MAF 314


Senior Member
Hi All, I started the MAF 878 yesterday at 3 oz per day. Had a good day today, probably due to the good weather in NY area. I usually crash around 6-7, tonight, I feel short tempered and generally pissed off-as Forrest Gump says for no particularly good reason. No other observations different than the norm of feeling shitty and low on energy. This is in sharp contrast to the reaction I got to cycloferron-which gave me crazy bad headaches, even when I reduced the tab to one every three days. I'll take pissed off over headache any day.

Can we know the price of the MAF 878? Are the probiotics on it secrets like on MAF 314?
Are only for Dr Es patients? Have it a life of 7 days?


Senior Member
Hi All, Sunday night-changed my shirt three times from sweating-only on the back which was weird. Usually when I sweat, it is all over, now it looks like I laid down in a puddle. Woke up around five, after four hours sleep. Took some melatonin and went in and out until nine. All day, I felt semi drunk-head in the clouds, like I might fall or my legs could give out. If this weren't five years into this it might actually be funny. MAF effects sleep in my experience, usually I don't dream and now I am having incredibly detailed negative dreams-not as far as nightmares. I just wake up with the feeling where did that all come from. Right now I crash harder and quicker at the end of my day of activities-which really isnt that long or active. Must recline and have my head supported. It feels like it weighs 100lbs sometimes. I am also on Kutapressin, which I never notice anything from. I also notice more emotional lability, short breath easily and feeling like my body is retaining water-which also could be from hardly moving in the past three days. Hope you all had a good day. J


Senior Member
Hi Everyone-so it has been two weeks with the MAF. Anger has subsided somewhat, still probably more edgy than I'd like to be. I definitely feel more brain fog than normal, either that or I am just getting dumber than I already am! Sometime reading what I can normally comprehend is too much. Sleep is the same crappy affair that it has been for the last several years. Energy is about the same, I dont think there have been any changes and I think I am prone to the placebo effect, which usually leads me to overdo it and crash hard.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Everyone-so it has been two weeks with the MAF. Anger has subsided somewhat, still probably more edgy than I'd like to be. I definitely feel more brain fog than normal, either that or I am just getting dumber than I already am! Sometime reading what I can normally comprehend is too much. Sleep is the same crappy affair that it has been for the last several years. Energy is about the same, I dont think there have been any changes and I think I am prone to the placebo effect, which usually leads me to overdo it and crash hard.

Have you experimented with dosing? With injected GcMAF different patients tolerate different doses. Many have to reduce the dose.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
This is a very interesting thread indeed.

Does anyone know what KDM's position is on the MAF 314? Does he use it as an alternative if there is too much inflammation with the GcMAF?

I also heard that the MAF will be available from Gordon Medical in a couple of months. Anyone know more about this?

Thank you, Helene


Senior Member
i think that unless we see these gcmaf and maf made in US indipendently assayed like the gcmaf from, these US gcmaf can easily be plain water

just like i did my own research before buying gcmaf in europe i d never buy things which are not assayed even if free of charge