I'm intrigued by Dr Vincent's work. I've experimented with homeopathy for my Lyme and co and been amazed to discover there seems to be something to it.
At a 30, 60, 90x dilution of borrelia I induced a clear die-off, however the effect faded with subsequent doses. I also saw the vast majority of my symptoms disappear with a single dose of a babesia nosode in the same dilutions. It happened in a matter of hours, but only lasted about a day and a half. Again the effect faded fairly rapidly with subsequent doses. In both cases I tried further dilutions, up to 200C, without discernible effect.
My experience seems to have been the nosode triggering my immune system to go after the bug rather than encouraging tolerance. However I believe it's possible that different dilutions encourage different effects.
Interestingly the nosodes didn't have the effects they did until I was out of a moldy house. I'd noticed a slight effect from the babesia nosode while still in the the house but it wasn't positive or nearly as strong. It may be my system was just too irritated by other exposures for the remedies to really have much effect. So perhaps a shotgun approach including many antigens, as Dr Vincent offers, is the way to go. Indeed he seems to recognize food and environmental sensitivities as being part of the same complex.
I know so many with environmental sensitivities who also seem to have problems with foods, electricity, pathogens (or toxins from pathogens). These reactions often stack up on each other. And yet, curiously, an environment can be problematic for someone at a certain time but not another, or for one person and not another. Similarly there are loads of people with the same infections as I carry who are asymptomatic. The trouble does appear to be with the reactions to the irritants.
All this said, antimicrobials are still my main strategy at the moment. Well that and avoidance of known irritants. Does anyone know if Dr Vincent believes antimicrobials will prevent LDI from working?