Low dose Naltrexone


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
LDN is suppose to increase nk function and other immune markers, has anyone got before and after test results to back this up other then feeling generally better, although feeling generally better is a good thing but just after some personal evidence on immune markers and LDN.


Haven't had tests, but have definitely felt an immune-response from LDN.
Both I and another friend of mine who has been on LDN had before and after NK function tests. There was no improvement in NK function for either of us.

For me, though, LDN has resulted in measurable improvements in my mood upon awakening, so I am continuing to take it despite the fact that it didn't improve my NK function. It just makes it a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning.
In my girlfriend's case, it stayed about the same.

In my case, it was significantly worse in my first follow up test, but we don't think it was because of the LDN. I was also on AMP (adenosine monophospate), a precursor to ATP that my internist had put me on as an experiment to see if it might give me more energy. When my immunologist found out about that, she told me there are some test tube studies suggesting that AMP can cause NK cells to self-destruct. So she took me off the AMP and retested me 3 months later, and my NK function was back where it started - no better than before the LDN, but no worse, either.

So technically, it did get temporarily worse in my case, but we don't think it was because of the LDN.


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Thanks for the replies guys, so it probably helps through boosting our own endorphines/pain killers making people feel better rather then through improving the immune system.



Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio
Thanks for the replies guys, so it probably helps through boosting our own endorphines/pain killers making people feel better rather then through improving the immune system.


Check out this website for LDN info and theory on how it works on the immune system and different diseases / illnesses it is affective against. Studies have been done at Penn State University using LDN to treat Crohns disease. Endoscopy showed complete healing of damaged areas, so it does more than just make people feel better. A study was also completed at Stanford for use with Fibromyalgia, where it was also successful. From what I have read it is not intended to be used as a stand alone treatment, but in conjunction with other things. Many of the doctors who pioneered it's use, use it with ALA. Anyway, check out the site.



Senior Member
Edegem, Belgium
Thanks for the replies guys, so it probably helps through boosting our own endorphines/pain killers making people feel better rather then through improving the immune system.


It does much more but it takes time. It actually stimulates the creation of mu opioid receptors (MOR) attached to the endorphins. MOR regulate the level of nitric oxide in your brain and body. If you are patient enough, after several months, your body is getting oxygen again and then the damage will get cleared. More time ... It is not said that it will take the cause away why MOR were damaged in the first place.

If you consider starting LDN, start very slowly with doses I mentioned before or have a look at my blog:
http://opstaanmetmecvs.blogspot.com and check the page low dose naltrexone


Senior Member
Hey everyone,

I just started LDN too, 0.5mg liquid, taking it at night. So far I've had terrible insomnia with or without restoril (which is usually my bread and butter), without the commensurate benefits. Well my appetite is better, so that might be one, but generally I've felt pretty terrible these last 3 nights.

I dont mind grinding out the insomnia for 1-2 weeks if it passes, but from what I'm reading people are usually experiencing some degree of benefit during this time. Considering the nature of the drug and how it's supposed to work, it doesn't make sense for me to continue trying it for more than 1-2 weeks without any perceived benefit.

Has anyone who's tried this felt utterly crappy for a weeks on such a low dose and then had a significant turnaround later?


Senior Member
mojoey Try to hang tough. 3 days is not long enough to draw any conclusions yet. And although I think it was great that you started so low, you have much to look forward to as you increase your dose. Yes sleep gets wacky sometimes at first, but be assured, that is if you are a good responder to LDN it will all level out to normal and more refreshed sleep in the end. So hang in there, you have been through much worse than this, right? Take a couple of antihistamines maybe to help get you to sleep, thats what I did. I also found the more I focused on the sleep issue, you know paranoid anticipation, looking at myself under a microscope and fretting when I did have trouble getting to sleep or getting back to sleep the more it intensified. Like a braty kid. So I had 4 or 5 days of sleep issues, then it changed to no problem getting to sleep but woke up at 3:30 a.m. on the dot for about 3 weeks but noticed if I did not panic about "will I be able to get back to sleep" I hit the play button on cd player I keep next to bed pre loaded with soothing music, and wham, I was asleep.


Senior Member
Brookfield, Wisconsin

I have had problems with LDN also. Two things have helped me.

First I switched to mornings.

Secondly, I reduced the dose to .2 mg every other day. I found that the low dose was just as effective as the 1.5 mg that I started on originally. This gives the LDN time to clear out of your system before you take another dose. It seems to take me 3 to 4 days to recover after I have had too much.

I have started and stopped LDN several times, but keep comming back to it, because it does help.

Taking more makes you feel worse, not better. This is not a quick fix, so prepare yourself for a marathon, not a sprint. Slow and steady will work in this case.


Senior Member
jstefl Taking LDN make "you" feel worse, not me, perhaps not mojoey either. He has not been on it long enough to know one way or another. Its true some people do not clear out the LDN quick enough and have to go to lower dose or high dose every other day or once a week etc....it differs from person to person. But I still do not think 3 days is long enough to know. mojoey I really recommend you join the LDN yahoo group if you want information from the best source as to the various ways and times of day etc that people find works. People who have been using it for years on the group and you will learn more on that group that will help you figure it out if you decide to stick with it.


Senior Member
I could not tolerate a very low dose of LDN when I tried it for the first time, but when I started it again I did not have any problem even with higher doses. This time I was also taking Milk Thistle.


Senior Member
I have been on 2 mg of LDN for a month which caused oral candida, My tongue is white and very painful now and I stopped LDN today. So, watch for candida when you are on LDN.