@Vitalic, I think you might find interesting and plenty of evidence in the article I wrote on LDI, Lyme and CFS, that will for sure give answer to some of your questions:
As for the homeopathic "issue". Well, actually most conditions treated with LDI need an average dose of 6C (1C=1:100 dilution). This is still a very diluted dose, but EPD ("old" version of LDI) has shown in some solid papers (blinded, against placebo) that at these doses, it worked even better than normal specific-antigen-based-immunotherapy for allergies--for instance raising the number of CD8+ cells.
Moreover, I made the maths and some paper showed how dilutions of 8C did promote an efector response (for the regulatory response expected from LDI, the doses must be way lower).
But, let's be realistic. Yes, the range of doses for Lyme patients is incredibly wide: some need a dilution of 25 C, while others need 4C... So..what is going on here? We go from homeopathy to real molecular science? Even in the same patient, whose first dose is 15C and has to work it up until say 6C over time, as he/she gets better?
I really don't have an answer as for why we, ME/CFS patients with Lyme disease might need so diluted doses... I really don't know. But I have been put in bed for weeks after a dose of 21 C (yes, 1:10 ^42 dilution). The "flare" was stronger than the herx I got from ABX... And believe me, it was not placebo... (I'm not that masochistic!
Just showing facts,
Hope it helps,