Llewlyn King's ME/CFS manifesto


Senior Member
Wow thanks. Im a bit of a movie buff but hadnt heard of either of those before (maybe it's cause Im in Australia?? but still). I'll see if my library can get hold of them or even buy them in.

"Safe" is on veoh, which is a reliable and "safe" hoster to watch fims on. starts with a "mild" sex scene and is rated cert. 15. incidentally, in the film, she got ill following some kind of "fruit diet cleanse".> http://www.veoh.com/watch/v19703480qpt2EJww?h1=Safe (1995, Todd Haynes)

Lymelife is on hulu in the states, and elsewhere, but some may not want to watch it this way cos of the copyright issue.


Senior Member
Ugh - in "Safe", they make MCS out to be some kind of pyschological disorder. The whole time I was watching it, I was thinking, just raise your glutathione levels already. The more methylation supps I take, the better my MCS gets.

hi, do you mean the film portrays it as such (psychological) or some people within the film? her doc mentioned it was psycxhological, which, i felt, was portrayed as being wrong and lacking understanding and of course that stance is experienced by most, if not all, wiyth mcs so depicts a reality.. a few people had issues with the community she joined but also felt that the filmmaker felt similar though tried to remain neutral for the sake of clarifying what these people do. i thought it was real good. edited out, sorry for spoiler..if you read it. the film usually goes down well with folk with mcs from my experience.
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Senior Member
hi, do you mean the film portrays it as such (psychological) or some people within the film? her doc mentioned it was psycxhological, which, i felt, was portrayed as being wrong and lacking understanding and of course that stance is experienced by most, if not all, wiyth mcs so depicts a reality.. a few people had issues with the community she joined but also felt that the filmmaker felt similar though tried to remain neutral for the sake of clarifying what these people do. i thought it was real good. edited out, sorry for spoiler..if you read it. the film usually goes down well with folk with mcs from my experience.

From what I remember, Julianne Moore's character thought the disease was psychological. Although I did like her cute little igloo/safe house. But that wouldn't be necessary if she had the proper treatment - but of course this is Monday morning quarterbacking. At the time of the film, avoidance was probably the only treatment.

It would actually be great to see a documentary on people suffering from MCS and then getting proper treatment and recovering.


Senior Member
she was doing the telling herself she loved herself bit but i dunno, i didn't really get that she thought it was psychological. i haven'y watched it in years. it ticked alot of my experiences like loved ones turning up wreaking of cologne and the conversation was the same id had, and the disbelief from the doc. what i thought she did well, julianne moore, was to hide her natural star type appeal to make herself appear physically weak and vulnerable. she looked like an ill person but without it seeming to be acted but then i think shes a great actress so i might be biased


Senior Member
It would actually be great to see a documentary on people suffering from MCS and then getting proper treatment and recovering.

there is "Alllergic to the 20th century" on youtube. its pretty good though no treatments guaranteeing recovery...one fella recovered living in a tent which i can appreciate why that might be so, i think hes in it.

the vid is not playing for me at the mo


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I can't see the link to the original article on his website, on this thread, so here it is:

A Bold Proposal for a Suffering Community
April 30, 2014
(Both links are for the same article.)

And here's his latest article re ME/CFS:

May 12: A Disease Gets Its Day, but Who Cares?
May 8, 2014
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