trace, i wanted to thank you for sharing your experience...i haven't heard too many people mention the facial pain as a dominant symptom, and for me it's that and the accompanying constant headaches and neck pain that are absolutely unbearable (and i have found nothing at all to help with). in the past LDN has been something i've dismissed because i seemed to come across lots of people having bad experiences with it. however i have a couple of people encouraging me to give it a try before i reach my 'last option' (pain specialists words) of ketamine. you might just have given me the push i needed to have a proper chat about it with my doctor and see if it is worth a try - so thankyou.
I started taking LDN about a week ago.
I got a prescription from my lovely GP, who even faxed it through to Glasgow for me. The LDN then arrived in the post.
The recommended initial doseage level is 1.5ml, which I took the night it arrived. Oh dear! Palpitations, nauseous, dizziness, extreme brain fog during the night, then barely able to move - leaden limbs, dizziness and constantly falling asleep the next day - awful, horrible, scary!
The following night I dropped the dose to 0.5ml, no bad effects at all, and the facial pressure and pain that I've had for many months seemed to go.
2 nights at 0.5ml, then I upped it to 0.6ml for a couple of days - bit sleepy, bit foggy-brained, and about 20 mins of palpitations at night, but otherwise nothing bad. I've now gone up to 0.75ml - still a bit 'fog bound' and palpitation-y but nothing worse. Still clear of the facial pain etc, and I think, maybe my legs are feeling a bit less 'tight' - I tend to get a lot of calf cramps.
Will creep up to 0.8ml tomorrow, and see what happens.
Hurray! I'm having dreams again - major plus - I seemed to stop dreaming when the ME started.
It does cause sleep disturbance at the moment and I've been avoiding bedtime because of the discomfort of the palpitations. Hopefully I can get round that, or maybe it'll sort itself out in time.
It's not a wonder-drug, so far (about 1 week in, lol), but it's definitely an improvement not having the facial pain and pressure, and, it's often accompanying, dizziness and vertigo.
So, I'd say start at much lower than the recommended initial dose and work up. If there are no bad effects, bump the dose slightly every couple of days?