This is the article I was referring to - SORRY! The above link refers to a main menu.
I will read that through.
I wasn't going to make a "political" comment here because I didn't want to send the thread off but as it has been mentioned here that Margaret Thatcher did health care a favour with Care in the Community and that before then psychi staff were abusing patients I think I will comment.
First of all - there were one or two cases of patient abuse and this continues today. It always has and sadly it always will. MIND put out a massive propaganda campaign against, not just hospitals for the mentally ill but medication for them too. This campaign caused so much damage to so many seriously ill patients. When Care in the Community came along MIND got a lot of money to open hostels and suddenly their campaigne ended, not least because they weren't so great at care themselves.
I was working in one of those big psychi hospitals in the 1980s. I saw with my own eyes the results. Wards were closed. Sick people got sent home to families who couldn't cope and ended up begging in the town centre. I and other members of staff had the heart rending experience of seeing ex-patients sitting under paper bags on street corners.
Meanwhile even the mainstream press noted that the prisons were filling up with mentally ill people.
A friend of mine did a large study and meta-analysis in which she saw the number of beds closed in hospt was almost bed for bed the number increase of psychi patients in prison.
Meanwhile I had a patient who had scizophrenia and brain injury (he had been mugged and beaten up) and was a long term patient. He was working with me on rehab. He had been in hospt over a year and had no family but for an elderly sick mother who had a small state pension.
Thatcher's "benefit reforms" meant that this man's benefits were suddenly lower than the rent on his flat. It put him into immediate areas and I ended up buying him toiletries out of my meagre pay (Thatcher didn't think nurses should have a living wage. Tony Blair was a nightmare but at least he gave a fairer pay to nurses).
Being in areas on a council owned flat meant this man couldn't have a much needed change of accomodation. His flat was up the top of a block and as he was a risk he needed a ground floor flat that was accessable to his mother (who would be his primary carer)
In the end his mother (God bless her) paid off his debt meaning she was having less to eat and no heating on.
Years later when I was "link" nurse meaning in charge of the whole hospital for a shift I could tell you horror story after horror story because we hadn't enough beds.
We ran on 150% capacity meaning we had patients in other patients beds when they were on leave and this led to patients being in police cells overnight because their bed was filled.
Families can't cope with seriously mentally ill people and the suicide rate is a disgrace.
Sorry if this is off-topic but I think it shines a little light behind the scenes and shows how so many people can be let down by a daft system.