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Inhousepharmacy I have ordered once with them but not ldn. They were good.
I've stopped taking LDN. I built up slowly to 2mg. It helped with tight muscles and joint pain, neither of which is severe, and my sleep improved from waking 5x a night to 3x.
The trade-off was constant minor throat pain, raspy voice, nausea, and sadness. I felt sick and unhappy literally all day every day.
Madie, did you ever try taking it every other day? Some seem to need to dose it that way as it takes longer to clear the system for them. The reason for taking it at night (well, one of the reasons) is that you are blocking your opiod receptors and it is best to sleep through that little event.
If you are feeling unhappy "all day every day" your receptors may be blocked longer than most (the usual is 4 hours) and that is why some dose every other day.
Just a thought!
I find the LDN I get in NZ affects my mood (gloomy and irritable) and that lasts all day. I found the LDN I got from Marco's pharmacy in Miami didn't make me unhappy, if anything it made me feel confident and optimistic and had more effect on both sleep (which is a big issue for me) and aches and pains (which are minor league for me).Interesting thought. I'm getting a procedure in January that requires my being off all meds for a week, so I might try this again when that's done. I'm worried about blocking opiate receptors prior to anesthesia.....especially if you're right, and I don't clear ldn normally.
I was wondering how all of you stand the moodiness! I was very surprised to find myself yelling at the microwave one day.
Is the benefit of this worth all the trouble? Is there hopefully more than just waking less often at night?
Interesting thought. I'm getting a procedure in January that requires my being off all meds for a week, so I might try this again when that's done. I'm worried about blocking opiate receptors prior to anesthesia.....especially if you're right, and I don't clear ldn normally.
I was wondering how all of you stand the moodiness! I was very surprised to find myself yelling at the microwave one day.
Is the benefit of this worth all the trouble? Is there hopefully more than just waking less often at night?
I find the LDN I get in NZ affects my mood (gloomy and irritable) and that lasts all day. I found the LDN I got from Marco's pharmacy in Miami didn't make me unhappy, if anything it made me feel confident and optimistic and had more effect on both sleep (which is a big issue for me) and aches and pains (which are minor league for me).
So I see this as a different generics issue, possibly the NZ version hangs around in the system longer while US version clears while you sleep and you wake up overproducing your own endorphins and feeling good. Maybe.
Marcos accept overseas scripts;I plan to get mine sent from there soon and hope for a return to better results. PM me if you want their contact details in future.
Hi all
I have been on LDN 1.5mg a night for 4 days now. (I have me/cfs)
Can't say the initial experience has been much fun. It's not a strong effect...but what's happening is making me feel wore, not better, at this stage. Makes me feel drowsy and ill the next day and my face is noticeably paler and more drawn/thin. Not sure what to do- I tell myself I should give it longer...but it's so hard to keep going when something is making you feel worse.
Thanks for the responses.
GG- my sleep quality has been affected (fitful sleep/not rested)...but last night it was probably a little better, so that may be settling. It's more the washed out feeling + some depression/nausea. Also noticeable facial pallor and thinner face- I 'look' more ill. Sushi- my capsules are 1.5mg...although I guess I could break them open and take half in water. Unfortunately I am going back to part-time work on Monday + about to move house....so it wasn't a great time to experiment. I guess I was hoping for a benign effect and maybe slow improvement. Sigh- might have to quit and start again when I am more settled. 18 years of this endless, exhausting, painful struggle. Sometimes I wonder if a breaking point will come one day....but you just drag yourself on. Sorry- having trouble staying positive at present.
Thanks Sushi! Please let me know or anyone else let me know if there are ways to undo it/flush it out best if need be. That's the only thing I'm trying to find before I try.