MAF 314


Senior Member
I think is part of good milk and part of liquid colostrum that you need to make the yoghurt apart from the starters.

I mailed Dr Uta Santos Koenig and she said that :

You need 125ml per week(colostrum) and you can easily buy it for example from LR health and beauty.

But here is not so expensive

I hope people who are taking MAF 314 can tell us if it works.Before to take a decision is important to know.


Senior Member
235 22.pdf

In this presentation from Ruggiero:
"We are collecting a series of unexpected positive side-effects that we believe are due to the lucky combination of immune stimulation and re-establishment of a healthy gut microbiota.Many of these effects are just sensations difficult to quantify in scientific termns, but they are nevertheless very welcomed by those experiencing them."

He dont explain the side-effects with natural MAF 314 in detail, but dont seem those with chemical Gc MAF.

Hope they are making more trials with patients.

But MAF 314 can be a drug -for -all-illnesses ( or a lot ), not expensive when the starter can be known, and that dont interest the pharma.So they (and we) need to be discret. Next step is always discredit the inventor and the product
Just thought I would post quickly.

Have just finished making my third batch today. It's going well, have been doing pretty good lately but can't exactly attribute to any one thing.

The MAF does make my tongue tingle while I'm eating it. Have been sleeping better etc.

I agree with Rita though, after being in Vienna (and not being able to follow because of brain-fog) and making it back home with just the instructions, I think that it could possibly be made with just the instructions to follow, or with a dvd etc. I'm not sure what problems Dr Cheneys patients were having (but then again I could be making it wrong(who knows!))

Anyway, on the price/quantity issue: I have been making enough MAF 314 for two people - no problem. But it is possible to make far more MAF 314 than that. At the end of the first week you will have 200 - 300 ml of each compound left - this is stored in the fridge for propagation of next weeks batch. But the propagation of the following batch only requires 6 - 8 tablespoons of each of these compounds... Therefore (and I hope I don't get into trouble for saying this), if you wanted to split the costs - you could do so very well.

The last ingredient for making MAF is a tub of 'probiotic' and you literally use a tiny bit each week. This could be split no problems to accommodate everybody involved.

Best wishes,
hello there,
i'm new to the forum, but wanted to share with you that i have just entered my 2nd week of MAF 314. i fully agree with klimt that you can easily share, and it is easy enough to make... so no problems in principle. the tingling sensation comes from the tiny amount of carbonic acid forming in a process of fermentation - just like fresh kefir.

i had an hiv diagnosis 5 years ago and have been well since. only during the last year did my cd4 drop - more and more rapidly than ever. i will have taken my MAF 314 for about a month, before i get my next test in early january. if it has no effect, my doc will want me to go on the pill ;) if it raises my cd4s by only one cell, with the percentage staying stable, i will want to wait and continue my daily yoghurt - which is tasty and lovely, by the way. if it should raise my cd4s, i will definitely post to spread the good news! then we will have to see, if this effect can be sustained for a longer period of time.

i realise that reaction depends on a genetic predisposition concerning vit-d receptors, which i have not yet checked, but will.

on the "side effects", i have to say that i am feeling great and alert and energetic, which i have noticed when i did my regular run in the park - i managed more than usual... but then again, this is all too subjective and diffuse to be counted as evidence of any sort. i have no negative side effects whatsoever - other than a mess of a kitchen after my yoghurt sessions :) but that's part of my ritual, so i guess you can avoid that, if you want.

on a last note, i have more than enough do prepare two portions, but only one close friend with whom i would have shared the product. unfortunately his depression and loss of enthusiasm for life must have kept him from accepting my yoghurt, which i prepared and brought to his house... when i came back a week later to collect the empty jars, they were still in the fridge untouched, with my friend saying that he cannot manage. it makes me sad to see him like that, but if i get positive results, i may force it down his throat... :) because i love him.

wishing all of you hope and love
and looking forward to your reply,

hi everybody,

I'm a patient of KDM too and went through the whole Gc-Maf thing. I had quite some trouble with inflammation although I am a moderate/high responder. Until today I have the feeling that the inflammation has not resolved.

But at the same time I felt that it was helping. Well, I really would like to try the Maf 314.
Is anyone of you near Berlin? Maybe I could learn from someone else how to make it or even share.

Of course only if someone is near enough.

Wishing you a non-foggy, painless. merry Christmas


Senior Member
I seem to have problems with inflammation no matter what treatment or protocol I try.
Do you know if you tested with a positive ANA?
Is your impression (from KDM or otherwise?) that maf 314 may be a better option where inflammation is an issue?
I wonder if an advantage of the live probiotics is that they're immune modulating? People taking ma4 314 do seem to feel pretty well on it.
Good luck finding a source. I can't help you with that sorry - I'm in New Zealand, about as far away from the maf action as you can get. LOL.



Senior Member
Thomas, your friend has this document about the MAf 314? 22.pdf

Tell your friend that he has the best friend in the world and that there is a lot of patients of all illnesses that want to take the MAf 314, and they cant, because they cant afford it or dont know how to make it.You can remain in his house till he eats. If he likes not for herself, tell him that a lot of people are waiting results and he can do a very favor to the rest of the community.Im sure MAF 314 is good also for depression.(the conection brain-gut)

There is much time ago that I realize that HIV and CFS are in the same boat.
Its very important for us to know that people are taking MAF 314 and feeling fine.
Hope your CD4s are well in january


Senior Member
Perhaps the most direct way to know is asking Dr Uta Santos if she has any patient from or near Berlin,but surelly she cant tell about the adress of her patients( He is the only one that makes the courses in Europe, I think).
And,moreover, is known that they dont want they share the product.
But you can ask in the HIV community, they are very interested also in the product.

hi everybody,

I'm a patient of KDM too and went through the whole Gc-Maf thing. I had quite some trouble with inflammation although I am a moderate/high responder. Until today I have the feeling that the inflammation has not resolved.

But at the same time I felt that it was helping. Well, I really would like to try the Maf 314.
Is anyone of you near Berlin? Maybe I could learn from someone else how to make it or even share.

Of course only if someone is near enough.

Wishing you a non-foggy, painless. merry Christmas

Thought I would post again. Sorry I haven't been more involved in this thread, my laptop has been down and I only get onto the internet every so often now and brainfog stops me posting!

I had a really bad week Christmas week. I had been having good days and bad days but about three or four days before Christmas I felt terrible and continued to do so until last Thursday. It wasn't pain that came back but really intense brain fog. Really sensitive to sound and light etc. and loss of brain power, really intense and horrible.

But after that I woke up on Thursday and felt really good... not that I could do much but in my debilitation I have been relaxed and quite content. I can read again and have the ability to do things in a structured order throughout my day, not feeling so much that I have been poisoned and shot with a heavy tranquilizer as I usually do. Also, my body feels more relaxed than I can ever remember it being. I can lay down and am aware of my muscles and face and jaw relaxing, where in a relapse it would be very tense and rigid. So i have been trying to do stretches etc. while I have the option.

Although today I went for a short walk and I am now experiencing some pain in my fingers, knees and back. I'm going to go to bed and really rest as much as possible this week.

Also started to take LDN last week so fingers crossed with that but I am really hopeful that these changes I am noticing continue and gain some momentum. But all in all, my good days have been the best I've had in at least two years so that's a win for me, I'm happy so far.



Senior Member
is it possible to make a comparison maf 314 vs gcmaf?anyone on gcmaf that switched to maf314 or even combo both?


Senior Member
is it possible to make a comparison maf 314 vs gcmaf?anyone on gcmaf that switched to maf314 or even combo both?

I think the best comparison is in 22.pdf
slides 14-18.
In vivo, I dont know.
The MAF 314 is, by the moment, so expensive that I think there is few people with CFS in Europe that can afford the travel to Vienna,
the hotel,generally with a partner, the course and the products to make it , and , of course, the physical energy to travel.

Hope this year we all can get it at more good price.


Senior Member

Thought I would post again. Sorry I haven't been more involved in this thread, my laptop has been down and I only get onto the internet every so often now and brainfog stops me posting!

I had a really bad week Christmas week. I had been having good days and bad days but about three or four days before Christmas I felt terrible and continued to do so until last Thursday. It wasn't pain that came back but really intense brain fog. Really sensitive to sound and light etc. and loss of brain power, really intense and horrible.

But after that I woke up on Thursday and felt really good... not that I could do much but in my debilitation I have been relaxed and quite content. I can read again and have the ability to do things in a structured order throughout my day, not feeling so much that I have been poisoned and shot with a heavy tranquilizer as I usually do. Also, my body feels more relaxed than I can ever remember it being. I can lay down and am aware of my muscles and face and jaw relaxing, where in a relapse it would be very tense and rigid. So i have been trying to do stretches etc. while I have the option.

Although today I went for a short walk and I am now experiencing some pain in my fingers, knees and back. I'm going to go to bed and really rest as much as possible this week.

Also started to take LDN last week so fingers crossed with that but I am really hopeful that these changes I am noticing continue and gain some momentum. But all in all, my good days have been the best I've had in at least two years so that's a win for me, I'm happy so far.


Im glad you have good news in MAF 314, Klimt.Hope this best days goes on for long.
People injecting GC MAF also have a little crisis some days after the shot and after they feel good(or best).
Perhaps its the same with MAF 314, to have some crisis.
Good luck with LDN.
Hi folks,

I will soon begin MAF-314. Could anyone who has done this in the US, suggest what the best source of Colostrum might be?
Also, where did you obtain all the jars (which need to be in metric system meaurements.)

Feel free to PM me if you'd rather.


Senior Member
Started MAF 878 yesterday

Hi All, I started the MAF 878 yesterday at 3 oz per day. Had a good day today, probably due to the good weather in NY area. I usually crash around 6-7, tonight, I feel short tempered and generally pissed off-as Forrest Gump says for no particularly good reason. No other observations different than the norm of feeling shitty and low on energy. This is in sharp contrast to the reaction I got to cycloferron-which gave me crazy bad headaches, even when I reduced the tab to one every three days. I'll take pissed off over headache any day.


Senior Member
i know someone who did very well on GcMAF, then crashed (he thinks this might be because he overdid it)..then he switched to MAF314 and it didnt work. he is going to go back on GcMAF. he was sick 24 yrs.


Senior Member
Woot I didn't even know there was an 878 out there. Is that via Dr Enlander?

Pissed off sounds like a decent response to me :)

Did you have to brew it yourself or is it supplied pre-made?

(Hope that's not a bunch of stupid questions LOL.)

Wishing you the best with the MAF.

Hi All, I started the MAF 878 yesterday at 3 oz per day. Had a good day today, probably due to the good weather in NY area. I usually crash around 6-7, tonight, I feel short tempered and generally pissed off-as Forrest Gump says for no particularly good reason. No other observations different than the norm of feeling shitty and low on energy. This is in sharp contrast to the reaction I got to cycloferron-which gave me crazy bad headaches, even when I reduced the tab to one every three days. I'll take pissed off over headache any day.


Senior Member
i know someone who did very well on GcMAF, then crashed (he thinks this might be because he overdid it)..then he switched to MAF314 and it didnt work. he is going to go back on GcMAF. he was sick 24 yrs.

Daffodil - I was going to post this in the other GcMAF thread but seeing as you're over here - just wanted to mention that Scott AKA Better Health Guy mentioned today that he'd heard herpes viruses were reactivating with GcMAF use* and he suggested maybe using olive leaf extract or l-lysine for example to treat the viruses at the same time.
(*I'm not sure where he heard that. Perhaps I'll ask him and report back.)


Senior Member
Anne, it is from Dr. Enlander. I am way too brain dead to make it on my own-I got one gallon-and take 3 ounces per day on an empty stomach. That is the plan. I think 878 is the number. It is just so easy to get hopes up when something new is started.


Senior Member
I think supplying it ready-made is genius. I'm really happy he's got his version out there.
Tell him to get it to New Zealand next time you see him will you ;) jk

I'm starting regular GcMAF (with a not-so-secret desire to get hold of the probiotic version asap) and I was told that feeling irritabie and flu-like were good signs it was working. People report improved sleep also. Maybe you'll notice that too?
May the pissed offedness not follow you into your dreams! :D

Make sure you update progress...


Anne, it is from Dr. Enlander. I am way too brain dead to make it on my own-I got one gallon-and take 3 ounces per day on an empty stomach. That is the plan. I think 878 is the number. It is just so easy to get hopes up when something new is started.
Hi John,

I kow that feeling of being pissed off. GcMaf (from KDM) used to make me kind of aggressive. Apart from that I noticed better sleep and a clearer head. But I stopped due to inflammation feeling.

About Maf 314 I'm wondering why noone has made a video for the production of Maf 314. Someone who has done the course could put up a video on how to make it. It could help so many people. Or is that forbidden?
I mean, if one can order the ingredients online and has a "How to" tutorial, so many people could try it.

Or am I wrong?