies to my case.


Senior Member
Thanks Forebearance and sorry that you've been struggling with the GcMAF too. Its interesting that you also have a tick-borne infection. Are u undergoing any other treatment for that? What is your experience with GcMAF, have u done many injections?

clive powney

Senior Member
I looked on bay and shipping is 40$ to Canada but there is discount in shipping whatsoever when getting many of them. I really hope it's a mistakem, the mixture is probably not big at all..
It is the same shipping to the UK. I am a bit confused as I heard this was available from London??


Senior Member
I looked on bay and shipping is 40$ to Canada but there is discount in shipping whatsoever when getting many of them. I really hope it's a mistakem, the mixture is probably not big at all..

Some companies in the US use the flat rate boxes available from the postal service to simplify the shipping process for themselves. It sounds like this is what Dr. E's office is doing. A medium flat rate box to Canada is usually $32.95 and comes in 2 different shapes/sizes. The small box flat rate box is rougly 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches and 1 1/2" high for $12.95, so I'm assuming the product/s is/are too large to fit into that one.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
It is the same shipping to the UK. I am a bit confused as I heard this was available from London??
To be honest this whole thing is a bit confusing. Firstly Dr Enlander published his video saying it would be available in London with an e mail address to find out more info. Then a few days layer its available on US E bay with high shipping costs, and limited instructions. I followed his instructions and e mailed him at the address he suggested, but have had no repsonse. £70 per month is steep enough without the high shipping fees.
I'm still just going to wait and see if i get a response to my e mail. Or see if this pans out in any other way.
Bit dissapointing though, after the exciting news it would be available.
All the best. Justyx


Senior Member
Hi Justy,
I got a reply from endlander's office today (I asked about having it shipped to London) - they just told me to use the US ebay. Very frustrating as you say given the cost of shipping it is so high (and it's more expensive than the £70 Enlander quotes in his video)...


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I also wonder if the yogurt can be frozen after it is finished culturing.
That would make the price more reasonable, if a person needed less and could stretch it out over several months.
GcMAF popsicles, anyone?

FrouFox, I thought I killed the tick-borne infection last summer with antibiotics, but it has flared up again so I'm on antibiotics again. Sigh. And I was taking very tiny amounts of GcMAF, just rubbed into my skin. That worked for me. I did that for six months (although the last two months the GcMAF was getting old).


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Seems like there are still many un answered questions. As afr as i have read MAF cant be cultured on non dairy.

Hi Cig - havent seen you around for a while! I think at the moment, with the shipping costs it is too expensive for me. I know others share but i live in a remote part of west wales and not like;ly to find anyone near here to share with.
Bit bummed out about it now!


Senior Member
Sorry Justy you feel you can't afford it at the mo. with the shipping costs etc it certainly is more expensive than previously thought, although I think it's still cheaper than Cheney.s maf 314. I am still thinking about it and wanting more info on dosage etc

Does anyone know when in the instructions it says refrigerate after ten days is that ten days after making it up or ten days after leaving out for the first five days? Many thanks


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I also wonder if the yogurt can be frozen after it is finished culturing.
That would make the price more reasonable, if a person needed less and could stretch it out over several months.
GcMAF popsicles, anyone?

I just took some MAF314 that has been in my freezer for 8 months and ate it frozen. Seemed to be fine. I got a strong reaction.